Content Posted in 2024
2024 North Texas Research Forum Program, HCA Healthcare
2024 Virtual Keynote & Oral Presentations, HCA Healthcare
2024 Virtual Poster Hall, HCA Healthcare
2-Methyl-2-Butanol (2M2B) Ingestion Related Toxicity, Elizabeth Diaz, Darshan B. Bhatty, Ngoc Vu, and Sathish Karmegam
A 19 Year Old Male Presenting with Recurrent Acute on Chronic Pancreatitis, Eric Romero and Paul Mathew
A 25-Year-Old Man with a History of Substance Abuse Presenting with Pneumomediastinum Due to Methamphetamine Vapor Inhalation, Anahita Shahnazi, Keenan Bayrakdar, Prospero Cortorreal, Kate Burmaster, and Gretchen M. Junko
Abdominal Endovascular Aneurysm Repair Using an Aorto-Uni-Iliac Device Resulting in Resting Lower Extremity Pain: A Case Report and Discussion on Patient Selection, John R. Ekblad and Colleen Hupp
A Bullous Eruption in an 81-Year-Old Male, Garrett S. Furth, Christian J. Scheufele, Carlos S. Bahrami, and Stephen E. Weis
A Case of Amiodarone-Induced Thyrotoxicosis Presenting With Methimazole-Induced Agranulocytosis., Neha Meda, Suhail Saad-Omer, Moises Matos, and Mustafa Kinaan
A Case of Anomalous Right Coronary Artery With Catastrophic Presentation., Farhana Anwar, Ethan Hiles, Maham Shahid, Suzanne Martinez, and Mubbasher Syed
A Case of Balo Concentric Sclerosis: A Multiple Sclerosis Mimic, Mary Therese Thomas, Molly E Boyko, Rachel Hemsath, Kedareeshwar S Arukala, and Victor Collier
A Case of Bullet Embolization and Its Management, Emily Clifton, William Clifton, Chase Tenewitz, David Kupshik, and Michael Jones
A Case of COVID-19-Triggered Polymyositis Leading to Rhabdomyolysis., Sriya Reddy, Natalie Rivera Vargas, Aarushi Varshney, and Olga Karasik
A Case of Coxsackievirus Type B-Induced Myocarditis Presenting with GI Symptoms, Daniel Karpel, Jason Nguyen, Cristina Benites, Mohammed Akram, Francini Alcocer-Guzman, Evelyn Garcia, Shany Quevedo, Ambar Sekulits, and Livasky Concepcion Perez
A Case of Darier Disease with Perioral Cutaneous Cobblestoning Treated with Dupilumab, Sara Holt, Sherlyn Saju, and Richard Miller
A Case of Diabetic Striatopathy Due to Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes, Mark L. Cheneler, Khizir Qureshi, and Carlos Bahrami
A Case of Elevated Intracranial Pressure Following Acute Parotitis, Alexander V. Ortiz, Ashwini Kini, and Adrian A. Jarquin-Valdivia
A Case of Gastric Pneumatosis in a Trauma Patient with GERD, Cyprien Jungels, Tyler Crawley, Michael Fisher, and Glenda Quan
A Case of Heyde Syndrome: Management and Anti-Coagulation, Muhammad Siddiqi, Hamza Naveed, Ashley Charales, and Marloe Prince Jr.
A Case of Hyperkalemia Secondary to Table Salt Alternative in a Patient with Normal Renal Function, Souhil M. Jaafil, Laura Tortora, Erin Marra, and Steven Shapiro
A case of Major Depressive Disorder in an adolescent Patient Exacerbatied by Montelkast, Samuel Polhemus, Samantha Fleck, and Christopher Rogers
A Case of Meckel's Diverticulum Enterolith Causing a Small Bowel Obstruction, Megan Bedard, Alexandra Moody, and Emmett McGuire
A Case of Mediastinitis from Esophageal Perforation Presenting as Gastric Volvulus/Para-Esophageal Hernia, Anam Zara, Bushra Bangash, Renu Thomas, Asad Rehman, Karthik Vadamalai, Zuhair Ali, and Mishal Mazhar
A Case of Neurosarcoidosis and its Radiographic Findings, Chase Tenewitz, Brantley Grimball, and Druv Patel
A Case of Parenchymal Hemorrhade Secondary to Dural Venous Sinus Thrombosis, Parnia Forouzan, Jesse Cai, and Dewey Le
A Case of Pericardial Effusion in Association With Celiac Disease, Jaafar Ali Hamdan, Jahnavi Chaudhari, Thulfiqar Aljashamy, Safwan Mohiuddin, Denise Csendes, and Nikolay Mitzov
A Case of Persistent Ophthalmic Artery Occlusion After Migraine in the Setting of Cerebral Vascular Anomalies, Khaled Moumneh and Austin Bach
A Case of Phlegmasia Cerulea Dolens, Stefanie Navarrete
A Case of Primary Cutaneous CD4+ Small/Medium Sized Pleomorphic T-Cell Lymphoproliferative Disorder, Anthony Concilla, Michelle Militello, and Sarah Ferrer-Bruker
A Case of Reed Syndrome with an Unusually Extensive Cutaneous Burden Treated with Fully Ablative Erbium:YAG Laser Resurfacing Therapy, Sara Holt, Brooke Walls, and Scott Walter
A Case of Sore Throat and Dizziness, Victoria Gordon and Anita Datta
A Case of Transient Left Bundle Branch Block, Taylor Craig, Vincent Grekoski, Kashan Mahmood, and Laura Tortora
A Case of Twists and Turns: A Report of Vertebrobasilar Dolichoectasia, Mary Therese Thomas and Jamie Campbell
A Case of Type 1 Cryoglobulinemia With Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma and Dry Gangrene, Abhinav K. Rao, Fahim Syed, Diego E. Garrido, Charles S Holladay, and Julia Saylors
A Case of Underlying Inflammation Mistaken for Ascites, Zuhaib Murtaza, Mattia Walter, Joseph Sammarco, Micheline Tantchou, and Oscar Garcia
A Case of Vanishing Bronchus Syndrome in a Non-lung Transplant Patient, Diane S. Habib, Ariana Azimi-Shooshtari, Siva T. Sarva, Ramesh Kesavan, and Gnananandh Jayaraman
A Case of Vaping-Associated Candida and Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Co-infection Causing Esophagitis in an Immunocompetent Patient, Sonia Alicea, Natalia Tejada, Jorge Restrepo, and Amar Mandalia
A Case of Wellens' Syndrome, Jessica Kim, Shayan Zaheer, and Hanad Omar
A Case of Wernicke's Encephalopathy due to Cannabinoid Hyperemesis, Jake Allinson, Ryan Bradbury, and Paul Stanford
A Case of Xylazine-Induced Necrotic Skin Ulcerations in an IV-Drug User in Florida, Mark Zaki, Cynthia Dillon, Anjali Patel, and Barbara Gracious
A Case Report: 21-year-old Trauma Patient with Hemoperitoneum and Discovered to Have a Ruptured Splenic Cyst, Taylor Messick-Ngo, Jordan Palmer, and Nicholas Sheets
A Case Report and Evaluation of Intrauterine Gas of Unknown Origin, Chrystal Stallworth, Diane Gilbertson, and Timothy Kremer
A Case Report in Hyponatremia as the First Presentation of Stage IV Lymphoma; an Opportunity for Earlier Diagnosis, Kathleen Rowe
A Case Report of Florid Liver Failure Responding Favorably to Targeted Therapy with Cetuximab and Encorafenib Following Treatment with Irinotecan and Bevacizumab in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer, Maryam Fallahi, Omar Garcia, Joseph Kim, and Ray Page
A Case Report of Marburg Multiple Sclerosis responding to Mitoxantrone, Aruna Souri, Athena Dao, and Russell Bartt
A Case Report on Syphilitic Lymphadenitis, Kelly Davis, Ryan Spilman, and Alexander Enurah
A Case Series of Unusual IgA Vasculitis, Jared Bradley, Ian Whitaker, Brittany Lyons, and Amy Mangla
A Case to Cause Pause, Kai Tubb and Stevley Koshy
A Case With Twists and Turns: A Report of Vertebrobasilar Dolichoectasia, Mary Therese Thomas and Jamie Campbell
Accuracy of GPT's Artificial Intelligence on Emergency Medicine Board Recertification Exam, Murtaza Akhter
Accurate First Trimester Dating Ultrasounds, Jeanette Brendle, Hamzah Mughal, Rebecca Lopez, Amisa Patel, Lizbeth Zambrano, Michael Leong, Stephanie Anderson, and Nicholas Dorsey
A Challenging Case of Bilateral Medial Medullary Infarction Resembling Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Alexis Bialousz, Havird McLean Skalak, Nicholas Carbo, and Amanda Westbrook
A Challenging Diagnosis: A Rare Variant of Primary Lung Adenocarcinoma with Desquamative Interstitial Pneumonia-Like Morphology, Laura Luu, Maritess Dejesus, Christina Kovacs, and Renu Khode
A Challenging Diagnosis of Intestinal Tuberculosis Mimicking Crohn's Disease, Justin Sanchez, Gabriel Gonzales, and Monte Troutman
Achieving Health Equity in the Care of Patients with Heart Failure., Jose L. Lopez, Gustavo Duarte, Christy N Taylor, and Nasrien E Ibrahim
A Clinical Review on Spinal Epidural Abscess: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management for Emergency Medicine and Hospitalist Physicians, Madeline A. Guy and Jeffrey S. Guy
A Cold Winter Day, Erin E. Perrin
A Common Complaint with an Unexpected Diagnosis: A Case of Mycobacterium avium Complex Pulmonary Abscesses, Maryam Fallahi, Mark Cheneler, Qazi Haider, and Madhukanth Reddy
A Comparative Study of Hemorrhagic Conversion Patterns After Stroke Thrombolysis With Alteplase Versus Tenecteplase, Mohamad Ezzeldin, Courtney Hill, Ali Kerro, Eryn Alexandra Percenti, Adam Delora, Juan Santos, Hamzah Saei, Lisa Greco, Rime Ezzeldin, Mohammad El-Ghanem, Yazan Alderazi, Yana Kim, Cathleen Poitevint, and Osman Mir
Actinic Granuloma Complicated by Secondary Syphilis: A Case Report, Kevin H. Nguyen, Christopher M. Wong, and Ethan Q. Nguyen
Actinomyces-induced Osteomyelitis of the Mandible: A Rare Disease, Caleb Nieves-Velez, Gilberto Rivera Gonzalez, and Suresh Antony
A Curious Case of Multimorbidity in a Patient With Goldenhar Syndrome Presenting With Vomiting, Rahul Borra, Alisher Hamidullah, Tong Ren, and Venkat Bhaskara
Acute Abdominal Pain and a Whirlpool Sign on Computed Tomography: A Case Report, Christopher Libby, Evan Stern, and Robyn Hoelle
Acute Bilateral Pyelonephritis in the Setting of Newly Diagnosed Diabetes Mellitus: A Case Report, Jessenia Ariana Contreras, Satwinder Singh, and Ramesh Alwarappan
Acute Calcific Tendinitis of the Longus Colli: A Rare Cause of Acute Neck Pain, Walker Pride, Kevin Tragesser, Patrick Oshakuade, and Elizabeth Hicks
Acute Mastoiditis, That Must be Hard to Hear!, Minda Guirguis and J Burton Burton
Acute Mesenteric Ischemia in Patients with COVID-19, Tristan Fun, Natalie Hurlock, and Danielle Ford
Acute Mesenteric Ischemia Secondary to Lupus Vasculitis, Karen Valdez-Cuen, Ammar Mahmood, Mohammad Ridha, and Fahad Omar
Acute Multiorgan Failure in a 27-Year-Old Non-Drug User, Tatiana Gusan, Angelina Hong, Sarah Kaufman, and Nathan Zaher
Acute Renal Failure Secondary to Vibrio cholera Gastroenteritis in a United States Citizen, Corrected With Renal Replacement Therapy, Meng Xie, Angelina Hong, Mayuri Gupta, and Dusan Dragovic
Acute Traumatic Cataract Diagnosed by Point-of-Care Ultrasound, Adrian Huffard, Shannon Overholt, and Taryn Hoffman
Acute Trocar Site Herniation Following Robotic Rectopexy, W Tyler Crawley and Daine Bennett
Acute Viral Myocarditis in a Young Adult: A Case Report., Jason Nguyen, Cristina Benites, Daniel Karpel, Mohammed Akram, and Livasky Concepcion Perez
Acyclovir as a Novel Treatment for Severe Chronic Active Epstein-Barr Virus, Mary Therese Thomas, Philip Mardock, Amanda Wright, and Kedar Arukala
Acyclovir as a Novel Treatment for Severe Chronic Active Epstein-Barr Virus., Mary Therese Thomas, Philip W. Mardock, and Kedareeshwar S. Arukala
Addressing Burnout and Enhancing Well-Being Among Academic Physicians: A Call for Future Research and Organizational Support, Kelly D. Holder, Sharon Y. Lee, Fatima Zehra Raza, and Laura R. Stroud
Adequate Reporting Among Ventral Hernia Repair Operative Reports: A Cross-Sectional Study of Prevalence of Details and Association With Clinical Outcomes., Said Maldonado, Nicole B Lyons, Jonathan S Lall, J Scott Zimmerle, Brendan Rosamond, Ashlynn Mills, Yoolim Alex Seo, Angelica Calderon Rodriguez, Rainna Coelho, Natalia Cavagnaro, Zuhair Ali, and Mike K. Liang
A Difficult Differential Diagnosis in New Neck Masses: Retropharyngeal Abscess or Malignancy?, Mary Therese Thomas and Mary Carter
A Dramatic Case of Acute Biventricular Failure Secondary to Acute Myocardial infraction, Heriberto Cantu, Ahmed Mahmood, Luay Alalawi, and Thomas Alexander
Adult Mesenteric Lymphangioma Resulting in Small Bowel Obstruction., Timbre Backen, Matthew R. Hatch, and Ashwin Kurian
A Guide To Pediatric Wellness through Utilization of Dragon Commands, Prasad Munusamy, Parisa Biazar, Jacob Trimble, and Anthony Shadiack
A Historical View of Nursing Research at HCA Healthcare, Jane D. Englebright
AI-Supported Diagnosis of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy in a Patient with Adrenal Pheochromocytoma, Muhannad Akel, Ammer Haffar, and Christian Zellner
A Late-onset Leg Rash, Unique Janeway Lesions or Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction? A Case Report, Andrew Kim, Cristian Valdez, Tony Alarcon, Elizabeth Jane Benge, Blerina Asllanaj, Aaron Singh, Elvin A. Colon Martinez, and Derek Oh
All that is red is not cellulitis: Retrospective application of the ALT-70 scoring system in patients diagnosed with cellulitis in the emergency department by non-dermatologists., Sweta Subhadarshani, Anastasia Tambovtseva, Taylor Griffith, Layal Antoury, Cristobal Cintron, Jeffery Durbin, and Alan Hamza
Alopecia Areata with Rapid Regrowth Following Oral Baricitinib Therapy, Seth Flynn, Molly Boyko, and Mary Holly Glover
A Malignant Duo: Mixed Medullary and Follicular Variant Papillary Thyroid Cancer, Anwar Alshaakh Mohd Mari, Joane Titus, Vania Zayat, and Mustafa Kinaan
A Meta-Analysis Comparing RYGB with Long Biliopancreatic Limb (BPL) Versus Long Alimentary Limb (AL) in Groups with Equal or Nearly Equal Combined Bypass Lengths (Combined BPL and AL Lengths): Does Switching Seats Enhance Weight Loss?, Abdul-Rahman F. Diab, Joseph A Sujka, Angelica McCaskey, Alexander Thompson, Abdullah Elnagi, Salvatore Docimo, and Christopher G DuCoin
A Multi-Wave Study of Factors Associated With Resident Engagement, Depression, Burnout, and Stay Intent, Anne M. Brafford, Brendon Ellis, Greg Guldner, Gabrielle Riazi, Xitao Liu, Jessica C. Wells, and Jason T. Siegel
An Acknowledgement to the HCA Healthcare Journal of Medicine's Reviewers and Editors for the First Half of 2024, Graig Donini and Bruce Deighton
An Acknowledgement to the HCA Healthcare Journal of Medicine's Reviewers and Editors for the Second Half of 2023, Bruce Deighton, Hossein Akhondi, Barbara L. Gracious, and Graig Donini
Analysis of ECMO Usage in Trauma Patients at a Major Level 1 Trauma Center, April Miller, Megan Post, Crescens Pellachia, John Bini, and Morgan Collom
Analysis of Temporal Artery Biopsy by Provider Across a Large Multi-State Health Care Network, Karling Gravenstein, Mikalah Maury, Priya Arya, and Robert Liebman
Analysis of Temporal Artery Biopsy By Provider Across a Large Multi-State Healthcare Network, Karling Gravenstein, Mikalah Maury, Priya Arya, and Robert Liebman
An Assessment of Breast and Cervica Cancer Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment Services in Western Kenya, Claud Crosby, Hillary Mabeya, Jack Odunga, Carolyne Aluku, James Burke, and Eliza Malcom
A Nation-Wide Survey of Program Directors at a Large Health Care Organization: Prevalence and Perceptions of Resident Wellness Activities, Alexander W. Marshburn, Gabrielle Riazi, Sabrina Menezes, Stephanie Ramirez, Gregory Guldner, Jessica C. Wells, and Jason T. Siegel
A Natural Deception: 3 Marketing Myths the Supplement Industry Wants You to Swallow, Katie Suleta
An Atypical Presentation of a Saddle Embolism in the Setting of Malignancy., Carly Esposito, Lucas C. Zadan, Admir Seferovic, Yuliya Markova-Acevedo, and Enrique Urrutia
An Atypical Presentation of Systematic Lupys Erythematosus (SLE), Devante Shootes, Jeremiah Ling, and Omer Farooq
An Atypical Presentation of Tuberculoid Leprosy on the Heel, Clara Barranco, Karthik Krishnamurthy, and Angelia Stepien
Anchoring Sepsis Management: A Retrospective Cohort Study on Fluid Resuscitation in Advanced and End-Stage Renal Disease with Sepsis, Hunter Reed, Abraheim Al-Nasseri, Adam Robarge, and Uzman Kazi
An Ear-itating Infection, Sakshi Agarwal and J Burton Banks
An Eluding Case of Glomerulonephritis Found to be Fibrillary in Nature, Julien Ogilvie and Amanda Tchakarov
Anesthesia Management of Hip Fracture Surgery in Geriatric Patients: A Review., Tarun Uppalapati and Imani Thornton
Anesthetic Management of Intra-aortic Balloon Pump-Induced Systolic Anterior Motion of the Mitral Valve During Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting., Rachel Figaro, Imani Thornton, Jeremy P Scott, and Joseph Sluhoski
An Evaluation of Resident Confidence in Conducting Ultrasound Guided Peripheral IV Placement Before and After Hands-on Workshop, Gerges Abdelsayed, Rishabh Agrawal, Jake Francisco, Christopher Reguyal, Geeth Kondaveeti, and Jilian R. Sansbury
Angioedema Linked to Combination Pill Trandolapril/Verapamil, Aadil Bhutta, Sana Khan, Monica Dhiman, Udit Bhatt, and Akinjide Onifade
A NICU Quality Initiative to Decrease Unsatisfactory Newborn Screen Samples, Karina Patel, Emily Ward, Eric Shaw, and Palmer Johnston
An Interesting Case of Hypothyroidism in the Critical Care Setting, Lance Mwangi and Ladi Larry
An Odd Presentation of Dysphagia Due to Pericardial Effusion, Harendra Ipalawatte, Ariel Ahl, Jasprit Takher, and Arian Gower
Anogenital Erosive Lichen Sclerosus in a Male With Multiple Autoimmune Conditions, Mohammad I. Fardos, Jacqueline Nikakis, Sophia Anagnostis, and Summer Moon
Anomalous Anomaly: A Rare Case of the RCA Arising from the Mild LAD, Heriberto Cantu, Luay Alalawi, Ahmed Mahmood, and Thomas Alexander
An Open Source Guide to Off Service Rotations May Enhance Intern Learning and Wellbeing, Thomas Alterman, Michael Cho, Emily Macauley, Rohan Wanchu, Brian Tan, Morgan Killian, and Farah Khan
A Novel Approach to Thromboembolic Event Detection: An Initial Evaluation, Basil P. Alias, Emily Lo, Divek Toprani, and Wesley Lim
An Unexpected Outcome of an Ischemic Stroke on Reward Pathways in the Human Brain, Karen Valdez-Cuen, Erica Kozorosky, Ferina Farahnik, and Oscar Garcia
An Unexpected Outcome of an Ischemic Stroke on the Reward Pathways in the Human Brain, Karen Valadez-Cuen, Erica Kozorosky, Ferina Farahnik, and Oscar Garcia
An Unusual Case of Microcystic Serous Cystadenoma in a 19-Year-Old Male Patient, Jamie Lee Aldakkour, Alvin Boyd Newman-Caro, and Ashley Henning
An Unusual Presentation of Crohn's Disease in an Elderly Patient: A Report of a Rare Case, Ozoemena Akah, Rakahn Haddadin, and Pinak Shah
An Unusual Presentation of Severe Ciguatera Poisoning: Case Report., Moshe Bengio, Glenn Goodwin, Katherine L. O'Neil, and Laura E. Tortora
An Unusual Presentation of Tapinarof-Induced Folliculitis, Ysabelle Martinez, Christian J. Scheufele, Christopher Wong, and Stephen E. Weis
An Update on Current Clinical Management and Emerging Treatments in Hidradenitis Suppurativa, Austinn Miller, Parastou Shahzeidi, and Michael Bernhardt
Aortic Dissection Flap Recreates Left Coronary Cusp, Brandon Cunningham and Jon Halling
A Pediatric Patient with Severe Malaria Successfully Treated with Artesunate, Aoife Schanche, Annabel Ward, and Ricardo Zegarra-Linares
A Pilot Physician Mentoring Program in a Large Hospital System, Crista C. Keller MD
Apocrine Breast Cancer With Psammoma Bodies in a Male Patient, Alena Bashinskaya, Eric W. Baum, and Michael B. Morgan
A Post-Suicide Survey: The Perspective We Have Been Missing, Matthew Larsen, Cassandra Sauther, Ryan Sauther, and Justin Solomon
A Qualitative Follow-Up to a Survey of Program Directors on Wellness Programming at a Large Healthcare Organization: Interviews of High- and Low-Exemplar Programs, Sabrina Menezes, Kelsey M. Carpenter, Alexander W. Marshburn, Stephanie Ramirez, Gregory Guldner, Jessica C. Wells, and Jason T. Siegel
A Quality Improvement Study on Increasing Rates of Lung Cancer Screening, Arpit Arora, Crystal Bharat, Sophia Zia, Pooja Paunikar, and Dana Simpson
A Randomized Controlled Trial of 2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate Skin Preparation Cloths for the Prevention of Surgical Site Infections in Adults Undergoing Spine Surgeries: Residual Reduction in Skin Bacterial Load for 4 Days, Elizabeth Card, Yaping Shi, Wuraola Adesinasi, Matt Shotwell, Nancy Wells, Elizabeth Hall, Joseph Cheng, and Edward Sherwood
A Rare Case of Anoxic Brain Injury Secondary to MASLD-Induced Hyperammonemia, Renu Thomas, Nhu Chau T. Nguyen, Daniel Bao, Jonathan Tang, Uzma Ali, and Damon Cao
A Rare Case of Eggerthella lenta in Lower Extremity Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection: A Case Report, Natalia M. Raimundi Santos, Natalia C. Badillo Velez, Sandeep Rathod, Hassan Tahir Khokhar, Wendy M. Timirau, and Naja Naddaf
A Rare Case of Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma in a Teenager, Layal Antoury, Sarah Ferrer Bruker, and Karthik Krishnamurthy
A Rare Case of Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma in a Teenager, Layal Antoury, Sarah Ferrer Bruker, and Karthik Krishnamurthy
A Rare Case of Exercise-Induced Transient Global Amnesia as an Exclusive Presenting Symptom of Hippocampus Infarct, Roger F. Tonna and Azin Azma
A Rare Case of Fetal Digynic Triploidy Additionally Complicated by Mid Trimester Superimposed Preeclampsia, Claire McCarthy, Bailey Brown, Amanda Royek, and Cameron Soriano
A Rare Case of Gastroparesis-Induced Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy., Joane Titus, Jacob Bentley, Kristin L. Recker, and Olga Karasik
A Rare Case of Hepatic Schwannoma in the Setting of Schwannomatosis., Minh Anh Le, Rachel Shi, Justin Geraghty, Vania Zayat, and Jignesh Parikh
A Rare Case of Heterozygous C282Y Mutation Causing Hereditary Hemochromatosis With Acute Pancreatitis, Roger F. Tonna, Rakahn Haddadin, Humzah Iqbal, and Hatim Gemil
A Rare Case of Infected Bronchogenic Cyst Growing Salmonella Enterica, Diane S. Habib, Jordan Torres, and Salman Alim
A Rare Case of Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF-2) Induced Hypoglycemia Associated With Metastatic Colon Cancer., Anwar Alshaakh Moh'd Mari, Ashlee Sidhu, Moises Matos, and Mustafa Kinaan
A Rare Case of Intussusception in an Elderly Adult Diagnosed by Point-of-Care Ultrasound, Lucas Winter, Derrick Huang, and Frank Fraunfelter
A Rare Case of Invasive Adenocarcinoma of the Duodenum and a Bovel Biliary Stent: A Case Report, Sabastiana Sanz, Nasima Mehraban, Bradley Gustafson, and Amjad Awan
A Rare Case of Lisinopril-Induced Small Bowel Angioedema: An Important Differential Diagnosis, Tanya Starr, Maximillian Starr, Philip Petrosky, and Christopher Cummings
A Rare Case of Metastatic Pleomorphic Leiomyosarcoma, Rachel Dykes, Juan Rosario, Charles Perniciaro, and Karthik Krishnamurthy
A rare case of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy., Jayanthraj Gone, Tyler Fontaine, and Gaurav Kumar
A Rare Case of Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis During Chronic Immunosuppression with Mycophenolate, Elizabeth O. Uba, Ryan Knight, Trevi Mancilla, and Tarek Barbar
A Rare Case of Terminal Ileum Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor in a Young Caucasian Adult., Abhinav K. Rao, Theshali Anthony, James Ravenel, Joanna Kosko, and Ian Whitaker
A Recurrent Case of Mesothelial Pericardial Cyst, Jaafar Ali Hamdan, Akbar Khan, Annalee Mora, Amrita Randhawa, and Maria A. Castano
Are females in classical hematology getting a fair share? Uncovering gender disparities in NIH R01 grants, Sara Khan, Faraz Eshaghi, Mohammad Z. Rehman, Serena Kotwal, Mariya Syed, Kainat Khan, and Kapisthalam S Kumar
A Resident Led Newsletter Is a Powerful Communication Tool, Jonathan Brown, Zuhair Ali, An Dao, Mike Wong, and Rajeev Raghavan
A Retrospective Data Analysis on Marine Animal Injuries at a Large, Multi-Site Medical System, Anthony Shadiack and J Burton Banks
A Retrospective Review on the Influence of BMI and at Home Usage of Gabapentin on Opioid Consumption Among Patients Undergoing Totally Knee and Hip Arthroplasty, Shrikanth Parthasarathy, Mahima Silas, Nelson Algarra, and Cynthia Williams
A Retrospective Study of Procalcitonin Utilization in Clinical Practice, Tanner Norris, Matthew Yurkewicz, Patrick Jenkins, Beth Hicks, and Dmitriy Scherbak
A Retrospective Study on the Effect of RAAS Pathway Inhibitors at Decreasing the Risk of Acute Coronary Syndrome in Hypertensive Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis as Compared to Other Antihypertensives, Yousuf Sherwani, Asad Risvi, and Senthil Thambidorai
Aromatase Inhibitor-Associated Distal Radioulnar Joint Instability and Tear of the Extensor Digiti Minimi: A Case Report., Jonathan L. Holt, Michael Salas, and Se Won Lee
Arteriovenous Fistula Communicating with Venous Stent in Aptient with Arterial Aneurysm, Timot Kellermayer, Renley Summay, and Bryan Kharbanda
Artificial Intelligence in Rheumatology:Perspectives and Insights from a Nationwide Survey of U.S. Rheumatology Fellows, Richa Purohit, Sathvik Saineni, Sweta Chalise, Reanne Mathai, Rajan Sambandam, Richard Medina-Perez, and Neha Bhanusali
Artificial Intelligence Respoinse to Common Medication Concerns with Heart Failure GDMT in Outpatient Setting, Dominique Pean, Laaraeb Nadeem, Suhas Kandimalla, and Brotee Rahman
Ascending Paralysis: A Case of West Nile Virus, Samantha Rudy, Claire Levinson, Lauren Gilbert, Michaela Snow, and Robyn Kramer
Assessing the Effectiveness of a Non-Punitive Fall Prevention Program, Nicki Roderman, Shandlie Wilcox, and Cynthia Lang
Assessment of Structured Research Curriculum on Resident Scholarly Activity, Trevi Mancilla, Ryan Knight, and Marshall Spiegel
Assessment of the European Hernia Society Classification of Ventral Hernias and Clinical Outcomes, Oluwatunmininu A. Anwoju, Ashtyn Barrientes, Connor Hogan, Erik Askenasy, Jacob Greenberg, Keith Jerrod, Scott J. Roth, Zuhair Ali, and Mike K. Liang
Association of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonist Treatment with Perioperative and Postoperative Complications in Patients Undergoing Elective Bariatric Surgery, Justin Sanchez, Enith Espinosa, Sean Sojdie, Michael Green, and Lauren Wonderly
Association of Sex and Aspirin Use with Postoperative Bleeding in Patients with Lower Extremity Long Bone Fractures, Michael Fisher, Kristin Salottolo, Matthew Carrick, Chad M Corrigan, Kaysie Banton, Robert Madayag, and David Bar-Or
A Stiff Lower Lip, Tricia O'Brien, Philip Mesquita, and Zahid Chaudry
A Stroke of Fate: Overcoming Varicella Encephalitis’s Unexpected Consequences, Karissa Charles and Sean Gibbs
A Survey of Post-Graduate Satisfaction With Orthopaedic Residency Training at a Single Institution, Jared L. Sain, Craig R. Louer, Robert J. Esther, and Christopher W. Olcott
A Systematic Critical Appraisal of Clinical Practice Guidelines of Antithrombotic Agents in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Using the AGREE II Tool, Denisse Camille Dayto, Wojciech Blonski, Tea Reljic, Farina Klocksieben, Jeffrey Gill, Rene D Gomez-Esquivel, Brijesh Patel, Pushpak Taunk, Andrew Sephien, Camille Thelin, and Ambuj Kumar
Atraumatic Splenic Rupture: An Unaccustomed Complication of H. parainfluenzae Endocarditis, Daniel P. High, Jose M. Acosta-Rullan, Danay Herrera, and Mauricio Danckers
Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome Following Influenza B: A Case Report, Kathryn E. McGraw, Amanda P. Porter, Alyssa M. Moffitt, Marina E M Golden, and Heather Stewart
Atypical Presentation of Cutaneous Malignancies in Darker Skin., Alexandra Mathis, Alex Harrison, and Chris Harmon
A Unique Case of Darier's Disease with Perioral Cutaneous Cobblestoning Treated with Dupilumab, Sara Holt, Sherlyn Saju, and Richard Miller
A Unique Case of Goodpasture's Syndrome-Induced Cardiorenal Syndrome, Chidambaram Chinniah, Alexander Pyronneau, Gauthier Stepman, and Rias Ali
A Unique Case of Late Presentation Giant Lower Extremity Malignant Melanoma, Omar Alzarkali, Amanada Marker, Lakhvir Kaur, and Ana VanDerWall
A Unique Case of Spontaneous Pectoral Abscess, Martin Sentmanat, Zachary Shields, and David Ross
Autoimmune Pancreatitis Mimicking Obstructive Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor., Rakahn Haddadin, Amit Grewal, Srusty Patel, Zachary I Merhavy, and Homayon Iraninezhad
Autonomy Versus Independence: Implications for Resident and Faculty Engagement, Performance, and Well-Being, Adam P. Neufeld and C. Scott Rigby
A Young Case of Giant Cell Arteritis, Tricia O'Brien, Philip Mesquita, and Zahid Chaudhry
Basilar Artery Fenestration in Migraine Patient, Aneesh Rahangdale and Kateryna Kurako
Bedside cardiac ultrasound evaluation of a young male with chest pain., Christopher Reilly, Vegas Brown, Gabriel Cabrera Correa, Harold Gomez Acevedo, and Eric J. Kalivoda
behind the curtain, Angelina Hong
Beneficial Effects of Low Carbohydrate Diet (LCD) with Recently Emerged Solid Evidence, Michael Wood, Hiroshi Bando, and Koji Ebe
Benign Peptic Ulcer as a Cause of Gastrocolic Fistula, Rakahn Haddadin, Danny Aboujamra, Humzah Iqbal, George Trad, and Ahmed Ali
Benign Pneumoperitoneum Following Mitral Valve Replacement, Ali Tariq Alvi, Luis E. Santiago, Murali Shankar, and Pallavi Aneja
Beyond the Bump: A Case Report Exploring the Vitality of Pelvic Physical Therapy for Diastasis Recti Abdominis in the Postpartum Period, Alexis Donald
Biallelic Inheritance of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Gene Mutations and the VEO Spectrum of Fetal and Neonatal Phenotypes: A Case Series, Mikalah Maury, Caitlin Turner, Andrew Royek, Eleanor Stark, Leyla Nielsen, and Anthony Royek
Bilateral Corticosteroid Atrophy Mimicking Morphea en Coup de Sabre: A Case Report, Christopher M. Wong, Jade Pool, Rafael do Valle, Cassandra Kenny, and Dustin V. Wilkes
Bilateral Spontaneous Osteonecrosis of the Knee (SPONK) in Young Male: A Case Report, Hans Drawbert, Mason Poffenbarger, and Joshua Payne
Bing-Neel Syndrome: A Rare Neurological Complication of Waldenström Macroglobulinaemia, Hamza M. Alzghoul, Asad Haider, Faisal Mukhtar, and Nausheen Khuddus
Biotin for Hair Loss: Teasing Out the Evidence, Allyson Yelich, Hannah Jenkins, Sara Holt, and Richard Miller
Biotin for Hair Loss: Teasing Out the Evidence., Allyson Yelich, Hannah Jenkins, Sara Holt, and Richard Miller
Blood Alcohol Levels of Las Vegas Tourists Requiring ED Services, Nathan Balkman, Kristina Domanski, Amber Mirajkar, Kyle Mefferd, Denise Vidal, and David Hart
Blunt Traumatic Pancreatitis in Pediatric Patient After Wrestling Injury, Connor Talbott and Jason An
Bowel-Associated Dermatosis-Arthritis Syndrome: A Case Report, Christian J. Scheufele, Leisa Hodges, Aya Hasan, Ashleigh E. Workman, Peter Malouf, and Stephen E. Weis
Brain Imaging Modalities for Cavernous Sinus Pathology With Migraine Features: A Case Report, Juliana Cazzaniga, Cesar Jara, Samir Ruxmohan, and Jonathan A. Quinonez
Bridging the Gap for HIV Education in Primary Care Setting, Oregon McDiarmid and Lindsay Porter
Bringing Awareness to the New Treatment Options for Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Raymond Alvarez, Summer Alvarez, Kristina Ledbetter, and Sean Quinonez
Bronchobiliary Fistula and Bilioptysis: A Rare Complication of Hepatic Lobe Abscess, Pranav Mahadevan, Pratik Patel, Domenick Roma, and Nikola Tankosic
Bubble Studies, Their Findings and Length of Stay, Connor M. Petrovich, Anvita Anne, Robyn Meadows, Anand Venkatraman, Chandan Mitra, and Rakesh Prashad
Burden of Ischemic Heart Diseases among US States from 1990-2019, Saeed Abughazaleh, Omar Obeidat, Mohammad Tarawneh, Hashim Al-Ani, Ahmad Al Nawaiseh, and Mohamed F Ismail
Burkholderia cepacia Causing ARDS in a Patient Without Cystic Fibrosis, Igbayilola Dosunmu, Shahriar Sharif, Samyukta Swaminath, Nashit Mozumder, and Diego Marin
Burnout and Health Scores Among Residency Programs as an Indicator of Wellness, Hannah Manzi, Jon Halling, Nayda Parisio Poldiak, and Suzanne Perkins
Burnout in Graduate Medical Education: Uncovering Resident Burnout Profiles Using Cluster Analysis, Nicholas A. Yaghmour, Nastassia M. Savage, Paul H. Rockey, Sally A. Santen, Kristen E. DeCarlo, Grace Hickam, Joanne G. Schwartzberg, DeWitt C. Baldwin Jr., and Robert A. Perera
Calcific Tendinitis of Gluteus Maximus Insertion, Steven Tran, Taylor North, and Joshua G Hackel
Can Clinical Reasoning be Taught to Resident Physicians? Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Clinical Reasoning Course on Residents' Cognitive Knowledge and Analytic Ability, Kenneth Krell, Sreenidhi Chintalapani, and Kevin Trappett
Cannabis Consumption and the Emergence of Giant Lung Bullae: A Case Report and Clinical Analysis, Rafael Miret, Jose Rodriguez Castro, Armando Cabrera, Mauricio Danckers, Raiko Diaz, and Nikhil Bhardwaj
Cannabis Use: An Uncommon Cause of Hypokalemia-Induced Acute Paralysis, Angad Singh, Andre Apostolatos, Ajay Iyer, Benny Bescobedo, and Melissa Middlemas
Capivasertib-Induced Diabetic Ketoacidosis in a Patient With Estrogen Receptor-Positive/Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2-Negative (ER+/HER2-) Metastatic Breast Cancer and No Prior History of Diabetes Mellitus: A Case Report, Yoan E. Rodriguez, Rishu Batra, Kunal Patel, and Suzanne Martinez
Cardiac Neuroendocrine Function: A new opportunity for targeted chronic therapies, Jacob Keesee and Rami Khouzam
Cardiac Tamponade in the Setting of Severe Sepsis and Adrenal Insufficiency, Ayesha Choudhry, Matthew Cardeiro, Angelina Hong, and Adekunle Bamgboye
Cardiovascular Disease Risks in Patients with Celiac Disease: Retrospective Study Using the National Inpatient Sample, Rabab Elsadek, Zeeshan Ismail, Raghav Bassi, Anuoluwa Oyetoran, Andrew Abraham, and Suzanne Zentko
Caring Moments, Margaret J. DeMars
Case of Bilateral Glaucoma, Raj Patel, Hengameh Pajer, and Rasheed Lawal
Case of Metastatic Eshophageal Adenocarcinoma Presenting as Multiple Cavitary Lung Lesions, Michael L. Ahrens, Mala Goyal, Shivangi A. Gohil, Shruti Verma, and Pratima K. Singh
Case of Uterine Artery Injury in a Patient Undergoing Prophylactic Uterine Artery Balloon Placement Prior to a Planned Cesarean Hysterectomy in the Setting of PAS, Virginia Lowe and Linda Haddox
Case Report: A 28-year-old Male With Bilateral Lower Extremities Paresthesias, Characteristic Presentation of Guillain-Barre Syndrome and Innovative Treatments, Petros Keoseyan, Ricky Oshakuade, Danielle Genov, Derek Draper, Nick Duff, Anna Belits, and Dmitriy Scherbak
Case Report: A 48-Year-Old Woman with Acute Carotid Artery Dissection Extension from Type A Dissection s/p Repair Managed Non-Operatively, Kassandra S. Carter, Aimee Alexander, Andre D'Souza, and Joseph Garrido
Case Report of a Child with Colocolic Intussusception with a Primary Lead Point., Ethan Lee, Jeremy Lins, Chelsea Cosand, Mary Jane Piroutek, and Tommy Y. Kim
Case Report Of Cortisol-induced Pancreatitis, Jehidy Batista Michelena, Valentine Mwangi, Payal Passi, and Oscar Garcia
Case Report: Psychiatric and Behavioral Disturbance in LGI-1 Antibody Encephalitis, Amy Mackenzie, Emytis Tavakoli, Hassan Al-Obaidi, Keera Fishman, and Sarah Elmi
Case Report: Special Considerations When Initiating Insulin in a Non-English-Speaking Patient with Diabetes: A Social Guide for new Insulin-Prescribing Residents, Jacob Uskavitch and Seth Barker
Case Report: Streptococcus Gallolyticus Prosthetic Joint Infection, Jeffrey Dickerson, Liza Salloum, Amaan Sheikh, Madhukanth Reddy, and Bryan Youree
Case Report: Unilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia as First Manifestation in Multiple Sclerosis, Imaad Zaman, Tyler Adame, Steven Do, Kien Nham, and Azeem Muhammad
Case Review: Gallstone Ileus Over 50 Years After Cholecystectomy and Choledochoduodenostomy, Kathleen Mae Bryan, Sophia Jimenez, and Alejandro Garcia
Case Study: Calcific Tendinitis Disguised as Retropharyngeal Abscess in 34-Year-old Female, Brandon Nielsen and Oluyemi Omotoso
CASSH Registry: Rationale and Study Design, Mohamad Ezzeldin, Ali Kerro, Muhammad Shazam Hussain, Suhas V.V. Tatapudi, Rime Ezzeldin, Faheem G. Sheriff, Peter Kan, Chizoba Ezepue, Kaiz S. Asif, Ramesh Grandhi, Ali Alaraj, Muhammad Niazi, Saif Bushnaq, Omar Tanweer, Kaustubh Limaye, Tunmi A. Anwoju, Zuhair Ali, Osama O. Zaidat, and Farhan Siddiq
Cauda Equina Neuroendocrine Tumor (Paraganglioma), Cameron Summers-Powell, Tricia O'Brien, and Susana Ferra
Cefepime-Induced Neurotoxicity: A Case Report, Kelsey Decker, Shamael Johar, Vaishnavi Sirekulam, and Kedareeshwar Arukala
Cemiplimab-induced HHS-DKA in a patient being treated for Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Alexander Pyronneau, Kelvin Noronha, Amanda Zucker, and Rachel Kennett
Cemiplimab-Induced Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State With Concurrent Diabetic Ketoacidosis in a Patient Receiving Treatment for Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma., Alexander Pyronneau, Kelvin Noronha, Amanda Zucker, Rachel Kennett, and Parth Desai
Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection Reduction in Hemodialysis Patients Across 9 Hospitals and 3 States, Nicki Roderman, Kasadi Moore, Shandlie Wilcox, Jennifer Jellerson, and Zoey Bridges
Cerebrovascular Accident Complicating Pulmonary TB: a Rare Co-existence, Tesnim Hamdan, Iryna Witt, Nameer Ascandar, and Srija Reddy
Challenges Associated with Low Rectal Malignant Obstruction Stenting: a Case Report, Victor Cabrera Bou, Eddy P. Lincango, Alessandra E. Cabrera, Gabriel Diaz-Pagan, Nathan Kostick, Noah A. Sobel, Luis F. Serrano, and Philip Kondylis
Challenges of Cerebral Hyperperfusion Syndrome: A Clinical Case Report, Ruth Williams and Ranga Rathakrishnan
Characteristics and Hospital Outcomes of 1403 Patients Hospitalized at Community Hospitals With Ankylosing Spondylitis, Se Won Lee, Carol Elsakr, Jonathan Holt, and Napatkamon Ayutyanont
Characteristics of Patients Hospitalized to Community Hospitals With Malignant Brain Tumors and Factors Associated With Discharge Destination, Se Won Lee, Thanapath D. Thantacheva, and Denny Mack
Childhood Obesity Prevention Programs in Texas, Thao Doan
Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma Micrometastasis: Insights from an Unconventional Cutaneous Presentation., Mohammad Fardos, Heather Kopecky, James Sligh, and Jill Browning
Clinical and Radiological Identification and Management of SAPHO Syndrome, Obyda Al-Housni, Jessica M. Alonso, Matthew Thornburg, and Enny Cancio
Clinical Impact of Indeterminate QuantiFERON-TB Test Results for a Patient with Recurrent Inflammatory Bowel Disease Flares, Asad Rehman, Bushra Bangash, Aashka Patel, Anam Zara, Hong Thai, and Ismail Hader
Clinical Outcomes and 30-Day Readmission After Infective Endocarditis Complicated by Pericardial Effusion, Nameer Ascandar, Charles Boadu, Nancy Osadiaye-Ebomoyi, and Haidar Hajeh
Clinical Outcomes and Resource Utilization in Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease Hospitalized for Acute Coronary Syndrome, Nameer Ascandar, Joseph Hadaya, Nam Yong Cho, Konmal Ali, Yas Sanaiha, and Peyman Benharash
Clinical Outcomes Following Interventions by Different Modalities of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI): An Updated Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis, Hamza Naveed, Mary Adnan, Mohammad Hamza, and Mahboob Alam
Clinical Variant of Serpentine Supravenous Hyperpigmentation Following Subcutaneous Bortezomib Injection, Madelyn Richards and Stephen E. Weis
Clostridium Perfringens as a Rare Cause of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis, Javier Escobar, Dean Hasan, and Mohamed Faris
Clostridium Perfringens as a Rare Cause of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis., Javier E. Canahuati Escobar, Dean Hasan, Roy L Dennis, and Mohamed Faris
Colon Adenocarcinoma Mimicking Acute Appendicitis in a 28-Year-Old, Bridget Kowalczyk, Edward Pingenot, and Vivek Bansal
Colon Cancer Metastasis to Spermatic Cord Presenting as an Inguinal Hernia, Jessica G. Laenger, Eamon FF Rooney, Patrick F. Dial, Candie T. Le, and Sanda A. Tan
Colon Cancer Symptom Progression in a Non-Adherent Patient: A Case Report, Nasima Mehraban, Bradley Gustafson, Saad Hussain, and Amjad Awan
Colon Cancer with Ovarian Metastasis Presenting as Syncope and Melena, Raul E. Zambrana Valenzuela and Bryan Kharbanda
Colorectal Cancer Among Veterans in Urban and Rural Veterans: Can an Integral Healthcare Mitigate Disparities?, Minh Anh Le, Po-Hong Liu, Amar Mandalia, Sergio Romero, Ishak A. Mansi, and Moheb Boktor
Colovaginal Fistula in a Patient Without a Hysterectomy, Austin Moore, Mollie Ahn, and Anthony Macaluso
Come One, Come All: Carnival Themed Gamification of Emergency Medicine Board Review, Shayne Gue, Taylor Cesarz, and Maria Tassone
Comfort Care, Saptarshi Biswas
Comment To: Obesity and Abdominal Hernia in Ambulatory Patients, 2018-2023, Julie Holihan, Karla Bernardi, Michele Loor, and Mike Liang
Communication Everywhere All at Once – the Art of Leveraging Tech, Kelsey Perry, Jilian R. Sansbury, and Ethan Molitch-Hou
Comparative Analysis of MD and DO Candidates to a Surgical Residency Program, Duyen Quach, Rachel Wright, Vishal Patel, Scott Zimmerle, Brendan Rosamond, Jonathan Lall, Said Maldonado, Zuhair Ali, Rajeev Raghavan, and Mike Liang
Comparing 30-Day Outcomes of Open Versus Endovascular Revascularization for Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia, David Kosoy and Waseem Wahood
Comparing Incidence of ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction in Patients 18-44 Years of Age During the COVID-19 Pandemic In A Large Healthcare Enterprise, Ly Tran, Rebecca Schuyler, Andrea DeNeen, and Mubbasher Syed
Comparing Large Language Models Accuracy in Following Interval Surveillance Colonoscopy Guidelines, Olufemi Osikoya and Gregory Brennan
Comparing the expression of ER, PR, HER-2 between initial biopsy and excision specimens in invasive breast carcinoma cases. Is there a need for universal repeat testing?, Gul Wymer, Astrid Sacasa, and Susana Ferra
Comparing the PPV of At-Home Screening Tests with chronic anticoagulant and/or antiplatelet therapies, Bradley Gustafson, Nasima Mehraban, Amjad Awan, and Michele McCarroll
Comparing the Risk of Bleeding in Patients Taking Azithromycin Concomitantly with Different forms of Anticoagulation and Antiplatelet Agents, Mohammed Ahmed, Satesh Saroop, Valeria Bernier Jimenez, and Fagunkumar Modi
Comparison of 3 Treatments for Fractures of the Humeral Shaft, Neil Werthmann, Mason Poffenbarger, and John Riehl
Comparison of Risk Factors and Mortality in Veterans with HIV and Those without HIV Suffering First Major Acute Cardiovascular Events, William L. Hicks, Suzan Khalil, Floyd W Burke, Minh Quang Ho, and Ishak Mansi
Comparison of Standard and Extended Dexamethasone Duration on Mortality in Patients with Severe COVID-19, Andrew Sephien, Marc Lozano, Sean-Patrick Prince, Denisse Camille Dayto, Caroline Minton, Ambuj Kumar, Nishant Nerella, and Guarav Shah
Completing Financial Disclosure Forms, HCA Healthcare
Complex Management of Septic Joint and Cutaneous Nocardiosis in an Immunocompromised Patient: A Case Report, Annalee Mora, Opeyemi Oyenusi, Serfraz Abbasi, Nikolay Mitzov, and Amrita Randhawa
Congenital Atrial Septal Defect Presenting with Tamponade Physiology and an Associated Viral Illness, Angel G. Juarez, Gabriela Jhon, Rami N. Khouzam, Randall Goodroe, Russell F. Stahl, and Mohamed Faris
Congenital Syphilis: A Case Report of Heightened Awareness in Pregnancy, Madison Kaelin and Manasi Patwardhan
Congestive Hepatopathy: A Review of the Literature, Rakahn Haddadin, Christopher Aboujaoude, and George Trad
Controversies in Care: A Complex Case of Infective Endocarditis in Bicuspid Aortic Valve, Cassandra Knott, Erik Aranda-Michel, Sreenidhi Chintalapani, Mary Achim, and Bryce Rhodehouse
Converging Neoplasms and the Environmental Exposome: Four Distinct Encounters with Collision Tumors in Dermatology., Jessica Kaprive, Stephanie Washburn, Alexandra Loperfito, and Craig Garofola
Coral Crisis: Palytoxin-Induced Keratoconjunctivitis in Marine Experts, Nikolas P. Foresteire, Luis Cabrera, Cory Howard, Alexandra Craen, and Ori Gat
Coronary Air Embolism Secondary to Percutaneous Lung Biopsy: A Systematic Review., Shai Ring, Tusharkumar Pansuriya, Hytham Rashid, Aswin Srinivasan, Ramesh Kesavan, Skantha K Manjunath, Gnananandh Jayaraman, and Siva T Sarva
Cortisol in Elderly Trauma Patients, Sophia Jimenez, Ernest Gonzalez, Leslee Keilty, and Carol Wang
Costoclavicular Brachial Plexus Block Facilitates Painless Upper Extremity Reduction: A Case Report, Matthew Townsend Reeves, Katherine O'Neil, and Todd Slesinger
Coverting USMLE Step 1 to Pass or Fail: A Retrospective Corss-Sectional Study on the Potential Impact to Surgrical Residency Diversity, Shreena Patidar, Brendan Rosamond, J Scott Zimmerle, Jonathan Lall, Said Maldonado, Nicole B. Lyons, Ashlynn Mills, Angelica Rodriguez, Yoolim Alex Seo, Rainna Coelho, Zuhair Ali, and Mike Liang
COVID-19 Infection and Acute Myeloid Leukemia: A Likely Marriage?, Younus Al-Midfai, Moshe Bengio, and Pallavi Aneja
COVID-19 in the Setting of HIV and Severe Hemophilia A: A Case Report, Ryan Wilson, Chae Ko, and Rahul Kashyap
Coxsackievirus-Induced Myocarditis With Acute Onset of Heart Failure With Pleural Effusion., Jaafar Ali Hamdan, Akbar Khan, Ritu Shah, Nikolay Mitzov, and Maria A. Castano
Creating and Supporting Well-Being in Graduate Medical Education, Gregory Guldner
Creeping Through the Cranium: A Rare and Interesting Presentation of a Meningioma, Jayanthraj Gone, Brittany Kennedy, Tyler Fontaine, and Sandor Szilagyi
Critical Airway Obstruction Secondary to Acute Necrotizing Tracheitis, Vishesh Persaud, Austin Makadia, S Choudhury, A Chohan, and Abhay Vakil
Critical Left Subclavian Artery Stenosis With Retrograde Vertebral Flow: A Case Report and Literature Review, Andreas Montano, Martin Halicek, Victor Collier, and Brooke Reese
Crusted Scabies: A Case Report, Marshall Hall, Philip Oh, Michael Carletti, and Stephen E. Weis
Cryptococcus Gattii: Disseminated Disease in an Immunocompetent Patient, Conner Dalton and Jani Smit
Cured by Time? Exploring the Complexity of Diagnosing Acute Encephalopathy, Charles F. Clinton, Avery Stokes, Candler Boyett, Bhuvaneshwari Muchandi, and Mario E. Gonzalez
Current Concepts of Treatment for Foot and Ankle Arthritis, Nehal Modha and Warren Windram
Current Treatment Options for AVN (Freiberg's Infraction) of the Second Metatarsophalangeal Joint, Nehal Modha, Fahad Rahman, and Warren Windram
Current Trends in School Nursing in Musculoskeletal injuries and Concussions, Christoffer Amdahl, Hans Drawbert, Sadra Forati, Joshua Allen, Sana Qureshi, and Afsha Rais
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in the Setting of Syphilis on the US-MX Border, Jourdan Harper, Enkhbileg Batbileg, Andrew Bush, Cesar Calianga, and Hector Zepeda
Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Arising Within a Previously Irradiated Mycosis Fungoides Lesion., Shannon C South, Kimberly A Kluglein, Bryce Demoret, and Richard Miller
Cyanide Toxicity Induced by Apricot Kernel Consumption: A Case Report, Jatin Sadarangani, Vaishnavi Singh, and Benjamin K. Kingsly
Cytochrome P450 Alterations in a Patient Treated with Guselkumab for Moderate-Severe Plaque Psoriasis, Michelle Militello and Sarah Ferrer-Bruker
Dawn's Light—A New Day, Wendy A. McEuen
Debunking Dr. Josh Axe’s 6-Step Liver Cleanse, Katie Suleta
Decoding the Evidence: A Synopsis of Indications and Evidence for Catheter Ablation in Atrial Fibrillation (Review), Omar Obeidat, Mohamed F. Ismail, Saeed Abughazaleh, Hashim Al-Ani, Mohammad Tarawneh, Laith Alhuneafat, Ali Obeidat, Abedallah Obeidat, Qusai Alqudah, Moh'd Daise, Hamza M. Alzghoul, Mohammad Al-Hammouri, Ward Althunibat, Ann Tong, and Mazahir Alimohamed
Decoding the NCCN Guidelines With AI: A Comparative Evaluation of ChatGPT-4.0 and Llama 2 in the Management of Thyroid Carcinoma, Shivam Pandya, Tamir E. Bresler, Tyler Wilson, Zin Htway, and Manabu Fujita
Decoding the Relationship Between Pleomorphic Dermal Sarcoma and Atypical Fibroxanthoma: A Separate Diagnosis or a Spectrum of Disease, Paola Torres-Laboy and Courtney Bernett
Decreasing Blood Culture Contamination at a Children’s Hospital, Taylor Pearl, Brittany Bare, Ricardo Zegarra-Linares, and Jessica Lee
Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty Over Penetrating Keratoplasty to Mitigate Positive Vitreous Pressure Complications., Khaled Moumneh, Scott Pollack, and Larry M Perich
Deficiency in Detail Among Ventral Hernia Repair Operative Notes and The Impact on Patient Outcomes, Alexys N. Ramos, Duyen Quach, Kayla Nguyen, Said Maldonado, Nicole B. Lyons, Jonathan S. Lall, Scott Zimmerle, Brendan Rosamond, Ashlynn Mills, Yoolim Alex Seo, Angelica C. Rodriguez, and Mike Liang
Delays in Chest Compressions During EMS CPR: A Retrospective Review of Cardiac Ultrasound vs Carotid Views During OHCA, Himanshu Gupta, Ryan Richardson, Casey Patrick, James Seek, Nick Smith, Kevin Crocker, Josh Rasco, and Robert Dickson
Demographic and Psychographic Trends Among Patients Discharged on Multiple Antipsychotics, Nicola Eric, Tringali Joseph, Finazzo John, Jeffrey Ferraro, Eileen Venable, Mark Strickland, and Erica Paulos
Dental Blocks in the Emergency Department: Do They Really Increase Bouncebacks?, W Angelo Kantrales and Martin Wegman
Dercum’s Disease: The Clinical Presentation, Diagnosis, Radiological Findings, and Treatment of a Rare, Debilitating Inflammatory Disorder, Obyda Al-Housni, Constantinos Boufeas, and Valori Slane
Dermatologic Manifestations and Mixed Cryoglobulinemia in 40-year old Male, Sparsh Ray, Ben Tran, and Bushra Ambreen
Descending Colon Metastasis of Renal Cell Carcinoma: An Unusual Site of Metastasis., Ali Tariq Alvi, Elsa Lesley Tchouambou Pougoue, Cameron Summers-Powell, and Mayuri Gupta
