Adult Mesenteric Lymphangioma Resulting in Small Bowel Obstruction.




Swedish Medical Center

Document Type

Case Report

Publication Date



acute care surgery, adult lymphangioma, benign abdominal mass, emergent general surgery, general surgery, mesenteric cystic lymphangioma, mesenteric mass, small bowel volvulus


Digestive System Diseases | Medicine and Health Sciences | Neoplasms | Surgery


A mesenteric cystic lymphangioma (MCL) is a rare condition that primarily manifests in children. This case report illustrates an unusual presentation of an MCL causing a small bowel obstruction with volvulus in an adult. We present a 31-year-old male who presented to our hospital with a small bowel obstruction. He underwent laparotomy, and a lymphatic mass acting as a lead point and causing small bowel volvulus was discovered intra-operatively. The patient underwent a small bowel with associated mass resection and primary anastomosis; he recovered well. The final pathology demonstrated an MCL. Despite the MCL being a rare entity in adults, it must be considered as the differential for various abdominal pathologies. Although the majority of these masses lack malignant potential, they should be resected, as they pose a risk of mechanical obstruction, torsion, and perforation. Prior descriptions include individual case reports of symptomatic lesions, proposed non-operative management, and follow-up imaging.

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