
Submissions from 2020


Osteopoikilosis: Rare case with incidental radiographic findings, Azin Azarfar, Hiffsa Taj, and Michael Seifert


Liver Imaging, Shahrzad Azizaddini and Nisha Mani


Physician perceptions about goals of care of hospitalized patients with malignancies, Nino Balanchivadze, Alexander A. Slota, Andrew Mangano DO, Adam Kudirka, and Yaser Alkhatib


Acute Ischemic Stroke as the Presenting Feature of COVID-19 in the Young and Pregnant, Nermila A. Ballmick, Jiri F. Kubac, and Hossein Akhondi


Methamphetamine Associated Cardiovascular Complications, Andrew Barnes MD, Alina Babar, Rony Shah, Samantha Williams, Olu Oyesanmi, and Jeffery Jordan MD


Thyrotoxic Periodic Paralysis: An Incidental Diagnosis!, Jennifer Batch Joudi MD, Muhammad Jahngir, and Ismael Rodriguez MD


Fulminant Myonecrosis From a Minor Puncture Wound Leading to Hip Disarticulation: A Rare Case of Clostridium septicum Gas Gangrene, Saptarshi Biswas and Emma Morel MS3


Bradycardia in the Setting of Gastric Sarcoidosis, Kameron Black MPH, Michelle Levine DO, Rage Geringer MD, Gregory Hicks MD, and Oliwier Dziadkowiec


A Large Epiglottic Cyst Complicated by Acute Airway Obstruction in an Adult Patient with History of Electronic Cigarette Use: A Case Report, Anamarys Blanco MD and Justin Reed


Internal Medicine Residents and the Practice of Defensive Medicine: A Pilot Study Across Three Internal Medicine Residency Programs, Saif Borgan, Laniel Romeus, Saleh Rahman, and Abdo Asmar


Budd-Chiari Syndrome from a Tunneled-Dialysis Catheter?, Ifrah Butt MD, Kairavee D. Dave MD, Lucas Rindy DO, Arash Zarrin DO, Livasky Concepcion MD, Daniel Heller MD, Franklin Kasmin MD, Steven Kaplan MD, and John Rivas MD


Alosetron, Ifrah Butt and Franklin Kasmin


Pituitary Cancer, Wajeeha Saeed Butt and Vijay N. Srinivasan


Inebriated Liver Causing Mesangial Turmoil, Luis Caraballo, Adalberto Gonzalez, Joel Brooks Tamayo, Evelyn Bryon, Jose Pantaleon, and Jose Gascon


Periodic Paralysis Syndromes: A T3 Thyrotoxicosis Etiology Presentation and Review of Literature, Alex Chao and Hossein Akhondi


An Unusual Case of Severe Metabolic Acidosis in MICU: SGLT2 Inhibitor-Associated Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Hongchuan H. Coville MD, Andrea Ramirez, and Christopher Bray


Diabetic Cardiomyopathy: Understanding the Independent Relationship Between Diabetes and Heart Failure, W. Tyler Crawley, Rage Geringer MD, Jason Snarr DO, Elizabeth Hicks MD, and Oliwier Dziadkowiec


Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Developing After a Coral Snake Bite: A Case Report, Elis Cruz Salcedo, Anamarys Blanco, and Justin Reed


The Role of Nutrition in Promoting Gut Health and Treating Chronic Illness Through the Attenuation of Inflammation, Allison Dalton


A Decerebrating Female: A Rare Presentation of Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis Due to Measles, Natasha Del Rio, Yordan Orive, Andres Sobrado, Ruben Cabrera, Ilde Manuel Lee, Troy Hoang, Sherard LaCaille, Ricardo Garcia-Rivera, and Robert Hernandez


Metastatic Lung Cancer to the Distal Finger Presenting as Osteomyelitis, Liza G. Diramerian, Edward Griffin MD, Ken Pendergrast, Edward Arsura, and Marigny Roberts