Devastating Cerebral Injury Prior to DKA Therapy -Case Report, Brittany Bare, Chandler Sapp, Evelyn Fagan, and Sunil Keshwah
Developing a Formal Curriculum on Basic Open and Laparoscopic Skills in a New Community Hospital General Surgery Residency Program with Limited Simulation Resources, Dylan Johnson, Tenzin S. Atruktsang, Dinesh Kumar, Cristiano Alpendre, Darshan Thakkar, and Thomas A. Abbruzzese
Development and Implementation of an Educational Prenatal Packet to Improve Obstetric Management and Patient Education Within a Family and Community Medicine Residency Program, Jalicia Sturdivant, Julianna Snow, Esther Piervil, Erica Paulos, and Kimberly Mathurin
Development and Validation of a Novel Skin Pigment Scale, Christina Guo, Henry Lim, Christopher Wong, Christian Scheufele, Michael Carletti, Michele L. McCarroll, and Stephen Weis
Development of a Facility-Level Second Victim Syndrome Peer-Mentor Program: Program Design and Future Directions, Jacqueline Trammell, Noah Zanville, and Caryn Alper
Diagnostic Considerations of Giant Cell Arteritis in Veterans, Paul Kay, Molly Phan, and Kimberly M. Winges
Dialysis-Reversible Complete Heart Block Without Severe Metabolic Derangements, Shai Ring, Alexander Llop, Harris Khawaja, Usman Khan, and Muhammad Usman Khan
Dietary Supplements and Protein Powders Fall Under a ‘Wild West’ of Products That Necessitate Caveats and Caution, Emily Hemendinger and Katie Suleta
Differences in C-Section Times With Resident Involvement vs No Resident Involvement, Samantha McLean, Kimberly Swan, Rabiya Suleman, and Jeffery Durbin
Differences in Social Responsibility Measures by Residency Hospital Profit-Status, Dillon Smith, Jennifer Chapman, William Kantrales, and Martin Wegman
Discharge Implementation Project: Ascertaining if Discharge Implementation Orders Overall Improves Discharge Metrics at a Texas Hospital, Zachary Paras, Omar Nawab, Komthorn Cunvong, Jackson V. Littlejohn, and Sathish Karmegam
Disseminated coccidioidomycosis discovered through skin biopsy in a pregnant patient from Mexico, Henry Lim, Christina Guo, Marshall Hall, Christian Scheufele, Christopher M. Wong, Michael Carletti, and Stephen Weis
Disseminated Cryptococcus Gattii Infection in a Middle Aged Male, Gina Brock, Kenley Tyler, and MacLaren Durkee
Disseminated Peritoneal Leiomyomatosis Mimicking Carcinomatosis: A Case Report, Matthew Lee, Gabriella Morey, Hector Lopez, Robert Bass, and Susana Ferra
Disseminated Varicella-Zoster Virus Presenting With Pneumonitis and Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage in an Immunocompetent Patient, Abhinav K. Rao, Thomas J Lee, Hassan Tahir Khokhar, and Sokol Kalaveshi
Does the Central Nasolabial Aesthetic SubunitImprove after Secondary Alveolar Bone Grafting? A Three-Dimensiona lMorphometric Study, Peter Larson Miller and Anand R. Kumar
Do the Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Statins Benefit Patients in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Flares?, Boyd Caro, Vamsee Mupparaju, Vanessa Florival, and Ivan Rascon-Aguilar
Double Trouble: COVID-19 Infection Exacerbates Sickle Cell Crisis Outcomes in Hospitalized Patients-Insights from National Inpatient Sample 2020., Zubair Hassan Bodla, Mariam Hashmi, Fatima Niaz, Austin B. Auyeung, Anuoluwa Oyetoran, Muhammad Jahanzeb Khalil, Muhammad Salman Faisal, Farhan Khalid, Abdel-Rahman Zakieh, Yvette Bazikian, and Christopher L. Bray
Double Trouble: Exploring Bilateral Acetabular Fractures in a Trauma Patient., Elliott Smith, Anna C Deal, and Saptarshi Biswas
Do Virtual Patient Monitoring Devices Significantly Reduce the Incidence of Falls Hospitalized in Patients? A Retrospective Review of a Multi-State Healthcare Institution, Star Leonard and Matthew Calestino
Drivers of Being Unhoused and the Prevalence of Health Conditions among Unhoused Individuals in Asheville, NC, Andrea K. Yontz, Amber Beane, Tessa Frank, Amy Upham, Dustin V. Patil, Dan Pizzo, Steve Buie, and Jacqueline R. Halladay
Drug-Induced Linear IgA Bullous Dermatosis with Extensive Mucosal Involvement, Tory Starzyk, Jacqueline Nikakis, and Risa Ross
Drug Rash with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS), Grace M. Yedlicka, Jonah Warwick, and Ryan Spilman
Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS) Syndrome: lamotrigine Associated, Kendal Allen, Jordan Steelquist, Renee Delos Angeles, He Wang, and Andrew Chen
Dual-Mobility Cups in Patients Undergoing Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty with Prior Lumbar Spine Fusion: A Systematic Review, Tariq Ziad Issa
Duodenal Ulcer Complicated by Pneumobilia after Chronic Use of Prednisone, Mihran Ogaryan, Sandra Abadir, Ariel Ahl, Muhammad Durrani, Nusayba Ahmed, and Kumar Desai
DVT Prophylaxis in Procedural and/or GI Bleed Candidates Case Report, Youssef Sabet
Early Implementation of CHF Orders and Physician Education, Qazi Haider, Tapannita Padhi, Hunter Thornberg, Barry Brown, Alexandra Villacres, Justin Roy P. Sanchez, and Ashley Henderson
Early Outcomes of Femoral Neck System vs. Percutaneous Cannulated Screw Fixation in Non-Displaced Femoral Neck Fractures: A Retrospective Database Study, Satish Chandrasekhar, Harrison Seltzer, Dardiny Saint-Clair, and James P. McFadden
Ectopic Pregnancy in a Non-communicating Rudimentary Uterine Horn: A Case of Successful Medical Management and Literature Review., Amelie M Harpey, Bridget P McNierney, Alexis O'Connell, Emily G Lingo, and Ellen G Wood
ED Procedural Supply and Operations, Alex Teshon, Konner Cue, Logan Prewitt, and Anita Datta
Effectively Addressing Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injuries With a Multidisciplinary Approach, Nicki Roderman, Shandlie Wilcox, and Andrew Beal
Effectiveness of Gabapentin as a Benzodiazepine-Sparing Agent in Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome, Hamza M. Alzghoul, Mohammed I Al-Said, Omar Obeidat, Hashim AlAni, Mohammad Tarawneh, Robyn Meadows, Houssein Youness, Raju Reddy, Mohammad Al-Jafari, Bashar N Alzghoul, and Akram Khan
Effect of Pioglitazone and Risk of Atrial Fibrillation in Diabetics with Stable Coronary Artery Disease, Andrew Abraham, Hussein Noureldine, Qusai Alqudah, Sanaullah Mojadeddi, Rabab Elsadek, Ajapall Gill, and Christopher Bray
Effect of the Intern Survival Book Handbook in Medical City Fort Worth Family Medicine Residency Program, Nancy Sang, Harry Pham, Tammy Nguyen, Zara Soomro, Patrick Feng, and Ali Al-Nahi
Efficacious Antibiotic treatment for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth and Refractory Gastroparesis Secondary to Scleroderma, Andrea Francis, Ellen Pepperell, Brandon Chong, and Micheline Tantchou
Efficacious Management of Severe Chronic Back Pain Using a Spinal Stimulator: A Case Report, Robert Busic, Admir Seferovic, and Jennifer Broyles
Efficacy and Safety of DOAC's vs Warfarin for the Treatment of Chronic Portal Venous Thrombosis in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis, Gary Batra, Anil Harrison, and Saivarshith Peddireddy
Efficacy of Intravenous Iron in Patients with Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction and Iron Deficiency: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Control Trials, Andrew Sephien, Denisse Camille Dayto, Tea Reljic, Xavier Prida, Joanna M Joly, Matthew Tavares, Jason N Katz, and Ambuj Kumar
Efficacy of Mavacamten in Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Hamza Naveed, Maryam Adnan, Mohammad Hamza, and Mahboob Alam
Efficacy of Oral Anticoagulants in Chronic Kidney Disease and Hemodialysis Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Fakhar Latif, Komail K Meer, Zain Shaikh, Ayesha Mubbashir, Umar Khan, Taimur F Usmani, Jenelle Alvares, Maria Imran, Ahmad Shahid, Abdul W Shaikh, Maham Shahid, Ameer Hamza, Ali Salman, and Ahmed M Rashid
Eikenella corrodens Orbital Cellulitis on a 2 Year Old Boy: A Case Report, Juan F. Bedoya, Ricardo Zegarra-Linares, and Meena Dhir
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) and Psychiatric Rehospitalization Rates: A Retrospective Study, Aneesh Rahangdale and Jeffrey Ferraro
Emergency Department Volumes After State-Wide Lockdown Orders Across the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic: COVID-19 Lockdown and Emergency Volume, Nicole Lau, Stephen Patterson, Steven Kim, and Tommy Kim
Emergency Surgical Treatment and Triage: Targeting Optimal Outcomes for Emergency Surgical Patients From Index Encounter Through Definitive Care., Jaclyn T. Kliewer, Ilko Luque, Mariel A. Javier, Amanda Moorefield, Hector Mendez, Zulmari Martinez-Resto, Jacob Oster, Alexis Rangel, and Orlando Morejon
Emergency Ultrasound Unveils Intermediate-High Risk Saddle Pulmonary Embolism with Extensive Bilateral Clot Burden, Masquerading as Micturition Syncope: A Case Report, M Townsend Reeves, Harjeev Lahil, Aaron Gold, Mauricio Danckers, Laurence Dubensky, and Todd L. Slesinger
Empiric Treatment of Classical Pyoderma Gangrenosum in the Outpatient Setting: A Case Report, Camille Basurto, Anthony Aponte-Diaz, and Kate Burmaster
Empowering Voices: Cultivating a Supportive Network From the Women in Medicine and Health Care Symposium, Rutuja D. Bhalerao, Kyle Mefferd, and Jocelyn A. Limas
Endovascular Repair of a Superior Mesenteric Arteriovenous Fistula and Pseudoaneurysm After a Single Gunshot Wound to the Abdomen, Robert Ringersen III, Michael Shockley, Sanjiv Gray, Tracy Bilski, Julio Calderin, and Philip Kondylis
Enhanced Naloxone Prescribing for Opioid-using Patients on Hospital Discharge, Dang Quang-Trung, Joan Hyland, Barbara Gracious, and Robyn Meadows
Enhancing Breast Cancer Screening in KIMS Clinic: A Quality Improvement Initiative, Daniel J. Avila Castillo, Crystal Ike, and Mina Choudhry
Enhancing Interprofessional Communication: Strategies for Nurses and Residents at HCA Florida Osceola Hospital, Juan Thomas del Calvo, Mehuliben Upadhyaya, Sathvik Saineni, Minh Anh Le, Awss Shalhoub, Nima Hosseinian, Ashwini Komarla, and Olga Karasik
Enhancing Patient Safety: The Role of Interdisciplinary Teams in Reducing Blood Culture Contamination, Austin Patrick Eisenberg, Fady M. Awad, Brian Watson, and Mohammed Faris
Epigastric Abdominal Pain in Adult Secondary to Gastric Duplication Cysts and Bifid Pancreas: An Uncommon Coexistence, Brenna Casey, Himani Patel, and James Garber
Epithelioid Angiosarcoma: A Diagnostic Dilemma with Clinically and Histopathologically Overlapping Features, Jessica Kaprive, Romsin Zaya, Alexandra Loperfito, and Craig Garofola
Escape the Music Festival - Disaster Day with a Twist, Drake Dixon, Alexa Ragusa, Maria Tassone, and Shayne Gue
Esophageal Foreign Body: A Case of the Hidden Wire Brush, Rebecca Ashton Taylor, Sandra Scott, William Jones, and Jonnalagadda Veeraen
Esophageal Perforation After Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) Tube Placement: A Rare Complication Treated Successfully with Endoscopic Stent Suture, Asad Rehman, Suhail Kayyali, Bobby Jacob, and Meir Mizrahi
Esophageal Perforation During Atrial Ablation, Gabrielle Aiello, Minh Chung, Xiang You, Kaitlyn Vu, and Amethyst Wilder
Establishing a Protocol for Hospice Compassionate Withdrawal of Ventilatory Support in the Home Setting, Georganna Rosel, Ana Sanchez, and Reuben Smith
Etanercept-induced IgA Vasculitis, Marshall Hall, Christian Scheufele, Christopher Wong, Michael Carletti, and Stephen E. Weis
Ethics of Racial/Ethnic Disparities Among Children with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Madhav Patel, Deo Agnila, and Debra Angelo
Euglycemic Ketoacidosis and Lactic Acidosis Associated With Metformin Toxicity, Feras Al-Moussally, Jung-Jung Tien, Kanya Rajagopalan, Carlos S. Botero Suarez, and Roger Crouse
Evaluating Attending Surgeon's Stress in a New General Surgery Residency Program, Alyssa Standlick, Jeffrey Durbin, Candie Le, Eamon Rooney, and Sandra Tan
Evaluating the Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Long Term Prednisone Dosage in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Ellen Yos and Mohamed Faris
Evaluation of a Patient With a Severe Systemic Inflammatory Response to Nitrofurantoin, Brigitte Vanle and Timothy Beatty
Evaluation of the Efficacy of Remdesivir for the Treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019, Alexandra Flannery, Anastasia Knecht, and Koravangala Sundaresh
Exacerbation of Fragile X-associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome in the Context of COVID-19 Infection: A Case Report., Hussein Ghasham, Heather Heild, and Rebecca Patel
Examination of Possible Risk Factors Associated with Incidence of Cecal volvulus within the United States, Maxwell Otto
Examining Nationwide Disparities in Managing Critical Limb Threatening Ischemia among Individuals with Diabetes Mellitus or End-Stage Kidney Disease by Race and Ethnicity, Daniel Dominguez and Waseem Wahood
Exercise Is a Vital Sign, Megan Dannemiller, Anthony Shadiack, Marvin Sineath Jr, Andrew Baird, Marc Poirier, Kevin Thomas, and Michael G. Flynn
Exploring the Digital Landscape: A Survey on Social Media Engagement Among Rheumatology Fellows, Sathvik Saineni, Richa Purohit, Reanne Mathai, Rajan Sambandan, Richard M. Perez, and Neha Bhanusali
Exploring the Landscape of Artificial Intelligence in Rheumatology: Insights, Perceptions, and Future Considerations from a Survey of United States Rheumatology Fellows, Sathvik Saineni, Richa Purohit, Reanne Mathai, Rajan Sambandan, Richard M. Perez, and Neha Bhanusali
Extensive Dural Venous Thrombosis With Associated Intracerebral Hemorrhage and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Due to Protein S Deficiency: A Case Report., Abhinav K. Rao, Thomas J Lee, Kody Dhaliwal, and Nick Shaheen
Extra-Axial Chordoma and Review of the Literature, Corbrielle Boulard, Valerae O. Lewis, Robert L. Satcher, and Wei-Lien Wang
Extra-axial Desmoplastic/Nodular Medulloblastoma, SHH-activated in adult: a case report, Gul Wymer, Fatemeh Mousavi, and Jennifer Barker
Extravagant Flow: A Case of Large Pelvic Hematoma Following Urolift Procedure, Jake Francisco, Alexander B. Holland, Cristin B. Grant, Gerges Abdelsayed, Christopher Reguyal, Geeth Kondaveeti, and Jilian R. Sansbury
Eye Care for Corneal Transplant Donors in the ICU: What We Didn’t See Coming, Ashton Lackey, Joey Royea, Alexandra Hartman, Aaron Worthley, Abbi Mason, Bryan Howington, Bharat Meenavalli, George Helmrich, and Stephen M. Meyer
Facial Angiosarcoma Masquerading as Rosacea, Rachel Murray, Danielle Glinka, Juan Rosario-Collazo, and Karthik Krishnamurthy
Facial Skin Manifestation of a Destructive, Nonkeratinizing Squamous Cell Carcinoma., Vixey Silva, Richard G Bindernagel, Melissa Cheng, and Richard Miller
Factors Associated With Same Day Discharge Post-Spinal Cord Stimulator Placement, Alexander Beletsky, Cherry Liu, Kim Vickery, Natalie Hurlock, Nutan Winston, Munish Loomba, Brittany N Burton, Ahish Chitneni, Rodney A Gabriel, and Jeffrey Chen
Falling From Laughing: Laughing Gas-Induced Subacute Combined Degeneration From Nitrous Oxide, Abhinav K. Rao, Fahim Syed, Thomas J Lee, Gilberto U Umanzor, and Jeffrey Bodle
Fall on Eliquis with Almost Incidental E. coli Bacteremia: A Case of Anchoring Bias in Hospital Medicine, Benjamin H. Bridges, Sara O'Neal, and Kaleb Freeman
Falls Quality Initiative Project, Sean O'Leary, Himat Gill, Steven Tran, Zeeshan Haque, and Christopher Burton
False-Negative PET/CT scan with Metastatic Sebaceous Carcinoma: An Important Diagnostic Consideration., Tong Ren, Jennifer Foster, Alex Wu, Alisher Hamidullah, and Eric Sladek
Fever, Leukocytosis, and Ulcerated Vulvar Lesions: An Atypical Presentation Concerning Behcet's Disease, Austin Patrick Eisenberg, Brenden Pearce, Casey Anders, and Victor Collier
Fever of Unknown Origin Secondary to Staphylococcus Epidermidis Infective Endocarditis in a Patient with Aicardi Syndrome, Kimberly Sanchez Lopez, Elvis Caraballo Antonio, Gabriel Barciela Perez, Melanio J. Rodriguez, and Yeissen Godinez
Fexofenadine As Successful Adjunctive Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Trochanteric Bursitis: A Case Report, Ellen Yos, Emily Hines, Mary Therese Thomas, Christine Angeles, and David A Chetrit
Fibromatous Desmoid Tumor Presenting as a Left Supraclavicular Mass in a 21-Year-Old Female, Robson De Macedo Filho and Christopher Hulsey
Finding Grace with Advanced Cirrhosis: Improving Palliative Care Consult Utilization, Saud Khan, Samuel Kwiatkowski, Anjali Lukose, Amanda Rivera Miranda, Priscilla Phan, and Amar Mandalia
