Submissions from 2024
Atypical Presentation of Cutaneous Malignancies in Darker Skin., Alexandra Mathis, Alex Harrison, and Chris Harmon
Longstanding red, lobular nodule on an elderly male's thigh., Abigail L. Meckley, Kiera Martin, Cindy L Davis, Karthik Krishnamurthy, and Angelia L Stepien
Dermoscopic Features of Clear Cell Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Michelle Militello and Sarah Ferrer-Bruker
Submissions from 2023
Gender and Leadership: Continued Progress in Academic Dermatology, Preetha Kamath, Nallammai Muthiah, Anisha Venkatesh, and Melissa Pugliano-Mauro
Beyond the Norm: A Case of Prolonged Mpox Virus Infection, Paola Torres-Laboy, Michelle Militello, Rachel Dykes, and Karthik Krishnamurthy
Submissions from 2022
Treatment-Resistant Pemphigoid Following SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination, Stefanie Altmann, Dominique Jacobs, Thomas M. Brown Jr, Preetha Kamath, and Karthik Krishnamurthy
Mucocutaneous Candida Infections in Immunocompromised Patients, Adam Chahine, Sarah Farooqi, Anna Marzvanyan, Mary Michael, Arianne Chavez-Frazier, and Nilmarie Guzman
Rapidly Evolving Papulonodular Eruption in the Axilla, Saira Khan, Thomas M. Brown Jr, Angelia L Stepien, and Karthik Krishnamurthy
The Legacy of Daisy Maude Orleman-Robinson: The First Woman Dermatologist in the United States, Nallammai Muthiah, Anisha Venkatesh, and Preetha Kamath
Skin of Color Dermatology Representation in American College of Mohs Surgery Educational Cases on Instagram: Content Analysis, Morgan Zueger, Paige Nahod, Nathaniel A. Marroquin, Mindy D Szeto, Hamza Ajmal, Olnita Martini, Colin Burnette, Alyssa P. Quinn, Garrett Furth, Michelle Militello, and Robert P. Dellavalle
Submissions from 2021
Cutaneous Type Pemphigus Vulgaris of the Scalp: A Rare Unilesional Presentation, Stefanie Lynn Altmann, Adam Chahine, Jarrett Casale, Jessica Forbes, and Sarah Ferrer-Bruker
Coexisting Pediatric Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis and Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome, Cassandra Beard, Rafael Mojica, Sarah Ferrer-Bruker, and Karthik Krishnamurthy DO
Primary Cutaneous Epidermotropic Marginal Zone B-cell Lymphoma Treated With Total Skin Electron Beam Therapy, Blake W. Boudreaux, Meera H Patel, Caitlin M Brumfiel, Jake Besch-Stokes, David J DiCaudo, Fiona Craig, Allison C Rosenthal, William G Rule, Mark R Pittelkow, and Aaron R Mangold
Cutaneous Endometriosis: A Case Report, Alan Wong, Stefanie Altmann, and Karthik Krishnamurthy
Submissions from 2020
Management and Referral Patterns in Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis: A Survey of Pediatric Healthcare Professionals, Courtney Bernett, Emma Hignett, and Pearl Kwong
The Role of Adhesives in Dermatologic Surgery: Tips, Tricks and Review, Adam Chahine, Stefanie Lynn Altmann, Mariam Salman, and Karthik Krishnamurthy
Comparison of racial distribution of photodermatoses in USA academic dermatology clinics: A multicenter retrospective analysis of 1080 patients over a 10-year period., Remi Hamel, Tasneem F Mohammad, Adam Chahine, Andrew Joselow, Garrett Vick, Stella Radosta, Erin Boh, Maria Alora-Palli, Rachel L Mistur, Elma D Baron, Kevin D Cooper, and Henry W Lim