Metastatic Small-Cell Lung Cancer Presenting as Primary Adrenal Insufficiency, Shawn B. Esperti, Austen Stoelting, Nicolina Scibelli, David Moccia, Dveet Patel, Andrew Mangano, and Michael Haughton


Metastatic Small Cell Lung Cancer Presenting as Primary Adrenal Insufficiency, Shawn Esperti, Nicolina Scibelli, and David Moccia


A Rare Case of an Immunocompetent Male With Zoster Meningitis, Mohammad Faluk MD, Shraddhadevi Makadia MD, Ramy Abdelmaseih, S. Mustajab Hasan MD, and Khalid Abusaada MD


Rare Etiology of Renal Failure in a 25-Year-Old Caucasian Man: Fabry Disease With a Novel Mutation of GLA Gene, Salem Gaballa, Avan Aljaf, Jane Lindsay, Kashyap Patel, and Kyaw M. Hlaing


Choked Vein: Unusual Etiology of Extensive Deep Vein Thrombosis., Salem Gaballa, Kyaw M Hlaing, Nadine Bos, Gretchen Junko, and Abdullah Alcharif


Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis Presenting As Unexplained Chronic Abdominal Pain, Salem Gaballa, Kyaw M Hlaing, Nathan Mahler, Richard SR Hargrove, and Marigny Roberts


A Rare Case of Immune-Mediated Primary Adrenal Insufficiency With Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Antigen-4 Inhibitor Ipilimumab in Metastatic Melanoma of Lung and Neck of Unknown Primary., Salem Gaballa, Kyaw M. Hlaing, Nathan Mahler, Safa Moursy, and AmeenJamal Ahmed


Carney Syndrome: A Family No Longer Cursed, Samantha Gelman MD, Andrew Benin, Rita Ishkhanian, Harjeet P. Singh, Jyotsna Sharma, and Rajesh Gulati MD


An Atypical Presentation of IVC Thrombosis, Samantha Gelman MD, Gregory Shimizu MD, and Rajesh Gulati MD


Assessment of Guideline Recommended Anti-Coagulation Rates for Atrial Fibrillation in an Outpatient Resident Clinic, Kanav Gupta MD, Emily Langnas DO, Zahra Khaled, Travis Tagami DO, and Alexandra Halalau MD


Salivary Gland Choristoma: A Rare Finding at the Gastroesophageal Junction., Rachel Hanke, Isin Y. Comba, Richard Henriquez, Maria W Crespo, and Lakhinder Bhatia


A Five Chambered Heart, George Hanna, Javad Savoj, Syed Iftikhar, Scott Kubomoto, and Patrick Hu


Seizure as an Initial Presentation for Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome in Undiagnosed Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Lupus Nephritis: A Case Report, Ethan Hartman, Kubra Tuna, Elio P. Monsour MD, Karthikram Komanduri, and Aneta Tarasiuk-Rusek


Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis, Ashan Hatharasinghe, Hossein Akhondi, and Don Pepito


Comparative Analysis of Three-Dimensional Volume Rendering and Maximum Intensity Projection for Preoperative Planning in Liver Cancer., Joyce L. Ho, Anuja Konda, Jawaria Rahman, Elan Harris, Ron Korn, Aqsa Sabir, Basil Bawany, Rajesh Gulati, Gordon J Harris, William D Boswell, Yuman Fong, and Syed Rahmanuddin


Adverse Childhood Experiences as Predictors of Perceived Health: Assessing the ACE Pyramid Model Using Multiple-Mediation, Phillip Hughes and Tabitha L. Ostrout


Severe Malaria due to Plasmodium Falciparum, Hamid Hussaini, Rage Geringer MD, Gregory Hicks MD, and Oliwier Dziadkowiec


Giant 75mm Intracranial Aneurysm Masquerading as Primary Malignancy, Andrew W. Hwang, Satvir Dhillon MD, and Remus Popa


Atypical Case of Burkitt’s Lymphoma/Leukemia Presenting with Cranial Nerve Palsy, Asma Jamil MD, Rajesh Gulati MD, Ayesha Jamil MD, and Abu Tahir M. Taha


Cervical Osteomyelitis: Unique Presentation And Fatal Outcome, Asma Jamil MD, Ayesha Jamil MD, Scott Kubomoto MD, and Liliana Crisan MD


A Case Regarding The Aftermath Of Acupuncture, Asma Jamil MD, Ibrahim Talab, Dietrich Schlueter MD, and Scott Kubomoto


Cosmetovigilance: A New Concept for Residency Curriculum, Jennifer Jones and Hale Z. Toklu


Interest in linkage to PrEP among people who inject drugs accessing syringe services; Miami, Florida., Young Jo, Tyler S Bartholomew, Susanne Doblecki-Lewis, Allan Rodriguez, David W Forrest, Jasmine Tomita-Barber, Juan Oves, and Hansel E Tookes


Critical Limb Ischemia Leading to Bilateral Above-Knee Amputations in a Young Patient with a Mechanical Heart Valve, Shiwani Kamath, Abid Ulhaque, Rias Ali, and Johnathan Frunzi


Adrenocortical Carcinoma: A Stressful Diagnosis, Shabnam Khoie DO and Dmitriy Scherbak DO


ANCA-Associated Vasculitis and Systemic Manifestations with Volatile Solvent Exposure, Andrea Kieffer MD, Paul Judiscak DO, Rob Heineman DO, Craig Murk, and Dmitriy Scherbak DO


Dog Scratch Fever Secondary to Capnocytophaga Species in a Patient Without Risk Factors, Linda C. Klumpp MD, Gustine Liu-Young MD, James Craig MD, Leonard Hamera MD, Jeffrey Jordan MD, Srinivas Dantuluri DO, and Sunoj Abraham MD


Autosensitization due to Pediculosis Capitis (a “Pediculid”) in a 16-Year Old Female: A Case Report, Logan Kolb, Emma Hignett, and Pearl Kwong


Hallux Valgus, James Kuhn and Farhan Alvi


Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, James Kuhn and Tariq Sharman


A Rare Case of Hypereosinophilic Syndrome-Induced Shower Thrombus Responsive to Nilotinib, Elise Lambird, Arun Amble, Dharti R. Patel MD, Elizabeth Henderson MD, and Salman Muddassir


Low Dose Clenbuterol Toxicity: Case Report and Review of Literature, Kenneth Lan, Adarsh Saheba, and Paul Mathew


Acute Colonic Pseudo-Obstruction After Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Placement for Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus, Cherry Liu, Daniel Smerin, Isin Y. Comba, and Lakhinder Bhatia MD


Surgical Management of Necrotic Wounds Following Rituximab Therapyfor Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia: A Case Report, Kyle Lockhart, Ernesto Quinto, and Larwrence Ferber


Catch 22 : To Anticoagulate or Not to Anticoagulate, Muhammad Madkour and Patrick Hu


Human Papillomavirus Positive Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Rectum, Shraddhadevi Makadia, Ishan Patel, and Khalid Abusaada


First Case of Nocardia pseudobrasiliensis Causing Primary Cutaneous Nocardiosis in an Immunocompetent Patient, Shraddhadevi Makadia, Ishan Patel, Ivan Soosaipillai, and Aneta Tarasiuk-Rusek


A Case of Amiodarone Pulmonary Toxicity with Short-term Amiodarone Use, Abigail McDonald


A Case of Isolated Intracranial Fibromuscular Dysplasia, Abigail McDonald


A Case of Plesiomonas Bacteremia Without Reported Freshwater Exposure, Abigail E. McDonald


Phlegmasia Cerulea Dolens in May Thurner Syndrome: A Threat to Life & Limb, Matt McMaster, Rage Geringer MD, Gregory Hicks MD, and Oliwier Dziadkowiec


Vitamin E, Jacquelyn Medina DO and Vikas Gupta


Genomic and Molecular Profiling in Thyroid Nodules with Benign Cytology, Oranus Mohammadi, Lacey Avila, Alex Breslin, Edmond Benedetti, Karen Toronczyk, Katayoon Behshid, Daniel Weingrad, and Seza Gulec


Cancer, Glomus (Glomangioma), Oranus Mohammadi and Manuel Suarez


Rosai-Dorfman Disease and Unusual Local Invasive Presentation., Oranus Mohammadi, Miriam Zylberglait, Divy Mehra, Reza Pishdad, and Seza Gulec


A Rare Case of Severe Hypercalcemia Secondary to Atypical Parathyroid Cystic Adenoma with Negative Sestamibi Scan, Elio P. Monsour, Faysal Rifai, Jay Chacko, Alan Hamza, and Khalid Abusaada


Cutaneous leishmaniasis in a 65-year-old North Texas male, treated with cryotherapy: A case report., Daniel A. Nguyen DO, Jean Elizze M. Charles, J Trace Worrell, and Dustin V. Wilkes


Industry payments to hospitalist physicians: a 5-year analysis of the Open Payments programme from 2014 to 2018., Krishna C Pakanati, Suman Siddamreddy, Krishna Nalleballe, Vaishali Thombre, Sen Sheng, Karthika Veerapaneni, Sisira Yadala, Nidhi Kapoor, Vasuki Dandu, Akshay Avula, Sreenath Meegada, and Praveen Bere


Cardiovascular Considerations of Experimental Hydroxychloroquine Therapy on Patients Diagnosed With COVID-19: A Case Series Review, Jay D. Patel DO, Radhika Patel, Lyd-Marie Rodriguez-Garcia, Anamarys Blanco, and Alan Hamza


Empyema Caused by Kocuria Kristinae, an Emerging Pathogen for Respiratory Infections, Shani Patel, Aaron Jaffe MD, Hamish S. Patel DO, Murkesh Patel, and Andrew Jung MD


Clinical Conundrum in a Rare Case of Acinetobacter Baumannii Endocarditis of a Mechanical Mitral Valve, Shani Patel, Katie Tribuls, Aaron Jaffe MD, Mili Shah DO, and Domenick Sorresso


Medical Ethics and the Biopsychosocial Model for Patient Care: A Case Analysis for Improved Communication, Clinical Time, and Error Avoidance., Dharam Persaud-Sharma, Marien Govea, and Robert Hernandez


Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura, Nicole M. Pietras and Anthony L. Pearson-Shaver


A Quality Intervention to Reduce Telemetry, Alina Polonsky MD, Abdullah Alcharif MD, and Andrew Maiolo MD


Calcium Alkali Thiazide Syndrome: What We Need to Know, Mehboob A. Rehan MD, Asma Rashid MD, Kenneth Krell, Cristina Gabutti, and Reema Singh


Calcium Alkali Thiazide Syndrome, Mehboob A. Rehan MD, Asma Rashid MD, Reema Singh MD, Gabutti Cristina, Luma Mohsin MD, Tausha Allen MD, Paul Stanford MD, and James Thomson MD


How Deep is Too Deep?, Dietrich Schlueter MD, Asma Jamil MD, Ibrahim Talab, Samia Faiz, and Scott Kubomoto MD


Facilitators and Barriers associated with Mentoring Relationships from Medical Students’ Perspective – A Multi-Institutional Cross-Sectional Study, Andrew Sephien, Leigh Hatch, Jordan Karsch, Karim Hanna, Ambuj Kumar, and Danielle Gulick


For (Nano) Rules and Regulations: The Learning Curve., Farooq A Shiekh, Abdul Hameed, Omar Farooq, and Muhammad Uzair Lodhi


Ruptured Subcapsular Liver Hematoma: A Rare Complication of HELLP Syndrome., Pratishtha Singh, Kayle M. Warren, and Victor Collier


Magic Medicine, Bruce St. Amour and William B. DeHart


Cannabis Butane Hash Oil Dabbing Induced Lung Injury Mimicking Atypical Pneumonia, Danica Stephens, Jinal K. Patel, Debra Angelo, and Johnathan Frunzi


Sarcoidosis presenting as massive splenomegaly and severe epistaxis, case report, Austen Stoelting, Shawn Esperti, Nino Balanchivadze, Valentino Piacentino, and Andrew Mangano


Fusobacterium necrophorum Septicemia Leading to Lemierre’s Syndrome in an Immunocompetent Individual: A Case Report, Balarama K. Surapaneni, Hanad Omar, Michele M. Iguina, and Manuel Suarez


A Rare Case of Angioleiomyoma of the Hand, Hiffsa Taj, Isin Y. Comba, Jonathan Vasquez, and Vania Zayat


A Primary Adrenal Epithelioid Angiomyolipoma (PEComa) in a Patient with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: Report of a Case and Review of the Literature, Nancy Torres-Luna


Impact of Hyperthyroidism on In-Hospital Outcomes of Patients with Heart Failure, Kunjan Udani MD, Dveet Patel, Leslie Hart, and Vinod Nambudiri


Altitude Induced Pulmonary Hypertension, Nicolas A. Ulloa and Jessica Cook


Treatment-Resistant Depression With Catatonia Presenting as a Feature of Creutzfeldt-Jakob’s Disease, Muhammad Uneib, Randolph Devereaux, Ian Rutkofsky, Sourahb Lahoti, and Marvin Lopez


Daptomycin-Induced Hemolysis: A Rare Occurrence of Anemia, Pratikkumar Vekaria, George Abraham, Devin Vaishnani, Ravish Patel, Marvin Vaishnani MD, and Jeffrey Talbot


A 39 year-old woman with milk-alkali syndrome complicated by posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome., Khiem T. Vu, Gregory Becker, and Donald Eagerton


Improving Osteoporosis Screening in Men at a Resident-run Primary Care Clinic: A Quality Improvement Project, Khiem T. Vu, Chima Ohadugha, Kevin Dao, Rabih Nayfe, and Andrew Mangano


Acute Pulmonary Embolism With Tofacitinib in Ulcerative Colitis, Anuj Vyas and Pranav M. Patel


Atrioesophageal Fistula with Meningitis: A Rare Complication of Atrial Fibrillation Ablation, Case Report and Literature Review, Kayle M. Warren, Pratishtha Singh, Austen Stoelting, Shawn B. Esperti, Kunjan Udani, and Thaddeus Golden


Flash Pulmonary Edema: A Case and Review of Left Ventricular Non-Compaction Cardiomyopathy, Paula J. Watts, Oliver S. Garbo, Wendy Barrett, Michael Kopstein, Ryan Maybrook, and Dmitriy Scherbak


Idiopathic Left Subclavian Artery Dissection, Samantha Williams, Ana Pagan-Jaramillo, Marie-Louise Posch, Sean-Patrick A. Prince MD, and Leonard Hamera MD


Adverse Side Effects: Empagliflozin-Related Acute Pancreatitis Case Report., Bassem S. Zeidan Jr, Charles Boadu, Andrea Hernandez, Johnathan Frunzi, and Itioye Adetula

Submissions from 2019


An Uncommon Malignant Pleural Effusion, Israel E. Acosta-Sanchez MD, Kathlyn Camargo Macias MD, A Madanieh, C Orabi MD, and J Otoya MD


Anxiety Induced Pulmonary Edema: A Rare Occurrence, Anum Akhlaq MD, Neda Shahoori, Alexandra Mary Kelada, and Aftab Ahmad