A 25-Year-Old Man with a History of Substance Abuse Presenting with Pneumomediastinum Due to Methamphetamine Vapor Inhalation




LewisGale Medical Center

Document Type

Case Report

Publication Date



illicit drugs, Methamphetamine, Pneumomediastinum, Diagnostic


Internal Medicine | Medicine and Health Sciences | Respiratory Tract Diseases


BACKGROUND: There has been an increase in the use of inhalation methods to abuse drugs, including freebasing crack cocaine (alkaloid) and inhaling methamphetamine vapor. This report is of a 25-year-old man with a history of substance abuse presenting with pneumomediastinum due to methamphetamine vapor inhalation. Acute pneumomediastinum is an extremely rare complication of methamphetamine use.

CASE REPORT: A 25-year-old man was treated for polysubstance abuse following 9 days of methamphetamine abuse. EKG did not show any ST &T change. D-dimer was normal, at 0.4 mg/L, so we did not do further work-up for pulmonary embolism. His chest pain worsened in the Emergency Department (ED), and a physical exam demonstrated crepitation of the posterior neck, trapezius, and right scapula. A portable chest X-ray revealed subcutaneous air over the right scapular region, in addition to pneumomediastinum. The urine drug screen test was positive for methamphetamine. A chest CT was ordered, which showed a moderate-volume pneumomediastinum with soft-tissue air tracking into the lower neck and along the right chest wall. The patient underwent an esophagogram, which showed no air leak, and Boerhaave’s syndrome was ruled out. His symptoms improved and he did not require any surgical intervention.

CONCLUSIONS: Considering the higher rates of illicit substance use, especially methamphetamine, it is important to pay attention to the associated pathologies and to keep spontaneous pneumomediastinum on the list of differentials for patients using methamphetamine, particularly those who inhale it, which can cause pneumomediastinum, even without Boerhaave’s syndrome.

Publisher or Conference

American Journal of Case Reports
