Carbon Dioxide Narcosis
East Florida
St. Lucie Medical Center
Document Type
Review Article
Publication Date
Hypercapnia, CO2, coma, COPD, lung diseases
Emergency Medicine | Pulmonology
Hypercapnia, a state of elevated serum carbon dioxide (CO2), can manifest as a broad spectrum of disease, the most severe of which is CO2 narcosis. The delineating feature of CO2 narcosis is a depressed level of consciousness. It is essential to recognize impending or current CO2 narcosis; if left untreated, it can result in coma or death. This article primarily focuses on CO2 narcosis, but it is crucial to appreciate that hypercapnia has multiple end-organ effects that contribute to the patient's deterioration. Many etiologies contribute to hypercapnia; the most commonly encountered is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Treatment is focused on fixing the underlying cause and demands an interprofessional approach to optimize patient outcomes.
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Recommended Citation
Drechsler M, Morris J. Carbon Dioxide Narcosis. [Updated 2019 Dec 17]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2019 Jan-. Available from: