
Call for Papers

Special Issue: Innovation in Medical Education

Submission Deadline August 31, 2025

Current Issue: Volume 6, Issue 1 (2025)

Editorial and News

Clinical Review


Acute Exacerbation of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis in the Setting of Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia
Duncan A. McKinney, Noah R. Kosnik, Shahzeib Syed, and Gretchen Junko


A New Paradigm in Hospital Medicine: Evaluating the Effects of Geographical Cohorting on Health Care Delivery
Vasu Gupta, Bhupinder Singh, Kanishk Aggarwal, Ayushi Garg, Rhea Kanwar, FNU Anamika, Inder Preet Kaur, and Rohit Jain



Impact of a Comprehensive Palliative Quality Improvement Initiative (ICU-PAL) in a Medical-Surgical Intensive Care Unit
Aunie M. Danyalian, Michele M. Iguina, Manjot Malhi, Umair Shaikh, Sanaz B. Kashan, Dionne Morgan, Daniel Heller, and Mauricio Danckers


Synthetic Versus Biologic Mesh for Complex Open Ventral Hernia Repair: Three-Year Follow-Up of a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
Nalia H. Dhanani, Nicole B. Lyons, Kyung Hyun Lee, Oscar A. Olavaarria, Aris R. Arakelians, Julie L. Holihan, Lillian S. Kao, Ali Siddiqui, Connor Hogan, Tunmi Anwoju, Zuhair Ali, and Mike K. Liang


Updating a Rural Clinic in Tiburón, Haiti
Akankcha Alok, Mohamed Bakhit, Djenie Helne, Philipe Milord, Marcellas Socrate, Camil Clermont, and Marie A. Kima


Risk Factors Associated With Worse Outcomes in Trauma Patients Aged 55 and Older
Hector Mendez, Ilko Luque, Nicole Yordán López, Carlos Parra, Kelvin Chan, Mariel A. Javier, Marcela Ramirez, and Orlando Morejón

Case Reports


Blind Nasal Intubation as a Rescue Strategy in Difficult Airway Management
Riaz Chowdhury, Ashalatha K. Nair, Dheeraj Kamalam, and Rohit Jaishankar


The Black Fungus: A Rare Case of Pulmonary Mucormycosis
Stephanie Wong, Elsa Lesley Tchouambou Pougoue, Joanna Polanco, Betty Kirimi, and Choudhry Poonam



Harmonizing Innovation: The Beatles, EMI, and the Birth of Computed Tomography Imaging
Matthew A. Daniel, Alexander Holland, and Saptarshi Biswas



Words Unspoken
Andreea Popa


Anatomy in Ink
Gabriel Scally

HCA Healthcare Journal of Medicine, Vol 6, Iss 1 Cover
PubMed Central