Frequently Asked Questions | HCA Healthcare Scholarly Commons

Frequently Asked Questions

Scholarly Commons
Teaching Commons

Expert Gallery Suite
Further Questions

Scholarly Commons

What is HCA Healthcare Scholarly Commons? What is in Scholarly Commons?
HCA Healthcare’s Scholarly Commons includes research and scholarship produced by HCA Healthcare affiliated residents, faculty, staff, and other care providers. Scholarly Commons includes journal articles, abstracts, book chapters, books, presentations, conference posters, and other scholarly works by HCA Healthcare affiliated residents, faculty, and other care providers.

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Whose research is included in the HCA Healthcare’s Scholarly Commons? Who can submit content?
Only research produced by HCA Healthcare affiliated residents, faculty, staff, and other care providers. Current HCA Healthcare Graduate Medical Education residents, faculty, and staff can submit their scholarly activity.

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What is included?
Articles, book reviews, posters, presentations, and other scholarly works.

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Is Scholarly Commons available to the public?
HCA Healthcare’s Scholarly Commons is an open repository and most of the content is accessible to anyone on the internet. However, some items submitted to HCA Healthcare’s Scholarly Commons will only be made available to HCA Healthcare affiliated persons.

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Is Scholarly Commons searchable in Google and other search engines?
Yes, HCA Healthcare Scholarly Commons is search-engine optimized and indexed in popular search engines.

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Are all items full-text? How do I obtain full-text access to an article?
No. Due to copyright, many entries in HCA Healthcare’s Scholarly Commons are citation/abstract only. If HCA Healthcare’s Library has access to full-text, the item record will link out to the pertinent publication. If not, you may request a full-text article through interlibrary loan by emailing and we will do our best to find the article for you.

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How do I submit content?
Members of HCA Healthcare's Knowledge Management team will upload publications on the behalf of residents and fellows. If you think we have missed a publication in error, please email Please note that we will be uploading items after they receive approval through PubCLEAR. Though we may do so in the future, we will not actively be adding prior publications at this time.

For published works, if you have transferred your rights to your publisher, you may still be able to publish your work in HCA Healthcare's Scholarly Commons. Please check SHERPA/RoMEO to determine your publisher's policies toward self-archiving/deposit into institutional repositories. If you do not retain the right to deposit your work, we can still post a link to the publisher's version of record, as well as an abstract where allowed. It is your responsibility to inform any co-authors that the work is being submitted to the repository.

For works of authorship created by two or more persons, otherwise known as “joint works,” subject to any applicable publication agreement, a co-author may be able to grant permission, though it is encouraged that you obtain the permission of all co-authors.

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What copyright issues should I be concerned with? How does copyright work with Digital Commons?
Most item records will not include full-text versions of the file unless the author has copyright. Digital Commons provides citation level entries with links to articles published in journals, with the exception of open-access journals. If you have questions regarding copyright, please email

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What is PubCLEAR?
PubCLEAR Is a process used to approve HCA Healthcare publication for external dissemination. This includes peer-reviewed journals, professional society journals and/or blogs, poster presentations, live or recorded presentations, and any public dissemination of HCA Healthcare data. You must receive PubCLEAR approval before releasing data or information outside of HCA Healthcare.

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Who can I contact about my request?
To contact the PubCLEAR administrators, please email Be sure to include your submission ID in all communication with the PubCLEAR team.

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Faculty and residents who need data, statistical support or a project ID can submit a request using the DATACLEAR form. If requesting data, you are required to submit the full version of the research study protocol and evidence of IRB oversight (exemption or approval). After the form is submitted, it will be reviewed for approval. Once approved, the request will be placed in the request queue. Once the request reaches the top of the queue, an analyst will be assigned. If requesting a project ID, you must fill out the applicable fields on the request. After the form is submitted, you will receive a project ID number via email from Administrators of DATACLEAR.

