Medical City Arlington Internal Medicine Residency | HCA Healthcare Internal Medicine Programs | HCA Healthcare


Posters from 2023


A Case of Erythema Nodosum, Mahmood Ahmad and Sunitha Valayil


Outpatient Breast Cancer Screening Documentation, Christoffer A. Amdahl and Jeremy Smith


PHQ -9 Utilization in the Primary Care Setting, Michael Armstrong, Ramisa Rahman, Ceferino Cruz IV, and Afsha Rais Kaisani


Low-grade Adenosquamous Carcinoma of the Breast in a Pregnant Patient: Case Report and Literature Review, David Bassa, Makenzie Morrissey, Adewuni Ojo, and Adeel Raza


A Residency Wellness Survey: Understanding Baseline Resident Wellness: Developing Residency Program Specific Wellness Interventions, Andrew H. Cushing and Michele McCarroll


Does Brief Intervention in the Form of a Lecture Improve Resident Knowledge About Hep C Screening?, Mary DaCosta, Evelyn Chicas, Kiana Clem, and Shelby Collymore


51-Year-Old Female with Epistaxis and Generalized Weakness for 2 Months Diagnosed with RPGN, Meihuan Lin


A Rare Case of Rapidly Progressive CLL/SLL Presenting as Bilateral Tonsillar Enlargement and Upper Airway Obstruction, William Mangin and Kashif Aslam


Decreasing rate of CLABSI at Medical City North Hills with Implementation of a “Central Line Cart”, William Mangin, Hong Lou, and David Maldonado


It Wasn’t a Duck: A Case of the Misdiagnosis of Ketoacidosis, Shiva Mohan, Brandon Vu, and Danielle Ford


Electrolyte Abnormalities and Seizure Like Activity Unmasking an Underlying Rare Genetic Disorder, Riddhiben Patel, Andrew Cushing, Amnah Andrabi, and Sathish Karmegam


The Domino Effect: Spontaneous Abortions as a Sequela of Eisenmenger Syndrome, Riddhiben Patel, Anas Hamadeh, Laura Montoya, and Senthil Thambidorai


A Rare Case of Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava Discovered During an Intracardiac Echocardiography Procedure, Riddhi H. Patel and Bilal Ayub


Rare Presentation of Primary Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor of the Femur in Neurofibromatosis-1, Akshaj Pole, Danielle Ford, and Elizabeth Pollard


An Interesting Case of Suppurative Thrombophlebitis and Perivascular Abscesses as a Cause of Complicated MRSA Bacteremia, Ramya Ramachandran, Punjan Patel, Nasima Mehraban, and Win Leth Shwe Yee


COVID-19 Masking an Atypical presentation of Hairy Cell Leukemia, Kahmalia-Kalee Sada


Extraintestinal Salmonellosis Unmasked in a Parotid Mass, Kahmalia-Kalee Sada


Early Diagnosis of Purulent Pericarditis Secondary to Methicillin-Sensitive Staphylococcus Aureus in an End-Stage Renal Disease Patient, Stephen Shey, Alejandro Espinosa-Tello, and Amnah Andrabi


An Unusual Presentation of Subcutaneous Inguinal Hematoma Mimicking Ovarian Torsion: A Case Report and Review of Literature, Chrystal Stallworth, Victoria Panzanaro, and Timothy Kremer


West Nile Virus Encephalitis with Status Epilepticus Treated with High-Dose Steroids: A Case Study, Sherwin Thomas and Sawroop Sandhu


An Interesting Twist: An Adult Midgut Volvulus Presenting as a Transverse Colon Volvulus, Both Rare Phenomena, Allison Walworth and Danielle Ford


Euglycemic Diabetic Ketoacidosis Secondary to SGLT2 Inhibitors in Combination with a Low-Carbohydrate Diet, George Yeung, Nhi Duong, Akshaj Pole, Benjamin Larsen, and Syed Ahmed