Fire on the Mountain: A Case of Breakbone Fever in Colorado, Jacob Keeling, Omar Hanbali, Gabrielle Porzenski, Changlee Pang, and Natasha Fazel
First Case Report of Ruptured Giant Expanding Breast Oil Cyst, Oleg Popovych, Michael Mousa, and Shiv Bhanu
Flash Pulmonary Edema Secondary to Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava, Jack Demirjian, Rohan Divecha, Emmanuel Garrastegui-Mercado, and Oscar Garcia
Flash Pulmonary Oedema Secondary to Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava, Jack Demirjian, Rohan Divecha, Emmanuel Garrastegui-Mercado, and Oscar Garcia
Food Insecurity in the Behavioral Health Unit, Brianne Kimmet, Maaria Chehab, and Alan Whitaker
Foreign Body Removed Through Laparotomy: A Case Report and Literature Review, Kayla Nguyen, Duyen Quach, David Ortiz, Dominique Norris, Srinivas Ramireddy, and Jody Smith
Forum Discussion Indicates Favorable Views of JAK Inhibitors for Atopic Dermatitis, Nicole Levin, Karan Rajalingam, Ashley Wentworth, and Leila Tolaymat
Four Cesarean Scar Pregnancies Managed at Accreta Center of Excellence at Medical City Dallas Hospital: A Case Series, Ana Adams, Nicole Tenzel, Monica Rodriguez, and Robert Cohen
From Bytes to Best Practices: Tracing ChatGPT-3.5's Evolution and Alignment With the National Comprehensive Cancer Network® Guidelines in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Management, Tamir E. Bresler, Shivam Pandya, Ryan Meyer, Zin Htway, and Manabu Fujita
From Pest Control to Poison Control: A Novel Case Report of Delayed Carbamate Poisoning., Kashan Mahmood, Erin Marra, Taylor Craig, and Gaurav Patel
Fumarate-Hydratase Deficient Leiomyoma – An Opportunity to Intervene, Gul Wymer, Brittany Nagel, and Susana Ferra
Functional Neurologic Disorder (Seizure Type) Leading to Intubation Successfully Treated with CBT, Hersheth Aggarwal and Kamal Albright
Fusobacterium/Peptostreptococcus - A Case Report of Communityacquired Empyema Resulting in Surgical Decortication with Prolonged Antibiotic Therapy: A Case Series and Review of the Literature, Emmanuel Garrastegui Mercado, Chady Awad, and Suresh Antony
Gallstone Illeus and Intra Operatrively Diagnosed Crohn's Disease, Joseph Daodu, Ali Siddiqui, Horeb Antonio Cano Gonzalez, and Kendall Sowards
Gamification to Improve EMS Knowledge of Medical Capacity Determination, Ross Sinicrope, Nasim Motaghedi, Zachary Yates, Elliott Richardson, Stephanie Schieffert, Jacob Wright, Abigail Alorda, Jeffrey Katz, Linh Nguyen, Shayne Gue, Christine Van Dillen, and Ayanna Walker
Gap Analysis and Needs Assessment Guide, HCA Healthcare
Geometric Favre-Racouchot Syndrome Following Image-Guided Superficial Radiation Therapy, Marshall Hall, Cecilia Nguyen, Christian Scheufele, Christopher M. Wong, Stephen E. Weis, Michael Carletti, and Henry Lim
Grade IV Glioma Potentially Disguised as COVID-19 Encephalitis, Austin Patrick Eisenberg, Nicolina Scibelli, Hannah Fischer, and Victor Collier
Grade IV Glioma Potentially Disguised As COVID-19 Encephalitis., Austin Patrick Eisenberg, Nicolina Scibelli, Hannah Fischer, and Victor Collier
Great Expectations: A Multisite, Randomized Controlled Open-Label Trial of a Novel Patient Expectations Communication Tool, Jennifer Chapman, Michael Wakely, Kelsey Leonard, Elizabeth Piwowarski, and Martin Wegman
Gut Fermentation Syndrome: Unraveling the Enigma of Auto-Brewery Syndrome., Jatin Sadarangani, Vaishnavi Singh, and Sathish Karmegam
Handheld Ultrasound Bladder Volume Assessment Compared to Standard Technique, Sanna Ho-Gotshall, Casey Wilson, Errett Jacks, and Rahul Kashyap
Hawaiian Sunset in Maui, Nayda Poldiak
HCA Healthcare Online Writing Lab: Protocol Writing, HCA Healthcare and Mike Flynn
HCA Healthcare Scholarly Commons: Assembling a Knowledge Menagerie, Lindsay Million
Healthcare Provider Burnout: Red Flag for a Rising Epidemic., Ashley Adams, Ensaf Alhujaily, Vishwanth Anil, Omar Kandah, Austin Patrick-Eisenberg, Kelsey Decker, Sara R. Khouzam, Shashi Nagabandi, and Rami N Khouzam
Healthcare utilization, mortality, and cardiovascular events following GLP1-RA initiation in chronic kidney disease, Shuyao Zhang, Fnu Sidra, Carlos A Alvarez, Mustafa Kinaan, Ildiko Lingvay, and Ishak A Mansi
Heart of Medicine: Simulation to Educate Pre-Clinical Med Students in Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Taylor Cesarz, Rachel Shi, Adrien Thokalath, Madison Morris, Shayne Gue, Noe Navarro, Rebecca Beiler, and Stephanie Cohen
Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Due to Ehrlichiosis: A Case Series, Ajay Iyer, Shruti Verma, Thomas Pritchard, Mattias D'Anna, Vladimir Begilman, Himal Bajracharya, and Kaveh Naemi
Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis in a Critically Ill Patient: A Case Report of a Potentially Fatal Entity, Ali Khreisat, Inna Mikaella Sta Maria, Giovi Grasso-Knight, and Meghan Mansour
Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis in COVID-19, Patel Dharmik, Adit Dharia, and Muddassir Salman
Hemorrhagic Cholecystitis Due to Rupture of Underlying Anomalous Duplicated Cystic Arteries, Victoria Diaz, George Trad, and Sue Boo
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors and the attenuation of risk for disseminated intravascular coagulation in patients with sepsis., Nicholas B. Alana, William A. Ciurylo, and Natalie Hurlock
Hormone Replacement Therapy in Adult Women As a Treatment Adjunct for Psychosis: A Literature Review, Parker Stocking, Lucille Schiffman, Lindsay Wallace, Caitlin Aquino, and Cody Teleki
Horner’s Syndrome, a Rare Complication of Transcarotid Artery Revascularization, Mollie Ahn, April Miller, Shonda Banegas, Edic Stephanian, and Morgan Collom
How Does ECT Treatment Affect the Chances of Future Psychiatric Hospitalizations? A Retrospective Study, Aneesh Rahangdale, Joshua Wasdin, and Jeffrey Ferraro
How I Do It: Simplified Transcystic Antegrade-only Robotic Common Bile Duct Exploration (RCBDE)., Eleah Porter, Michael Carge, Heather O'Field, Mohamed Kelli, Sarah E. Johnson, Ralph Wesley Vosburg, and Byron Fernando Santos
Hydralazine-Induced ANCA-Associated Vasculitis Presenting as Crescentic Glomerulonephritis, Yoan Rodriguez, Hovra Zahoor, Christian Castro-Ruiz, Neda Shahoori, and Reuben Maggard
Hydralazine-Induced Antineutrophilic Cytoplasmic Antibody (ANCA)-Associated Vasculitis Presenting as Crescentic Glomerulonephritis, Yoan E. Rodriguez, Hovra Zahoor, Kunal Patel, Christian Castro Ruiz, and Neda Shahoori
Hyperandrogenism Caused By A Steroid Cell Tumor Of The Ovary In A Postmenopausal Woman, Myat S. Myint and Antonio Pinero-Pilona
Hypertension in Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease: An Updated Literature Review, Andrew T. Abraham, Sanaullah Mojaddedi, Isaac H. Loseke, and Christopher L. Bray
Hyperthermic Encephalopathy in a Healthy Young Adult, Timothy Kocher and Dhruvkumar Patel
Identifying Critical Factors in Facilitating the Application of the Team STEPPS Curriculum for Improved Patient Safety in Two Area Skilled Nursing Facilities, Nancy Sang, Jennifer Severance, Sarah Ross, Valerie Agena, and Jane Oderberg
Identifying Demographic Disparities in Urine Drug Screen Ordering in Psychiatric Inpatients, Michael Tompkins, Jacob Henderson, Eileen Venable, and Jeffrey Ferraro
IDENTITY: Inpatient Dialogue and Engagement with Nurses To Improve Team dYnamics, Anna Maria Abi Nehme, Ashley Becker, Raheeq Mohamedsaleh, Shin Zaw, Vigneshwar K. Ramasamy, Raj Shah, Victoria Odeleye, Jorge Restrepo, and Ashwini Komarla
Idiopathic Acute on Chronic Osteomyelitis Mimicking Metastatic Lesion in Humeral Head: A Case Report, Lucas Marks, Gavin Cobb, Nick Duff, and Holli Barber
Idiopathic Granulomatous Lobular Mastitis: A Case Report, Wendy M. Timirau, Esra Sari, Maham Shahid, Nilmarie Guzman, and Augusto Villegas
Impact of Breast Cancer on In-Hospital Mortality and Health Care Utilization in Female Heart Failure Patients: A Retrospective Cohort Study, Omar Obeidat, Ali Obeidat, Mohamed F. Ismail, Abedallah Obeidat, Qusai Alqudah, Hashim Al-Ani, Saeed Abughazaleh, Mohammad Tarawneh, Moh'd Daise, and Bashar Alzghoul
Impact of Interhospital Transfer Status on Outcomes of Variceal and Nonvariceal Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Insights from the National Inpatient Sample analysis, 2017 to 2020, Ali Jaan, Zouina Sarfraz, Umer Farooq, Ahmed Shehadah, Raghav Bassi, Ammad Javaid Chaudhary, Asad Ur Rahman, and Patrick Okolo
Impact of Malnutrition on the Length of Stay for Hospitalized Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell (CAR-T) Therapy Patients in the United States (2020), Tong Ren, Alan Kerr, Olu Oyesanmi, and Salman Muddassir
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Emergency Department Encounters in a Major Metropolitan Area, Jeffrey R Stowell, Michael B Henry, Paul Pugsley, Jennifer Edwards, Heather Burton, Craig Norquist, Eric D Katz, B Witkind Koenig, Sandra Indermuhle, Vignesh Subbian, Hamid Ghaderi, and Murtaza Akhter
Impact of Trauma Verification Level on Management and Outcomes of Combined Traumatic Brain and Solid Organ Injuries: An NTDB Retrospective Review., Ayesha Tariq, Bhani Chawla-Kondal, Elliott Smith, Emily Dubina, Nicholas Sheets, and David Plurad
Impact of Vertical Zone Redesign: One Hospitals Experience, Zachary Shields, Enrique Alvarez-Ventura, and Curtis Johnson
Impact of Virtual Interviews on Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship Match: An Analysis of National Data, Hamza Alzghoul, Saqr Alsakarneh, Saeed Abughazaleh, Lauren Zeineddine, Ariel Ruiz de Villa, Raju Reddy, Ibrahim Faruqi, and Bashar Alzghoul
Impact Select Comorbidities Outcomes Following Colon Resection Sigmoid Volvulus, Caroline Elizabeth Williams, Alessandra Cabrera, Melissa Moreno, and Amir H. Sohail
Implementation of Common Emergency Department Procedure Checklists to Improve Resident Provider Efficiency Background, Abigail Alorda, Alexa Ragusa, Natalie Diers, Taylor Cesarz, Shayne Gue, and Latha Ganti
Implementation of Augmented Intelligence Software to Reduce Door to Puncture Times and Patient Outcomes at a Comprehensive Stroke Center, Cody Bryant, Brandon Womack, Mason Patel, and Sanjay Sharma
Implementing a Standardized Screening Algorithm for Iron Deficiency Anemia in Pregnancy, Ariel Moskowitz, Nicole Tenzel, Joshua Mangels, and Lyndsay Millican
Improvement for Cerclage Placement in Relation to Cervical Length in Patients Undergoing Cerclage Placement at Memorial Health and Relationship with Preterm Birth, J Elise Abernathy, Anthony Royek, A Tanner Fincher, Sai Nagula, Alyssa Moffitt, Abby Unger, Cullen Smith, and Eric K. Shaw
Improvement of Diabetes Mellitus Management in a Resident-run Clinic by using Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM), Janet Tam, Nathan Holt, Rakahn Haddadin, Ranier Rivera, Yasra Badi, Esar Dini, and Andrey E. Manov
Improvement of Emergency Department Chest Pain Evaluation Using Hs-cTnT and a Risk Stratification Pathway, Zhengqui Zhou, Kevin S Hsu, Joshua Eason, Brian Kauh, Joshua Duchesne, Mikiyas Desta, William Cranford, Alison Woodworth, James D Moore, Seth T Stearley, and Vedant A Gupta
Improving Clostridium Difficile detection at Medical City Arlington: A Quality Improvement Project, Bremmy Alsbrooks, Nur-Alhuda Shahub, Shabaz Mallick, Jesse Brown, Afsha Rais, and Afsha Rais
Improving Competence and Confidence in Outpatient Management of Major Depressive Disorder, Anish Pal, Pavan Anand, and Brett M. Garrett
Improving Depression Screening in Primary Care by Implementing a Systematic Annual Screening Protocol: A Quality Improvement Initiative, Trang Nguyen, Ian Whitaker, Danny Tran, Aidan Lum Kong, and Nan Crossley
Improving Documentation of Patients' Physical Activity in the Outpatient Setting, Jordan Price, Syed Abbas, William Bass, Rigoberto Hernandez, Abdullah Shuaib, Michele L. McCarroll, and Lindsay Porter
Improving Gout Therapy in the Patriot Clinic, Jerativat Satayarekha, Vigelo Servera Jr., Nicholas Maggio, Nathaniel Rosa-Santiago, Fariha N. Mirza, Sahar Safavi, Kaiser Ali, and Ashwini Komarla
Improving Hospital Discharge Follow Up at Summerville and Trident Medical Centers, Radhika Mohan, Sanket Patel, Deepa Nuthalapati, Michael Smith, Valerie Sinkler, Dennis Besong, and Pooja Paunikar
Improving Lesion Diameter Reporting on Skin Biopsy Requisition Forms: A Quality Improvement Project, Christopher Wong, Christian Scheufele, Marshall Hall, Henry Lim, Daniel A. Nguyen, Stephen Weis, Michael Carletti, and Dustin Wilkes
Improving Maintenance of Central Line Dressing to Reduce Risk of Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections in an Acute-Care Setting, Kristi Gaskill, Kerry Wilder, Emily Sneed, Astrid J. Pujals, and Kim Newman
Improving Mental Status Exam Based on Body Mass Index in a Residency Program, Shaina Aifuwa, Murali Sampreeth, Valerie Cordero, Nadia Jacobs, and Almari Ginory
Improving Patients’ Perception of Provider Trust and Communication with Birth Plans, Christelle Reeves, Nicole Tenzel, and Timothy Kremer
Improving Rates of Postpartum Depression Screening: A Quality Improvement Project, Sarah Chason, Keisha Reddick, Alexis Brown, Cassandra Hensel, Hannah Pittman, and Jennifer Brown
Improving the Blood Product Administration Process at HCAFlorida Osceola Hospital, Neha Meda, Kar Shun Constant Mak, Parasto Asnaashari, Natalia Irina Tejada, Joshua Sutarwan, Olga Karasik, and Sarah Tinsley
Improving the Evaluation of Patients with Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, Karen Cravero, Alexander M. Hammond, Margaret Ann Kreher, Matthew Olagbenro, Justin Raman, and Matthew Calesetino
Improving the Rates of Diabetic Screening Exams in a Rural Outpatient Clinic, Sofia Rohde, Mohit Mathavan, Shalaka Venkatraman, David Nguyen, Gino Singer, Shivanie Ramdin, Jennifer Abernathy, and Nicholas Dorsey
Improving the Screening for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm at Grand Prairie Internal Medicine Clinic , Riddhi H. Patel and Danielle Ford
Incarcerated Inguinal Hernia with Incidental Type B Aortic Dissection –a case report, Brandon M. Epps, Katherine M. McBride, and Avery Meeks
Incidence of Above Knee Amupations Due to Total Knee Arthroplasty Complications: A Comprehensive Analysis From a Midwest Metropolitan Hospital System, Robert Garner, Collin Erickson, Evan Johnson, Brandalynn Holland, and Jacob Frisbie
Incidence of Syphilis and Neurosyphilis Testing in a Large Sample of Adults, Amy Mackenzie, Nayda Parisio-Poldiak, Caroline Minton, and Barbara Gracious
Incidence of Vaginal Stenosis and Sexual Dysfunction after Radiation for Anal and Rectal Cancer, Kalie Goodman
Incidental Neck Mass in a Young Adult: A Case Report, Eddy P. Lincango and Julio Calderin
Increased Confidence and Knowledge of Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics in Nursing, Improving the Timeliness to Intervention, Barbara Gracious, Marc Macaluso, and Haryashpal Bhullar
Increasing Online Reviews and New Patients in Clinic with QR Codes, Tristan Fun and Danielle Ford
Increasing the Efficiency of Lifestyle Medicine Counseling: A Visual Approach, Kayla A. Hinton and Ryan Smith
Independent predictors of mortality and 5-year trends in mortality and resource utilization in hospitalized patients with diffuse large B cell lymphoma., Zubair Hassan Bodla, Mariam Hashmi, Fatima Niaz, Umer Farooq, Farhan Khalid, Muhammad Junaid Tariq, Muhammad Jahanzeb Khalil, Victoria S Brown, and Christopher L. Bray
Infection Prevention: The Small but Mighty Teams in Health Care, E. Jackie Blanchard
Infectious Causes of Cavernous Thrombosis: A Rare Case of Mastoiditis, Koshin Ahmed and Suresh Antony
Influence of Metformin Discontinuation on Readmission Rate in Patients With Acute Heart Failure, Curtis Wong, Erica Junqueira, Nayda Parisio Poldiak, Nan Crossley, and Shantae Jenkins
Influence of Trauma Patients Aged ≥55 With PEC in Long Stay in the Hospital and Intensive Care Unit, Zulmari Resto, Ilko Luque, Nicole López, Hector Mendez, Mariel Javier, Marcela Ramirez, Orlando Morejon, and Mark McKenney
Inner Working of the Human Body, Dammika Abeygunawardena
Inpatient Falls: Epidemiology, Risk Assessment, and Prevention Measures. A Narrative Review, Taylor Locklear, Jeannie Kontos, Callaham A. Brock, Alexander B. Holland, Rachel Hemsath, Anna Deal, Shannon Leonard, Carsten Steinmetz, and Saptarshi Biswas
