The Annual HCA Fall Research Day on November 13th was a success, with several hundred virtual participants and attendees!
This forum continues to provide a high-level outlet for physicians and medical students to present novel contributions to clinical practice and medical knowledge. There were 219 presentations from 32 programs across 8 hospitals in the EFL division. Presentations spanned 7.5 hours over 4 virtual tracks and were arranged by specialty. Presenters had 5 minutes to present their posters orally, followed by 2 minutes of questions from the audience giving each presenter a chance to present their work orally and interact with the audience in real time. We were thrilled to see high levels of participation and engagement from the audience. The top 3 data-based and educational presentations were awarded.
Winners - Data-based
- 1st Place: Differences in Clinical Interventions and Outcomes in Septic Patients with Heart Failure A Prospective Single Center Experience from the SEPSISQUAD Investigators; Dr. Jose Rodriguez Castro, Dr. Manjot Malhi, Dr. Rafael Miret, Dr. Kristen Santana, Dr. Anna Feliszek, Dr. Kevin Gopala Rao, Dr. Lyanne Rolon Rosario, Garrett Wagner, Dr. Siddarth Kathuria, Dr. Raiko Diaz, Dr. Daniel Heller, and Dr. Mauricio Danckers
- 2nd Place: A1C Control and PHQ-9 in Type 2 Diabetes; Dr. Kenoviah Heron and Dr. Julia Fashner
- 3rd Place: Evaluating the Impact of Early Palliative Care Consultation on 30-and 90-Day Readmissions Among Patients with Decompensated Cirrhosis: A National Perspective; Dr. Aya Akhras, Dr. Saadia Nabi, Dr. Kristen Santana, Dr. Mohammed Akram, Dr. Mahesh Tummala, Dr. Carmen Tormo Carrillo, Dr. Luis Santiago Zayas, Dr. Waseem Wahood, Dr. Sinay Ceballos, Dr. Deannys Batista, Dr. Alisha Menon, Dr. Bernardo Reyes, and Dr. Franklin Kasmin
Winners - Educational
- 1st Place: Digoxin Toxicity in Alcohol Intoxication; Dr. Manuel Jimenez, Dr. Eliann Reinhardt, and Dr. Bryan Curry
- 2nd Place: Unusual Case of Repeat Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Migration with Skin Erosion; Dr. Brenda Abreu Molnar, Dr. Priya Mohan, and Dr. Nicholas Hanabergh
- 3rd Place: Ossifying Fibroma (OF) and Central Giant Cell Granuloma (CGCG), a Hybrid Tumor in the Maxilla; Dr. Jason Phung, Dr. Robert Bender, and Dr. Susanna Ferra
Range of Motion of Medial Column Joints after Proximal Hallux Valgus Correction Procedures
Chris Zimmer, Blake Lieberman, and Warren Windram
Comminuted Talar Neck and Body Fracture: A Case Report
Chris Zimmer, Roshni Patel, and Warren Windram
Format: Case study
Length of follow up: 12 months
Level of evidence: IV
Classification: Trauma
Purpose: A combination of talar neck and body fractures are extremely rare which make up approximately <1% of all fractures in the body. They are most commonly associated with high energy trauma such as falling from a great height, motor vehicle accident, etc. Talar fractures are challenging problems to treat in terms of fixation, rates of avascular necrosis and much more. The purpose of this case report is to demonstrate that even with a severe talar fracture salvage is possible with proper surgical technique and understanding of the unique fracture pattern.
Case study: One patient underwent ORIF of a comminuted talar neck and body fracture with a lateral bridge plate and medial based interfragmentary compression screw.
Procedures: Open reduction internal fixation of talar neck and body fracture.
Results: 1 patient who demonstrated clinical and radiographic signs of healing of a talar neck and body fracture.
Analysis & Discussions: The rates of avascular necrosis of talar neck and body fractures varies in the literature, however the general consensus is that for hawkins type 2 talar neck fractures the risk of avascular necrosis is 50%. We demonstrate an isolated case report on a rare variant of a hawkins type 2 talar neck/body fracture that healed and did not have avascular necrosis. With stable strong fixation, and careful anatomic dissection excellent outcomes can be accomplished with patients who suffer a similar type injury.