Submissions from 2020
Acute Unilateral Oculomotor Nerve Palsy as the Initial Presenting Sign of Nonfunctioning Apoplectic Gonadotroph Adenoma, Salem Gaballa, Jane Lindsay, Avan Aljaf, Kyaw M. Hlaing, and Kashyap Patel
Got Beef, with Beef: Ulcerative Colitis Remission Coinciding With an Alpha-Gal Compliant Diet, Jane Lindsay MD, Youssef Soliman MD, and Mohamed Sageer MD
The Impact of COVID-19 on Admission Rates for Individuals with Substance Use Disorders, Devin J. McDonald, Linda Zhang, and William Brady DeHart
Impending Cardiac Tamponade as the Initial Manifestation of BCR-ABL Positive Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, Safa Moursy, Salem Gaballa MD, AmeenJamal Ahmed, Kyaw M. Hlaing, and Brijesh Patel
A Case of Simpson-Golabi-Behmel Syndrome Presenting with Cutaneous Findings, Tessa B. Mullins, Abigail Russell, and Chad Johnston
A Case of Simpson-Golabi-Behmel Syndrome Presenting with Cutaneous Findings, Tessa Mullins, Abigail Russell, and Chad Johnston
Initial Evaluation of a Wellness Game, Bing Parkinson and Bruce St. Amour
Diagonal 1 and Mid-LAD Myocardial Bridge with Elevated Troponin Enzymes, Ronak Patel DO
A Quality Intervention to Reduce Telemetry, Alina Polonsky MD, Abdullah Alcharif MD, and Andrew Maiolo MD
Cutaneous Manifestations of COVID-19: Case Report and Discussion, Abigail Russell, Gary Gross, and Vashist Nobbee
Progressive collateral stenosis leading to symptomatic chronic total occlusion, Farhan Shah and Andrew Maiolo
Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure Nurse/Medical Resident Physician Collaboration, Bruce St. Amour and W. Brady DeHart
Magic Medicine, Bruce St. Amour and William B. DeHart
Promoting Resident Emotional Health Meaningful Connections: An Evaluation of a Wellness Game, Bruce St. Amour and William B. DeHart
A Case Study on Toxoplasmosis: Ocular Disease, Caleb A. Vass and Elliot Freed
Time for Some Drugs or Drugs for Some Time, Linda Zhang, Lauren Wilson, and Benjamin Pierce
Submissions from 2019
Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders: A Case of Illness Anxiety Disorder in a Young Relatively Treatment Naive African American Male, Linda Zhang, Richard P. Leggett, Harrison Ross Galicki, and William B. DeHart