Inpatient Outcomes in Patients with Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome and Cannabis Use Disorder: A Retrospective Study, Ali Tariq Alvi, Hasnan Ijaz, and Pallavi Aneja
Inspiring and Supporting Nurses’ Scholarly Works Through a Special Issue Highlighting Nursing-Sensitive Indicators, Sammie Mosier, Elizabeth Card, and Caryn Alper
Insulin for ICU Non-DKA patients -QI Project, Carlos Botero Suarez
Intertwin Membrane Separation in Monochorionic- Diamniotic Twins, Fran Franceschini Lopez, N Moreno, Henry Garcia, and Manuel Rivera-Alsina
Interventional Radiology Approaches for Grade IV-V Renal Injuries, Rohan Kapuria, Rishabh Agrawal, and Hanping Wu
In TINT Condition: Analysis of Actice Ingredients in Popular Tinted Moisturizers and Facial Sunscreens, Nadia El-Hamdi, Peyton Harris, Sloan Long, Sheeva Shahinfar, and Palak Parekh
Intra-Cardiac Thrombus-In-Transit: A Ticking Time Bomb, Visesh Persaud, Austin Makadia, Saiara Choudhury, Asad Chohan, and Abhay Vakil
Intracrnial Hemorrhage and ECG Changes, Negar Niknam, Eric N. Riha, Bushra Bangash, Parshvi Patel, Skantha K. Manjunath, Gnananandh Jayaraman, Ramesh Kesavan, and Siva T. Sarva
Intractable Belching as a Psychiatric Consequence: A Case Report, Iva Hu and Rachel Alef
Intramedullary Nail Fixation Versus Open Reduction and Internal Fixation for Treatment of Adult Diaphyseal Forearm Fractures: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Mckenna Box, Samuel Stegelmann, Grayson A Domingue, Monica E Wells, Neil J. Werthmann, Cornelis J Potgieter, and John T Riehl
Intramedullary Spinal Cord Hemangioma: A Rare Case Report, Tam Truong Faulds, Vanessa Milan, Soheil Sharifi-Amina, Charles Stout Jr., and Duy Bui
Intraosseuous Versus Intravenous Access in the Setting of Prehospital Cardiac Arrest, Drake Dixon, Alexa Ragusa, Kevin Sze, Jeffrey Katz, Linh Nguyen, and Shayne Gue
Introduction to ATLS and Emergency Preparedness, Leon Gu, Urvashi Firozi, and Pradeep D'Souza
In Utero Presentation of Cri-Du-Chat Syndrome, Sara Hitt, Claire McCarthy, Reese Groover, Erika Olsen, and Anthony Royek
Invasive Testing for Pre-operative Localization of Parathyroid Tumors, Akua Graf, Craig Cochran, Samira Sadowski, Naris Nilubol, William F. Simonds, Lee S. Weinstein, Richard Chang, and Smita Jha
Investigating Acetowhitening as a Method to Minimize Mohs Micrographic Surgical Margins in Squamous Cell Carcinoma In Situ of the Head and Neck Abstract, Alexander Howell and Karthik Krishnamurthy
Investigating and Addressing Deficiencies in our Current Urinalysis Reflex Program, Alexander Duggan, Megan Hobbs, and Cameron Holsomback
Investigating the Effects of Nosocomial Clostridioides difficile Infection Among Acute Leukemia Patients: Insights From the 2020 National Inpatient Sample, Zubair Hassan Bodla, Mariam Hashmi, Fatima Niaz, Umer Farooq, Muhammad Jahanzeb Khalil, Farhan Khalid, Kipson Charles, and Christopher L. Bray
Investigating the Link Between Vitamin D Levels and Glucocorticoid Usage in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Ellen Yos, Jayden Navarro, and Mohamed Faris
Ipsilateral Hemi-Diaphragmatic Paralysis After Intra Scalene Nerve Block: A Rare But Reported Entity, Vishesh Persaud, Austin Makadia, Saad Choudhry, A Chohan, and Abhay Vakil
Ischemic Colitis in a Middle-Aged Man With COVID-19: Case Report and Review of Literature, Lara Appiah, Subhasis Misra, and Stephen Jones
Isolated Case of Alexia following Cardiac Ablation: A Rare Stroke Presentation, Matthew M. Mason, Nantian Harsell, and Bryan Kharbanda
Isolated Septic Arthritis in the Cervical Spine Facet Joints, a Case Report, David Pardue, David A. Nunez, and Scott Gutovitz
IT Troubleshooting Reference Guide for the Family Medicine Residency Program, Miguel Serrano, Summer Bryant Alvarez, Admir Seferovic, and Sean Quinonez
Journal Club Application & Planning Guide, HCA Healthcare
Kinematic Fluoroscopy for Pacemaker Lead Placement, Marek Solomianko, Luke Thompson, and Marshall Marcus
Knight Watch: Illuminating Feedback for Round-the-Clock Excellence in Internal Medicine, Joane Titus, Katie Lamar, Harrison Stubbs, Felipe Flores, Natalie Rivera Vargas, Mark Johnson, and Olga Karasik
Knock-Knock an Unwelcome Shock with Recurrence of Atrial Fibrillation with Rapid Ventricular Response After AV Node/Junction Ablation, Rebecca Schuyler and Yuhning Hu
LAI Delivery QI: Improving Compliance and Time to Treatment, Esteban Garcia, Cody Teleki, Jennifer Lee, and Zachary Robinson
Large Bowel Obstruction: Malignancy vs Endometriosis, Which is the Culprit?, Kayla Brown, Amar Shah, Robert Zaunbrecher, and Megan Turley
Large C. Albicans Vegetation on a Native Tricuspid Valve, Mark Kluever, Neha Patel, and Rami Akel
Late Mortality Following Severe Hypothermia in a Trauma Patient, Francheska C. Razalan-Krause, Lawson W. Blake, and Alvaro H. Fonseca
Late-onset Rupture of an Intracranial Dermoid Cyst: A Case Report, Richard Shalmiyev, Adam Devine, Sheyla Gonzalez, and Mauricio Danckers
Late Onset Sheehan Syndrome 23 Years After Post-Partum Hemorrhage, Igbayilola Dosunmu, Ali Tariq Alvi, Sarah Kaufman, and Ayesha Malik
Learning from Health Care Counselors’ Perspectives on Health Care Worker Distress: A Qualitative Analysis, Nancy Downs, Judy Davidson, Angela Haddad, and Sidney Zisook
Learning Mass Casualty Incident Triage via Role Play Simulation, Martin Morales-Cruz, Ayanna Walker, Drake Dixon, Latha Ganti, and Shayne Gue
Left Atrial Myxoma with Cardiogenic Shock Following a Myocardial Infarction: A Case Report, Ian Lancaster, Tara Hrobowski-Blackman, Deep Patel, Lubna Chatoor, Joshini Simon, and Andrew C. Willinger
Left Bundle Branch Block after Moderna COVID-19 Booster, Yamann Sahlool, Neil Gerts, Yann Dacquay, Mihran Ogaryan, Saro Avedikian, Jeong Hwan Kim, Vishva Dev, and Jasprit Takher
LentiGlobin Administration to Sickle Cell Disease Patients: Effect on Serum Markers and Vaso-Occlusive Crisis, Harendra Kumar, Vagisha Sharma, Sohmika S. Wadhwa, Diksha Gowda, Sharanya Kaushik, Andrew M. Joseph, Monica Karas, Jonathan Quinonez, and Anthony Furiato
Lifestyle Medicine for the Health Care Worker, Workplace, and Community Well-Being: A Butterfly Effect, Karina Doucet and Nicholas D'Angelo
Light-Chain (AL) Cardiac Amyloidosis Presenting as Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction., Luis Santiago, Ali Tariq Alvi, Veniamin Melnychuk, Philip Mesquita, and Pallavi Aneja
Longstanding red, lobular nodule on an elderly male's thigh., Abigail L. Meckley, Kiera Martin, Cindy L Davis, Karthik Krishnamurthy, and Angelia L Stepien
Long-Term Outcomes After Spinal Cord Stimulator Placement in Patients with Pre-procedural Active Opioid Use Versus Patients Who Were Opioid-Naïve, Alexander Beletsky, Stephen Music, Cherry Liu, Kim Vickery, Natalie Hurlock, Nutan Winston, Munish Loomba, Tolga Suvar, Jeffrey Chen, and Rodney A Gabriel
Low Grade Appendiceal Mucinous Neoplasm: Intraoperative Diagnosis of Tumor Origin, Sydney Parker, Caroline Keefer, and Robert Markus
Lyrical Stillness, Madhav Patel
Management Considerations in a Case of Sepsis Induced Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy in a post-operative patient., Avraham Fox, Rachel Groening, Carsten Z. Steinmetz, Callaham A. Brock, and Saptarshi Biswas
Management of Isolated Native Tricuspid Valve Infective Endocarditis by a Multidisciplinary Program: A Single-Center Retrospective Cohort Study, Bennett Collis, Talal Alnabelsi, Evan Hall, Chloe Cao, Meredith Johnson, John Gurley, Luke Strnad, Hassan Reda, Tessa London, Erinn Ogburn, Michael Sekela, Bobbi Jo Stoner, and Sami El-Dalati
Management of Keloid-Associated Pruritus With Topical Crisaborole 2% Ointment: A Case Report, Daniel A. Nguyen, Elizabeth Thai MS, and Stephen E. Weis
Management of the Agitated Patient, Carmen Wolfe and Nicole McCoin
Management Targeted Genetic Evaluation of an Idiopathic Neuropathy Cohort Through ATTRv Amyloidosis Screening, Kristy A. Fisher, Santiago Diaz, Jeffrey Gelblum, Charles Brock, Niraja Suresh, and Meghan Towne
Managing Recurrent Delayed Pleural Effusion Post Rib Fracture in an Elderly Female, Yaseen Ramadan, Fnu Swatisikta, and Mushfeka Baker Golawala
Managing the Side Effects of AML Induction Therapy: A Case Report, Kristen Stovall, Taylor Frazier, Kaylee Brown, and Jessica Waite
Man on the Mound: Pictures of a Pitcher in Pain, Jean Medina, Matthew Campanella, Elliot Mendelsohn, Carl Mitchell, and Murtaza Akhter
Masquelet Technique Promotes Osteogenesis in Traumatic Open Tibial Plateau Fracture, Melanie Valencia and Paul C. Baldwin
Massive Pulmonary Embolism Associated With Factor V Leiden Mutation in a Young Female on Oral Contraceptive Pills: A Case Report., Sushil Rayamajhi, Gabriela Sayonara Lopez Capa, Ligia Carolina Flores Reyes, Vyshnavidevi Sunkara, Tania Beatriz Marin Padilla, Ameer M Farrukh, and Anil Harrison
Massive Small Bowel Resection in a 74-year-old Patient with Atrial Fibrillation-Induced Mesenteric Ischemia, Armand Edalati, Bita C. Behaeddin, Raul Aguilar, and Shaikh Hai
Mast Cell Colitis Associated With Yersinia Enterocolitica, Olufemi Osikoya and Gregory Brennan
Mastering the ITE with EM Mastermind: A Board Game for Board Review, Taylor Cesarz, Stephanie Cohen, and Shayne Gue
McArdle Disease Rhabdomyolysis Precipitated by Acetazolamide for Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension, Shahin Cyrus Owji, Vivian Paraskevi Douglas, Mohammad Pakravan, Chaow Charoenkijkajorn, and Andrew G. Lee
MCS Assisted High Risk Multi-Vessel Percutaneous Intervention in Cardiogenic Shock Patient with LV Thrombus, Amanpreet Kaur, Akhil Gade, Srinivasan Rajaganapathy, Ruben Abreu, and Victor DelPrincipe
Measures of Success: Making the Case for Advanced Practice-Sensitive Quality Indicators, Ruth Kleinpell, April Kapu, and Cynthia Borum
Medication Cost Reduction and Substitution Strategies through the MyMetRx Program at Catholic Hospice, Ana M. Sanchez Monroig, Tracy Romanello, Joseph Solien, Sanaz Kashan, and Angel E. Sanchez Artiles
Metastatic Adrenocortical Carcinoma, Beau Blazek, Andrew Chen, Sanaz Siran, and Angelina Rodriguez
Metastatic Axillary Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma in an African-American Female: A Rare Case, Shahriar Sharif, Biura Markarian, and Diego Marin
Metastatic Breast Cancer Presenting as Biliary Obstruction, Taylor Sullivan and Joyce Moore
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Cellulitis Causing Meningitis From Hematogenous Dissemination: A Case Report, Omar M. Masarweh, Suhail Saad-Omer, Michael Rohr, Neha Meda, and Nicole Brenner
Micro Life, David Burton
Microscopic Extraovarian Sex Cord Proliferations, Tricia O'Brien, Cameron Summers-Powell, and Susana Ferra
Midodrine Use and Mortality in Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction, Jason Findlay and William Bugni
Minding the Details: The Importance of Assessment Accuracy and Consistency in Managing Nursing-Sensitive Indicator Interventions, Elizabeth Card and Noah Zanville
Minimally Invasive Compared to Open Urgent Colectomy Outcomes in the Setting of Major Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Nicholas Herold, Alessandra Cabrera, and Sanjan Kumar
MIS Calcaneal Fracture Repair: A Literature Review, Nehal Modha, Roshni Patel, and Warren Windram
Mitigating Nipple Areolar Complex (NAC) Ischemia Following Mastopexy Augmentation Using Nitroglycerin Application and Methylprednisolone: A Case Report, Thor Stead, Matteo Laspro, Giovanni Ramirez-Arroyo, Latha Ganti, and Amitabha Mitra
Mitigating Workplace Burnout Through Transformational Leadership and Employee Participation in Recovery Experiences, John Pladdys
Mitigation Process, HCA Healthcare
M&M Conference Application & Planning Guide, HCA Healthcare
Morbidity and Mortality of Trauma Patients 55 and Older: A Study of Nontrauma Risk Factors, Mariel A. Javier, Ilko Luque, Hector Mendez, Nicole Yordán López, Marcela C. Ramirez, Orlando Morejon, and Mark McKenney
Mpox-Induced Proctitis, Saif Ghias, Niyati Joshi, Dzenana Cabaravdic, Ramesh Nathan, and Jasprit Takher
Multidisciplinary Management for Large and Difficult Choledocholithiasis: The Role of Choledochotomy, Jilpa Shah and Balu Chandra
Multidisciplinary Simulation-Based Trauma Education for General Surgery Interns, Jennifer Austin, April Miller, Jeremiah Avarana, and Alicia Lay
Multiple Anomalous Coronary Arteries With Right Sinus of Valsalva Origin: A Case Report., Abraheim Al-Nasseri, Nathaniel Leavitt, Usman Kazi, Aakash Patel, and Hari Kannam
Multiple Casualty Simulation Scenario Secondary to Natural Disaster at a Music Festival, Stephanie Cohen, Robert Pell, Casey McGillicuddy, Nidhi Sahi, Ariel Vera, Steven Nazario, Andrew Bobbett, Rebecca Beiler, Noe Navarro, Latha Ganti, and Shayne M. Gue
Multiple Central Nervous System Cryptococcomas Masquerading as Lymphoma, Alexander V. Ortiz, Dhruven Mehta, Juli Horton, and Adrian A. Jarquin-Valdivia
Multiple Sclerosis in a 32-Year-old Female with History of Prolactinoma, Aleeza Ali, Jesse Simon, and Adekunle Bamgboye
Mycobacterium flavescens Infection: An Unusual Case of Prosthetic Joint Infection, Peter Holleb and Suresh Antony
Mycobacterium flavescens Infection: An Unusual Case of Prosthetic Joint Infection, Peter Holleb, Srijisnu De, and Suresh Antony
Mycophenolate Associated Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy in a Woman with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Zaur Komachkov and Yacoub Khatab
Myelodysplastic Syndrome with an Unusual De-novo GATA1 Mutation in an Elderly Caucasian Male: A Case Report, Minh-Triet Nguyen, Maryam Fallahi, and Talha Riaz
NAS Associated with Antenatal Tianeptine Exposure: A Case Report, Francesca Damus, Kaleb Freeman, Candace Murbach, and Palmer Johnston
Navigating Social Media in Healthcare: Implications, Challenges, and Guidelines for Physicians, Charles F. Clinton, Logan Brown, Bhuvaneshwari Muchandi, José Ignacio González Martínez, and Candler Boyett
Navigating the Centenarian Cliff: A Near-Miss Vertebral Compression Fracture Unveiled in a 89+Year-Old Woman Following a Syncopal Ballet, Shawn Ahuja and Kedareeshwar Arukala
Necrotizing Fasciitis Associated With Toxic Shock Syndrome., Shahriar Sharif, Samyukta Swaminath, Nashit Mozumder, Kenneth A. Mack, and Diego Marin
Necrotizing Fasciitis Masquerading as Stroke: A Diagnostic Dilemma, Taylor Locklear, Alexander B Holland, and Saptarshi Biswas
Necrotizing Gallstone Pancreatitis in a Pediatric Patient: A Case Report and Review of Diagnostic and Management Challenges, Amin Farsani, Allison Santi, Carlo Reyes, Pardeep Thandi, and Arman A. Sobhani
Never Admit or Release without Considering A Narcan script (NARCAN), Farid Mughni, Mustafa Ibrahim, Dante Janolo, Samuel Ramos, Emma Rivas, and Olga Karasik
New Intern Meditech Admission Bootcamp, Matthew G. Baska, Ashkan Nasr MD, and Akash Patel
New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation Among COVID-19 Patients: A Narrative Review, Fahimeh Talaei, Akshat Banga, Amanda Pursell, Ann Gage, Namratha Pallipamu, Amith Reddy Seri, Ramesh Adhikari, Rahul Kashyap, and Salim Surani
New-Onset Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation in a Healthy Male With Post-COVID-19 Painless Thyroiditis: A Case Report, Valerie Chavez-Flores, Andro Sharobiem, Steven Kim, Michael Kang, and Tommy Y. Kim
New Onset Supraventricular Tachycardia and the Utility of ECG Capabilities of Smart Watches: A Case Report, Benjamin Heflin, Robert Busic, Sean Quinonez, and Admir Seferovic
Next Top Model: An Overview of Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Models, Pooja Agrawal, Carolyn Audet, Laura Ernst, Katie Lang, Sonya Reid, Katie Davis, Rebecca Selove, Maureen Sanderson, and Lucy Spalluto
Non-commercial Ultrasound Transmission Gels: A Scoping Review, Edward Hu, Justin Le, Janae Fry, Taryn Hoffman, and Martin Wegman
Non-invasive Ventilatory Support, Tube Feeding & Risk of Aspiration Pneumonia, Jason Mae Chacon, Zuhaib Murtaza, Sarah Barraza, Judy Jin, and Payal Passi
Non-Secretory Multiple Myeloma: A Rare Form of Hematologic Malignancy Presenting as Severe Renal Failure, Meena Dhir, Candler K. Boyett, Minh Nguyen, Jessica A. Thomas, and Haven Caldwell
Nonspecific Interstitial Pneumonia in the Setting of Immunocompromising Medications, Cody K. Meaux, Bridget Kowalczyk, and Scott Buckner