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Who can I contact about my request?
To contact the DATACLEAR administrators, please email Be sure to include your submission ID in all communication with the DATACLEAR team.

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Teaching Commons

What is Teaching Commons?
HCA Healthcare Teaching Commons is an open-access educational repository allowing faculty to discover and share lectures, lesson plans, multimedia, and other course materials.

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What sorts of content can be included in Teaching Commons? What file formats?
All materials related to course curriculum, including: Lectures, Example documents/images, Slides, Lesson plans, etc. Teaching Commons supports a vast array of file types. These include text, data, images, and audio files.

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Who can submit to Teaching Commons?
All HCA Healthcare Graduate Medical Education affiliated users.

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How do I submit to Teaching Commons?
Users are responsible for submitting content. You can submit content using the link in the sidebar or at the following link: "">Submit to Teaching Commons.
Detailed submission instructions can be found here.

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Who owns the copyright to Teaching Commons resources?
HCA Healthcare owns the copyright for all materials created while an author was affiliated with HCA Healthcare Graduate Medical Education.

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How can users find these items?
Teaching Commons/Scholarly Commons is an open access repository. All content is indexed and searchable using popular search engines such as Google. Users can also search or browse content using site navigation.

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I want to submit to Teaching Commons. Do I need to obtain PubCLEAR clearance?
These items will be published externally; per HCA Healthcare policy, they need to be cleared for release. Rather than submitting content for PubCLEAR before submitting to Teaching Commons, users will submit directly to Teaching Commons. Site administrators will manage the clearance process within Teaching Commons.

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How is content validity verified?
Materials deemed clinically advanced will be reviewed by subject matter experts.

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What is the lifecycle of content? Do items expire?
Content will be reviewed and outdated content will be archived.

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What happens if an author is no longer affiliated with HCA Healthcare?
When an author leaves HCA Healthcare, the work from their time at HCA Healthcare will remain in Scholarly Commons but future citations will not be added.

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Who can I contact with additional questions?
For questions about Teaching Commons, please email

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Expert Gallery Suite (EGS)

What is Expert Gallery Suite (EGS)?
Expert Gallery Suite highlights individual residents, faculty, and researchers at HCA Healthcare. Profiles are created and maintained by the HCA Healthcare GME Knowledge Management staff.

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Who maintains my Expert Gallery Suite Profile?
The HCA Healthcare Knowledge Management Team will maintain your EGS profile. Please submit any changes or corrections to your profile to

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Further Questions

What happens if an author is no longer affiliated with HCA Healthcare?
When an author leaves HCA Healthcare, the work from their time at HCA Healthcare will remain in Scholarly Commons but future citations will not be added.

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Who do I contact with additional questions?
For questions about PubCLEAR, please email For questions regarding Scholarly Commons, email

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Can someone give me or my department a demo of Scholarly Commons?
Please email with your request. We'll be happy to arrange something.

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I am a rights holder and believe I have found material on Scholarly Commons that has been posted without my permission. Who do I contact?
If you are a rights holder and are concerned that you have found material on HCA Healthcare Scholarly Commons without your permission and believe our inclusion of this material on the Scholarly Commons Website violates your rights (e.g. inclusion is not covered by the Fair Use or other exemption to a copyright holder’s rights), please contact and include the following:
  • Your contact information (including email address and phone),
  • Exact URL where you found the material,
  • Details that describe the material (title, collection name, number of items, etc.),
  • The reason why you believe that your rights have been violated, with any pertinent documentation,
  • A statement that you in good faith believe that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law, and
  • A statement that the information in your notification is accurate and that you are the rights holder or are authorized to act on behalf of the owner.

Upon receipt of a request, a member of the Knowledge Management Team will:

  • Promptly acknowledge the request via email or other means of communication if you do not have an email account;
  • Assess the validity of the request;
  • Upon request, we may temporarily remove the material from public view while we assess the concern.
Upon completion of the assessment, we will take appropriate action and communicate that action to you.

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