
Far West


Southern Hills Hospital & Medical Center

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opioid dependence, drug dependence, addiction, substance-related disorders, opioid-related disorders, surveys, screening tools


Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms | Diagnosis | Family Medicine | Medicine and Health Sciences


  • The United States is currently experiencing an opioid epidemic, which claims 115 lives daily by overdose.
  • Tools for identifying patients at increased risk for abuse include: Screener and Opioid Assessment for Patients with Pain (SOAPP-R) and Opioid Risk Tool (ORT).
  • However, data is lacking for the comparison of the two most commonly used opioid screen tools (SOAPP-R and ORT).
  • We are comparing the effectiveness of these screening tools for patients being discharged from the hospital who have no "red flags" for abuse.

Publisher or Conference

CSAM 2019



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