
Submissions from 2022


Accuracy of the GRACE Score in Predicting Mortality in Patients with COVID-19, Keyvan Amini Noghondar, Jazmine Duran, Megan Stevens, Brendon Cornett, and Daniel Ortiz


Right Lower Extremity Phlegmasia Cerulea Dolens Due to Iliotibial Vein Thrombosis With Compartment Syndrome and Circulatory Shock: Case Report and Review, Kingsley Dah, Ike Ogbu, Chinedu Ngwudike, and Maanas Tripathi

Submissions from 2021


Systemic Vasospasms Induced by Vasopressor Therapy Resulting in Diffuse Tissue Necrosis and Death: A Case Report and Review of the Literature, Muhammad U. Arian, Christopher S. Medina, George Matus, Akash Hazari, Luis Chozet, and Fahad Omar

Submissions from 2019


Non-Incarcerated Inguinal Hernia with Sigmoidal Diverticulitis, Umair J. Khan, Ali Hassan, Kingsley Dah, M Lambing, and P Mathew