Noonan Syndrome and Late Onset Eisenmenger Syndrome, Kimberly Solana Mathurin, Payton Williams, and Amethyst Wilder
Novel Method of Using Montage® Bone Putty with Rib Plating in A Patient with Chronic Malunion of Previous Rib Fractures, Tameem Jamal, Zahria Radford, Elliott Smith, Rachel Hemsath, and Saptarshi Biswas
Nursing and Supply Chain as Critical Partners in Enterprise-Level Efforts to Prevent Hemodialysis Associated Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infections: A Case Study, Dana L. Blayney, Julia Moody, James Pittman, Noah Zanville, Missy Pennington, Sarah A. Fraker, and E. Jackie Blanchard
Nursing Informatics: The Vital Nursing Link Between Technology and Patient Care, Sherri L. Hess and Caryn Alper
Obstructive Esophageal Mass in a 40-Year old Female Presenting as Intractable Vomiting and Early DKA: A Case Report, Caroline Andrews and Rachel Hogan
Ogilvie's Syndrome in a Young Female With Chronic Constipation, Tong Ren, Shaikh Afaq, Ali Vaziri, Olu Oyesanmi, and Salman Muddassir
Oncologic Emergencies, Natalie Diers, Nicole Vuong, and Shayne M. Gue
One Giant Step for Mankind…But Not for This Patient, Kevin D. Thomas and Thomas Chambers
One Life for Many, Alma E. Gomez Etienne
Operative Time and Relative Value Units for Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Based on Pathology in the United States, Jack Bayer, Robert Trenschel, Jacob Oster, Amr El-Talla, Daniel Dominguez, Waseem Wahood, and Menar Wahood
Opioid-Related Emergency Department Visits Before and During COVID-19: Association with Community-Level Factors, Timothy F. Page, Weiwei Chen, François Sainfort, and Julie A. Jacko
Opportunities for PrEP in High Risk HIV Negative Patients, Steven Veselsky, Erin Smith, Amethyst Wilder, Misty Burkes, Nnamdi Ilouga, Jean B. Wiggins, Erik Shaw, and William Hannah
Optimal Fixation Requirements for Lapidus Bunionectomies: A Comprehensive Review and Analysis, Nehal Modha, Diego Peralta, and Warren Windram
Optimizing Cost as well as Yield of Blood Cultures in Sepsis, Murtaza Akhter and Matthew P Cheng
Optimizing Postoperative Glucose Management in CABG Patients: Exploring Early Transition to Subcutaneous Insulin., Hamza M. Alzghoul, Joel Weimer, Abigail Antigua, Geran Maule, Mohamed F. Ismail, Ward Althunibat, Raju Reddy, Abdul Ahad Khan, Nehan Sher, Robyn Meadows, and Akram Khan
Orbital Trauma Epidemiologic Characteristics by Life Stage, Aayma Irfan, Nihal Punjabi, Aishwarya Suresh, Ian W. Waldrop, Jared C Inman, and Nicholas Sheets
Organ Donation and Transplantation among Non-US Citizens: Opportunities to Improve Global Equity in Heart Transplantation, Ersilia M Defilippis, Jaya Batra, Vanessa Blumer, Isaiah A Peoples, Christy N Taylor, Daniel Oren, Jose L. Lopez, Andrew J Sauer, and Nasrien E Ibrahim
Ossifying Panniculitis Presenting as a Painful Nodule on the Abdomen, Rosemary Oaks, Abigail Beard, Richard Miller, and Keith Baribault
Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) Utilization in the Primary Care Setting, Ceferino Cruz and Afsha Rais
Outcome Disparity Among African Americans Following Colon Trauma, Joseph Krocker, Victoria Lord, Tamar Walker, Tammy Luan, Luis Rivera Aguasvivas, Jonathan Meizoso, Heidi Bahna, and Juliet Ray
Outcomes after inpatient rehabilitation for older adults with hip fractures: A cross-sectional study., Se Won Lee, Carol Elsakr, Keong M Joung, and Napatkamon Ayutyanont
Outcomes of Endovascular Revascularization Therapy in Patients With Critical Limb Ischemia Admitted on the Weekend, Nameer Ascandar, Bobby Malik, Fru Che, and Amatul Khan
Outcomes of Patients with COPD during the COVID Pandemic, Jacob Hentges and Julia Fashner
Overcoming the Storm with Impella, Daniel J. Avila Castillo, Alexander Rhodes, Hamza Naveed, Danyal Syed, Syed Danyal Raza, Zuhair Ali, and Sivatej Sarva
Oysters, Limpets, and Elephants: A Literature Review of the Hyperkeratotic Psoriasis Variants., Richard Bindernagel, Emily Woolhiser, Arpita Patel, and Richard Miller
Pain in the Back – A Rare Case of Atraumatic Paraspinal Compartment Syndrome, Muhammad Rehan and Jodi Perry
Palliative Care in Cirrhosis of the Liver, Feras Al-Moussally, Natalia Tejada, Saud Khan, Amar Mandalia, and Sabiha Kazi
Pancytopenia and Disseminated Varicella-Zoster Virus in a Patient with T-cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma in Maintenance Phase of Treatment: A Case Report, Kathryn Jordan, Paul Bryant, Clinton Carroll, and Jennifer Domm
Pancytopenia, enterovirus infection, and PCR testing, Stephen Mock, Salome Herzstein, and Andrea Horbey
Panhypopituitarism: Uncommon Presentation of Metastatic Breast Cancer, Matt Nelson, Jessie Wampler, and Meg Burke
Pantoprazole Induced Pancytopenia in a Post-Chemotherapy Patient: A Case Report, Rohan Divecha, Caleb Nieves, and Paul Mathew
Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma of the Ovary Presenting as a Dermoid Cyst, Renee Ricci, Alicia Farris, Dina Linfoot, MacLaren Durkee, and Kenley Tyler
Paraesophageal Hernia Associated Atrial Fibrillation and Small Bowel Obstruction, Shannon Zhou, Garrett Dee, and Ryan Spilman
Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return: To Fix or Not to Fix?, Akshaj Pole, Jennifer Austin, and Amnah Andrabi
Parvimonas micra Bacteremia in the Setting of a Hepatic Abscess: A Case Report, Aneil S. Walizada, Sarah E Lyons, Chulou Penales, and Carlos Lopez
Patriot Clinic Proton-Pump Inhibitor Review and Therapy De-Escalation (PCP-PIRATE) at the Orlando VA Healthcare System, Sonia Alicea, Emmanuel Magsino, Sriya Reddy, Alfredo Palomino Abella, Faris Alamin, Raj Shah, Ashwini Komarla, David Simmons, and Amar Mandalia
Pediatric Advance Life Support, Monique Edwards and Lance Mwangi
Pediatric Quick Reference Dosing Guide, Alexander E. Teshon, Caleb Marcy, Himanshu Gupta, and Urvashi Barua-Nath
Peptostreptococcus Endocarditis Bacteremia, Kimberly Mathurin, Payton Williams, Sydney Koenig, Minh Chung, Grayson Beasley, and Kaleb Freeman
Perceived Disruption of COVID-19 on Medical Education in Incoming Psychiatric Residents, Steven Sprenger, Ashley Mahajan, Jeffrey Anderson, Napatkamon Ayutyanont, Jessica C. Wells, and Gregory Guldner
Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy: A Possible Trigger for Dieulafoy's Lesion, Ali Tariq Alvi, Elsa Tchouambou, and Murali Shankar
Perforated Marginal Ulcer Resulting in a Gastropericardial Fistula: Endoscopic Management of a Rare Complication After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, Maximillian Starr, Andrew Nicholson, and Kenneth Copperwheat
Persistent Challenges: Pulmonary Hypertension in Aortic Coarctation Despite Surgical Valve Replacement, Adam Devine and Jacklyn Garcia
Persistent Poverty and Incidence-Based Melanoma Mortality, Tiffaney Tran, Karla Madrigal, Lillian Morris, Kehe Zhang, Emelie Nelson, Marcita Galindez, Zhigang Duan, Adewole S. Adamson, Hui Zhao, Hung Q. Doan, Madison M. Taylor, Cici Bauer, and Kelly C. Nelson
Pharmacoepidemiology of GLP-1 receptor agonists, Nicholas E. Woessner
Phenytoin Toxicity and Hypoglycemia - Case Study, Daniel Khashchuk and Natarajan Venkatayan
Plantar Plate Injury: Current Treatment Options, Nehal Modha and Warren Windram
Plasma Cell Rich Lymphoid Neoplasm in an Endocervical Polyp of the Uterine Cervix in a Perimenopausal 52-Year-Old Woman, Anjali Patel, Jacqueline Haas, and Angela Kueck
Platelet Rich Plasma Injections for the Management of Arthritis: A Clinically Focused Review of the Data, Gerges Abdelsayed and Jason Chris Rosenberg
Pneumopericardium, Epidural Pneumatosis, and Muscular Emphysema: Rare Complications of Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum Due to Refractory Hyperemesis Gravidarum., Charles R. Russell III, Garnett Benjamin, Joshua K. Salabei, Peters Okonoboh, and Liang Sun
Point of Care Thoracic Ultrasound for Rapid and Specific Diagnosis of Respiratory Pathology, Gretchen Nonawzki, Joshua Middleton, and Diana Mora Montero
Polypharmacy and Potentially Inappropriate Prescribing in Geriatric Population, Maryam Burney, Barry Brown, Victoria Nguyen, Garrett Furth, Ambreen I. Ahmed, and Abigail Hulsizer
Post-Mastectomy Resconstruction and Disparities Amongst Race During the COVID Pandemic (PRADAR): A Retrospective Analysis, Jamie L. Bolden, Robyn Meadows, D Scott Lind, and Noaman Ali
Post-Operative Infection Following Abdominal Hysterectomy with or without Surgical Drains, Dylan Gallegos and Dominique Barnes
Post-procedural Vertebroplasty/Kyphoplasty Outcomes of Patients from 2010-2020, Issac Ichoa, Waseem Wahood, Shyam Kurian, Mohamad Bydon, Jonathan Morris, David F. Kallmes, and Waleed Brinjikji
Presentations of Cutaneous Disease in Various Skin Pigmentations: Acne Vulgaris - Comedonal Acne, Christopher M. Wong, Christina Guo, Christian J. Scheufele, Daniel A. Nguyen, Jean Elizze M. Charles, Michael Carletti, and Stephen E. Weis
Presentations of Cutaneous Disease in Various Skin Pigmentations: Chronic Atopic Dermatitis, Cecilia Nguyen, Jordan Thompson, Daniel A. Nguyen, Christopher M. Wong, Christian J. Scheufele, Michael Carletti, and Stephen E. Weis
Presentations of Cutaneous Disease in Various Skin Pigmentations: Porokeratosis, Henry Lim, Christopher M. Wong, Christian J. Scheufele, Daniel A. Nguyen, Michael Carletti, and Stephen E. Weis
Presentations of Cutaneous Disease in Various Skin Pigmentations: Seborrheic Dermatitis, Christian J. Scheufele; Christopher M. Wong; Daniel A. Nguyen DO, PharmD; Michael Carletti; and Stephen E. Weis
Presentations of Cutaneous Disease in Various Skin Pigmentations: Steroid Atrophy, Marshall Hall, Ysabelle Martinez, Wenqin Du, Christian Scheufele, and Christopher M. Wong
Presentations of Cutaneous Disease in Various Skin Pigmentations: Tinea Corporis, Navya Peddireddy, Braden van Alfen, Christian Scheufele, Marshall Hall, Christopher M. Wong, and Stephen Weis
Prevalence of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Across Hospital Corporation of America Healthcare in the United States, Their Correlation With Mood Disorders and Other Lifestyle-Related Comorbidities, Keysha Gonzalez, Zainab Hanif, Maham Shahid, Nilmarie Guzman, and Natalie Hurlock
Prevalence, Predictors and Outcomes of Prolonged Length of Stay Among Patients Admitted Under Internal Medicine in HCA Florida West Hospital: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study, Sushil Rayamajhi, Anil Harrison, and Jun Yoo
Pre-Workout Pancreatitis, Mohammad Ridha, Gilberto Rivera-Gonzalez, and Seenivasagam Makeswaran
Primary Care and Surgical Collaborations in Addressing Breast Cancer: A Comprehensive Review, Anuoluwa Oyetoran, Samantha Sircar, Oluwadamilola Oladeru, and Kim Barbel Johnson
Primary Dedifferentiated Duodenal Liposarcoma With Gastric Outlet Obstruction: A Rare Small Bowel Tumor, Ali Tariq Alvi and Murali Shankar
Primary Malignant Melanoma of the Urethra: A Rare Finding, Nova B. Mebane, Gerard Voorhees, Emile Salloum, Michael Bailey, and Aaron Moon
Primary Mucinous Carcinoma of the Thyroid: A Case Report, Literature Review, and Immunohistochemistry Summary, Martin T. Halicek, Caleb Scott, Terence Zimmermann, and Brian Watson
Primary Resection of Duodenal Neuroendocrine Tumor with Suspected Lymph Node Metastasis: A Case Report, Raleigh Payton, David Bassa, Furrukh Jabbar, and Hassan Ahmed
Profound Hypothyroidism and New Onset Dilated Cardiomyopathy: A Case Report, Savannah Grunhard, Rebecca A. Taylor, and Osman Perez
Progression of Pulmonary Cavities Beyond HPV Papillomatosis: A Case Report, Andrew Kim, Lily Liu, Yi McWhorter, and Sapna Bhatia
Prophylactic Antibiotics for Aspiration: Does it Prevent Pneumonia?, Akash Patel, James Dunne, and Himani Patel
Prophylactic Mesh Reinforcement for Non-Midline Incisions: A Systematic Review, Rainna Coelho, Oluwatunmininu Anwoju, Ali Siddiqui, Andrew Youssef, Oscar A. Olavarria, Nalia H. Dhanani, Karla Bernardi, Zuhair Ali, and Mike Liang
Prospective Comparison of VisuALL Virtual Reality Perimetry and Humphrey Automated Perimetry in Glaucoma., Jeffrey M Griffin, Grant T. Slagle, Truong A Vu, Ainsley Eis, and William E Sponsel
Proving Pyoderma, Diagnosis and Treatment of Suspected Pyoderma Gangrenosum, Samuel Milam and Sean Gibbs
Pseudohypoparathyroidism During Pregnancy: A Rare Disease with Significant Diagnostic, Clinical and Hereditary Consequences for Mother and Neonate, Sara J. Hitt, Claire McCarthy, Renee Ricci, Bethany Bowling, and Anthony Royek
Pseudohypoxic brain swelling following elective lumbar laminectomy: A rare case report and review of literature., Geran D. Maule, Carson Creamer, Rabab Elsadek, Mohammad Abuassi, Alexa Zajecka, Omar Obeidat, and Peters Okonoboh
Puerperal Group A Streptococcus Infection Mimicking Gastrointestinal Ileus, Juhi Singhal, Mollie McDonnold, Carol Wang, and Clarissa Villareal
QI on Addressing BMI in the Outpatient Setting, A Shuravloff, Ryan Bradbury, Matthew Widdison, and Teresa Johnson
Quadriplegia from Cervical Osteomyelodiscitis with Vertebral Collapse: A Case Report, Danay Herrera, Jose M. Acosta, Davide Fox, Livasky Concepcion Perez, and Jessica Hughes
Quality Improvement Project: Compliance of Antenatal Testing in Patients with Class III Obesity, Isabella L. Sciacca, Timothy Kremer, and Nicole Tenzel
Quality Improvement Project Regarding Concomitant Administration of Promethazine and Opioids in Hospitalized Patients Chronic Pain, Alexey Minevskiy, Wade Wyckoff, Corey Stone, Romil Patel, Shrikanth Parthasarathy, and Denis Parinov
Quality Improvement to Optimize Pediatric MRI Efficiency in Hospitalized Patients:Improving the Ordering Process and Reducing Time to MRI Completion, Andrew Stack, John Adent, and Eric Shaw
Quiet, Thashali Anthony
Quiet, Thashali Anthony
Race/Ethnicity and Morbidity/Mortality in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: 2016 USA Study, Victorien Meray and Rupa Seetharamaiah
Racial Differences in Diabetic Cardiomyopathy: The ARISE-HF Trial, Jose L. Lopez, Yuxi Liu, Javed Butler, Stefano Del Prato, Justin A Ezekowitz, Carolyn S P Lam, Thomas H Marwick, Julio Rosenstock, W H Wilson Tang, Riccardo Perfetti, Alessia Urbinati, Faiez Zannad, James L Januzzi, and Nasrien E Ibrahim
Racing to Disaster: A 10-Year Retrospective Analysis of Pediatric Competitive Motocross Injuries, Erin B Bruney, Kalei M Rollins, Carolyn K Holland, Robyn Hoelle, David Martin, Colleen K Gutman, and Tricia Swan
Radiographic Evaluation of MI-TLIF Procedures Utilizing Novel Allograft Growth Factor, Samuel Joseph and Lauren Edge
Rare Intercostal Herniation of Aabdominal Organs in COPD Patient Managed Non-Operatively, Dalya Abdelmaged and Thomas Litton
Rare Presentation of Metastatic Choriocarcinoma, Abneris Rivera, Rohit Reddy, Madison Groom, and Gerard Dichiara
Rare Rectal Lipoma Case Report, Victoria Nguyen, Sean Sojdie, Kunal Elete, Justin Richardson, and Long Hoang
Rare Right-Sided Posterolateral Diaphragmatic Hernia in an Adult Presenting as an Incarcerated Large Bowel Obstruction: A Case Report, Tanya J. T. Starr, Andrew G. Nicholson, Maximillian J. H. Starr, Jessica A. Traxler, and Peter Y. Chu
Reactive Infectious Mucocutaneous Eruption Secondary to Mycoplasma Pneumoniae, Final Patel, Michael Bossak, and Natalie Hogan
Recurrent Bleeding of Innominate Artery Treated with Covered Stent in a Patient with Tracheoesophageal Fistula, Sandra Iskandar and Benjamin Fegale
Recurrent Pleural Effusion, an Extraarticular Manifestation of Seronegative Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ronald Spinelle, Jeffin Cherian, Luke Rogers, and Domenick Sorresso
Reducing Broad-spectrum Antibiotic Use by Appropriately Treating Community Acquired Pneumonia, Caleb I. Nieves-Velez, Richard Pieri, and Miki Otta
Reducing Medication Barriers Before Patient Check-Out at a Student Run Free Clinic, Jenna D. Reisler, Daniel Bao, Alison Zill, and Marysuna Wilkerson
Refractory Homicidal Ideation in a Young Adult Male With High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder and Schizophrenia., Natasha R. Patel, Numa Rehmani, Rachel Utter, and Barbara Gracious
Regional Retrospective Review of Sickle Cell Crisis Management, Joane Titus and Joshua Shultz
Regularly Scheduled Series (RSS) CloudCME Management Guide, HCA Healthcare
Reliability of the Safety Threats and Adverse Events in Trauma (STAT) Taxonomy Using Trauma Video Review, Anisa Nazir, Nemanja Baletic, Ryan P. Dumas, and Caitlin Fitzgerald
Remdesivir-Induced Bradycardia: A Multicenter Retrospective Analysis, Jomel Jacinto, Tharshikha Pirapakaran, Israa Algburi, Thais Schwartz, and Yuhning Linda Hu
Reproducibility of the AGREE II Tool for Assessing the Methodological Quality of Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Antithrombotic Agents in Patients Undergoing GI Endoscopy, Denisse Camille Dayto, Wojciech Blonski, Tea Reljic, Farina Klocksieben, Jeffrey Gill, Rene D Gomez-Esquivel, Brijesh Patel, Pushpak Taunk, Andrew Sephien, Camille Thelin, and Ambuj Kumar
Requesting Transcripts & Certificates for CME Activities in 2024, HCA Healthcare
Research prioritization in hernia surgery: a modified Delphi ACHQC and VHOC expert consensus., Daphne Remulla, Mazen R Al-Mansour, Christopher Schneider, Sharon Phillips, William W Hope, Joel F Bradley Iii, Richard A Pierce, Luis Arias-Espinosa, Karla Bernardi, Julie L Holihan, Michelle Loor, Mike Liang, and Benjamin T Miller
Residency Burnout and Wellness, Harmanjit Khokhar and Dennis Cardriche
Resident Feedback on Incorporating Reflection Rounds Into a Family Medicine Residency Wellness Curriculum: A Brief Report, Stacy Ogbeide, Jasmin Aldridge Hamlett, and Inez Isabel Cruz
Resident Gamification Challenge: Unlocking POCUS Proficiency Board Review Through Play, Kevin Bertrand, Emily Macauley, and Michael Falgiani
Resolution of Discoid Lupus Alopecia With Systemic Hydroxychloroquine and Topical Pimecrolimus Combination Therapy., Kristine R Liang, Cynthia Lee, Alexis Hilts, and H L Greenberg
Response of FGFR-2 Positive Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma to Futibatinib, Yoan Rodriguez, Maham Shahid, Natalia C. Badillo-Velez, Augusto Villegas, and Nilmarie Guzman
Response of FGFR-2 Positive Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma to Futibatinib: A Case Report., Yoan E. Rodriguez, Maham Shahid, Natalia Badillo, Augusto Villegas, and Nilmarie Guzman
Response to Azacytidine in a Patient With Refractory Peripheral T-cell Lymphoma With TET2 Mutation, Minh Anh Le, Feras Al-Moussally, and Allison Carilli
Retropharyngeal Abscess or Malignancy? A Difficult Differential Diagnosis in New Neck Masses, Mary Therese Thomas, Brooke Reese, and Mary Carter
Retrospective Analysis for Incidence of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Compared Against Insurance Coverage Type, Kevyn Niu and Iftekhar Baig
Retrospective Analysis of Surgical Time Proficiency During Laparoscopic Myomectomies, Jeffrey Johnson, Kimberly Swan, and Errick Arroyo
Retrospective, Longitudinal, One-Group Study on the Implementation of Continuous Glucose Monitoring To Improve Quality of Care for Patients With Type I or II Diabetes Mellitus in an Internal Medicine Residency Continuity Community Clinic, Andrey Manov, Rakahn Haddadin, Sukhjinder Chauhan, and Elizabeth Benge
Retrospective Review of Adverse Events After Treatment of Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer with Image-Guided Superficial Radiation Therapy, Marshall Hall, Henry Lim, Jason Pham, Alyssa Forsyth, and Wenqin Du
Retrospective Study: Adverse Effects of Hyperglycemia in Nondiabetic Critically Ill Patients with Myocardial Infarction, Enkhbileg Batbileg, Jourdan Harper, Daniel Moore, Carol Wang, and Sarah Barraza
Reverse Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy in the Setting of Small Bowel Obstruction: A Case Report, Daniel Bishev, Hussein Noureldine, and Fernando Ortiz
Reversible Dilated Cardiomyopathy in a Male Patient With Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Case Report., Cristina M Padovani, Jennifer Tao, Mohammad I. Fardos, and Linda Brecher
Revitalizing Emergency Rooms Nationally: Strategies and Insights, Jeffin Dejanovich and Noah Zanville
Risk Factors for Depression Progression in Parkinson's Disease: A Retrospective Cohort Study, David Kosoy, James Cassuto, and Gregory Kurgansky
Risks and benefits of continuing metformin during hospitalization, Joel Speir, Sean Shearan, Kevin Trappett, Elizabeth Uba, and Kenneth Krell
Risk Stratification and Management of Intermediate- and High-Risk Pulmonary Embolism., Sanaullah Mojaddedi, Javairia Jamil, Daniel Bishev, Kobina Essilfie-Quaye, and Islam Y Elgendy
Role of Plasmapheresis: A Tale of Two Thyroid Storms, Zhiwei Zhang, Sam Joseph, and Donald Eagerton
Rotator Cuff Tear and Osteonecrosis Secondary to Seasonal Influenza Vaccine, Ryan Wilson, Ryan Hammond, Rachel Turner, and Chae Ko
RSS Activity Checklist, HCA Healthcare
Saftey of DOAC Treatment in Splanchnic Vein Thrombosis, Allen Swanson, Trevi Mancilla, Hemantha Walaliyadda, Joshua White, and Jonathan Sidlow
Same Day Surgery and Discharge After Cardiac Device Implantation, Aakash Patel, Abraheim Al-Nasseri, Usman Kazi, and Mahyar Doraji
SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination Can Only Be Held Responsible for Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura After All Differentials Have Been Ruled Out, Josef Finsterer
Save a Limb: Potential Utility of Empiric Plasmapheresis for Recurrent Brachial Artery Thrombosis and Acute Limb Ischemia following Left Heart Catheterization, Peter Harrill, Mariel Duchow, and Levy Amar
Scores and Suspicions for Acute Coronary Syndrome, Murtaza Akhter and Nicholas Rosende
Screen it Out! Improving Colon Cancer Screening Among Kingwood Clinic Patients, Daniel J. Avila Castillo, Bhavin Patel, Dhruv Patel, Rajeev Raghavan, and Zuhair Ali
Secondary Cold Agglutinin Hemolytic Anemia and Unconventional Treatment with Rituximab, Jacob Trimble, Roy Dennis, Zachary Bondranko, Mary Therese Thomas, and Thomas Bumbalo
Second Generation Antipsychotics and Cardiovascular Adverse Effects: Developing Evidence-Based Recommendations for Primary Care Medicine, Sana Borda, Ahn-Dao Lee, and Paul F. Bell
Second Trimester Uterine Rupture with Abnormal Vascularity of the Lower Uterine Segment, Munsa Manandhar and Linda Haddox
Second Victim Syndrome: Nurturing Well-being and Resilience in the Medical Community, Daniel Basselgia
See One, Do One, Caroline Williams and Amir Sohail
Sequestering the Diagnosis of Extra lobar Bronchopulmonary Sequestration: A Case Report, Tanner Fincher, Reese M. Groover, and Amanda Royek
Serial Irrigation and Debridement and Kerecis for Treatment of Necrotizing Fasciitis: A Case Report, Katherine Manseau, Jacob Frisbie, Robert Garner, Collin Erickson, and Charles Orth
Serotonin Syndrome following Drug Overdose : An Overview, Shruti Verma, Michael L. Ahrens, Shivangi A. Gohil, Scott Rawson, and Heather Kort
Setting Up Your Profile in CloudCME, HCA Healthcare
Severe Case of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in a 36-year-old Male, Aleeza Ali, Max Kaito, Stanley Dennison, Hanan Zisling, Esam Khalifa, and John Romano
Severe colitis progressing to toxic megacolon in newly diagnosed inflammatory bowel disease, Grace M. Yedlicka, Jonah Warwick, and Ryan Spilman
Severe Coronary Vasospasms in Asymptomatic COVID-19., Omar Masarweh, Ubaldo Gonzalez Morales, Sara Tahir, Sana Tahir, and Sayed T. Hussain
Severe Cutaneous Reaction Induced by Clindamycin: A Case Report of Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis., Gabriel Scally, Yohannes Haile, Allen Seylani, and Nicholas W. Sheets
Severe Electrolyte Abnormalities and Distal Renal Tubular Acidosis in the Setting of Apremilast Use for Psoriatic Arthritis: A Case Report., Brody M Fogleman, Emilie McKinnon, Schuyler Nebeker, and Kedareeshwar S Arukala
Severe Knee Pain Status-Post Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA): A Primer for Possible Interventional Procedures, Rishabh Agrawal, Rohan Kapuria, Arthur M. Freedman, and Hanping Wu
Short QT Syndrome (SQTS), George Shaker, Igbayilola Dosunmu, Jason Kim, Tiffany Guillen, and Kevin Kuang
Sigmoid Colon Angiomyolipoma as a Culprit for Intermittent Constipation and Hematochezia, Amel Tabet Aoul, Ama Achiamah, Nathaniel Leavitt, Chun He, Pujan Kandel, and Varun Patel
Single Question Survey vs the Ongoing Violence Assessment Tool for Intimate Partner Violence Screening in the ED, Zhengqiu Zhou, Donna Carden, Mariel Michaels, Gretchen Nonawzki, Saria Slowey, Maureen Mohan, and Robyn Hoelle
Single-Session Endoscopic Ultrasound-Directed Transgastric Intervention for a Fine Needle Biopsy of Pancreatic Head Mass Using Endoscopic Through-the-Scope Suturing in a Patient With Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Anatomy, Raghav Bassi, Francisco I. Macedo, Yaseen Perbtani, and Tony S Brar
Small Bowel Obstruction Diagnosed with Bedside Ultrasound in an Otherwise Stable, Mildly Symptomatic Patient in the Emergency Department, Asahi Hossain, Mollie Powell, and Josh Middleton
Small Bowel Recurrent Intussusception Status Post Gastric Bypass., Yasmine Ghattas, Brittany L Perry, Danis Lester, Aidan Charles, and Darwin Ang
Small Cell Carcinoma of the Ovary, Hypercalcemic Type: A Rare Case, Clare Rudman, Erin Onat, Sierra Sandler, and Jennifer Griffith
Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter-2 Inhibitor-Induced Euglycemic Diabetic Ketoacidosis in a Type 2 Diabetic Patient, Rakahn Haddadin, Danny Aboujamra, and Homayon Iraninezhad
Spontaneous Pleuritic Chest Pain in an Otherwise Healthy 22 Year-Old Collegiate Athlete, Ryan Hammond, Rachel Turner, and Chae Ko
Spontaneous Pneumoperitoneum Presenting as an Acute Abdomen, Megan Bedard, Madison McInnis, and Kaysie Banton
Spontaneous Superior and Inferior Pancreaticouduodenal Artery Pseudoaneurysms in the Setting of a Retoroperitoneal Hematoma Surrounding the Pancreatic Head, Asad Rehman, Jordan Torres, Salman Islam, Bushra Bangash, Lakshmi Tatineni, and Aneesha Shaju
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the External Auditory Canal Presenting as a Persistent Ear Infection: A Case Report and Imaging Features, Jayanthraj Gone, Tyler Fontaine, Faraz Eshaghi, and Mohammed Z. Rehman
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity During Intubation, Cherry Liu, Amanda Sniadach, Michael Dinh, Christian Park, and Rodd Rezvani
Starting a General Cardiovascular Fellowship at Community Hospital Interestingly improved Cath Lab Quality Metrics across the board, Chimbu Chinniah, George Skaf, Ziran Young, and Gauthier Stepman
Statistical Methods for Pre-Post Intervention Design, Oliwier Dziadkowiec
STEMI Alert Notification System at HCA Florida Orange Park Hospital: A Quality Improvement Project, Jomel Jacinto, Pranav Bommineni, Steven Goodfriend, and Mubbasher Syed
Steroid-Dependent Recurrent IgA Vasculitis in a 19-Year-Old Woman, Hannah Berrett, Shivangi Gohil, Rebecca Kurian, and Patricia Neyman
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Pemphigus Vulgaris: A Missed Connection, Amelia Mellor and Suresh Antony
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome in a Patient on Concomitant Treatment with Levetiracetam and Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole., Amel Tabet Aoul, Abraheim Al-Nasseri, Chase Hall, Chun He, and John Abernathy
Stop Horsing Around: A Case of Cenbuterol Toxicity, Justin Sanchez, Mark Cheneler, and Alexandra Villacres
Stop That Bloody Cough: A Case of Hemoptysis After Intrapleural tPA Administration, Khizir Qureshi, Mark Cheneler, and Carlos Bahrami
Streptococcocal Induced Toxic Shock Syndrome: Importance of Diagnosis and Initiating Life Saving Treatment, Lincy Sakwa and Danielle Ford
Stroke as a Result of Caseous Mitral Annular Calcification, Ricardo Estrada-Montes, Sarah Barraza, George Matus, and Asha Kurian
Stroke Chameleon: A Case of High Grade Glioma, Zachary T. Lowery and Mary M. Carter
Structured Textbook Review and Individualized Learning Plans Successfully Remediate Underperforming Residents and Improve General Surgery Program Performance on the ABSITE, Aaron Pinnola and Christoph Kaufmann
Subacute Defibrillator Lead Associated Right Ventricular Perforation in a Young Individual with Non-Ischemic Cardiomyopathy: A Unique Clinical Case, Jackson V. Littlejohn, Aditya Sharma, Marisha R. Sharma, and Kamran Rizvi
Subacute Stroke Like Presentation Likely due to Disseminated Histoplasmosis in an Immunocompromised Patient, Ashley R. Diaz, Priya Mohan, Utmitha Konda, Alfonso Manotas, and Issac Ichoa
Subcutaneous Emphysema of Unknown Etiology in A Young Healthy Adult Male: A Case Report, Charlie Wu and Teneme Konne
Subglottic Stenosis as a Presentation of Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody-Associated Glomerulonephritis., Austin Patrick Eisenberg, Victor Collier, Andrew Mangano, Karandeep Shergill, and Ellen Yos
Submitting a CME Activity Application, HCA Healthcare
Successful Implementation of Pulmonary Embolism Response Team at Oak Hill Hospital, Shaikh Afaq, Michael Cox, Jaafar Hamdan, and Hayder Abidali
Successful Treatment of an Atypical Presentation of Disseminated Retroperitoneal Seminoma: A Case Report, Mahmoud Abd-El-Hafez, Kylie Johnson, Joe Cates, and Alosh Madala
Successful Treatment of Resistant Grover's Disease with Dupilumab, Jessica Kaprive, Stephanie Washburn, Colleen M. Emerson, and Tessa Mullins
Sudden Onset AMS, Focal Weakness, Fever and Aphasia due to Intracranial Subdural Empyema in Left Temporo-Parietal Lobe, Lily Hyunjung Lim, Menachem M. Nagar, and Pallavi Aneja
Sunitinib Induced Gomerular Thrombotic Microangiopathy, Aisha Khan
Superior Vena Cava Syndrome Masquerading as Angioedema: A Chemotherapy Port Complication, Philip Mardock, Austin Patrick Eisenberg, Vishal Shah, and Thaddeus Golden
Surgery Day, Cara M. MacDonald
Surgical Management of Massive Localized Lymphedema: A Case Report, Joseph Daodu, Alexys Ramos, Rainna Coelho, Natalia Cavagnaro, and Mike Liang
Surgical Margin Analysis in Early-Stage Cervical Cancer: An HCA Retrospective Study, Chrystal Stallworth, Abel Moron, Nicole Tenzel, Timothy Kremer, and Michele McCarroll
Survival After Emergency Clamshell Thoracotomy with Bilateral Atrial Appendage Injuries, Jennifer Austin, Enrique Alvarez, Alicia Lay, and Christian Minshall
Surviving the Apprehensive Methicillin-Sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) Bacteremia: A Case of Bacteremia with an Undetermined Source of Infection Leading to Suspected Cardioembolic Ischemia and Biochemical Septic Shock, Greisy D. Curbelo Sesin, Eduardo Marino-Urbino, Christopher Fontela, Melanio J. Rodriguez, Jorge A. Diaz, Shivaan C. Oomrigar, Ramon Mendoza Bello, and Yoandy Rodriguez Fuentes
Suspected Retropharyngeal Abscess Resulting in Quadruple Amputation: A Case Report, Olivia Little, Noah Pierzchajlo, Jimmy Nguyen, Zachery D. Neil, and Maulik Patel
Suspected Thiamine Deficiency Secondary to Chronic Gastrointestinal Illness: A Case Report, Abigail L. Meckley, Natalie LaGattuta, Elise Gonzalez, Chamonix Kinimaka, and Jessica El-Bahri
Symptomatic Idiopathic Pulmonary Artery Aneurysm: A Case Report and a Mini-Review of the Literature, Caitlin Merrin, Nyein Chan Swe, and George Degheim
Syncope with Too Much Iron-y: Hemochromatosis as a Possible Contributing Factor in Acute Liver Failure, Andrew Ondracek, Joshua Wais, Joseph Petkiewicz, and Robert Ondracek
Syphilis Presenting in the Axillary Lymph Node, Kevin Benny, Pooja Agrawal, Suimin Qui, and Angelica Robinson
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Presenting as Aseptic Meningitis and Pancytopenia, Julia Collins, Roy Escobar, Vishnu Halthore, Ali Abu Ayla, Tanvir Khosla, Hamza Hansoti, Janita Sidhu, Elia Barraza, Zachary Charif, Azaam Mamoor, Ann Wierman, and Venkatachalam Veerappan
Systemic Storm: Multi-Organ Septic Emboli in Acute Aortic Valve Endocarditis, Jilpa Shah, Akshaj Pole, and Amnah Andrabi
Tackling An Uncommon Shoulder Injury in Adolescent Football: A Case Report, Megan Dannemiller, Reagan B. Williams, Marvin Sineath Jr., Mims Gage Oscher, Denise Holloway, Jason Hux, Justin Lancaster, and Delan Gaines
Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Associations and Risk Factors, Erik Aranda-Michel, Cassandra Knott, Andrew Fisher, and S Blake Wachter
Targeted Procedure Lab to Improve Self-Identified Deficiencies Among Graduating Emergency Medicine Residents, Stephanie Cohen, Andrew Bobbett, Shayne Gue, and Jeffrey Thompson
T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Crisis: Hyperleukocytosis, Tumor Lysis Syndrome, and Innovative Approaches., Gordon White, Mariel Duchow, and Levy Amar
Techniques for Identifying a Patent Foramen Ovale: Transthoracic Echocardiography, Transesophageal Echocardiography, Transcranial Doppler, Right Heart Catheterization., Sanaullah Mojaddedi, Muhammad O Zaman, Islam Y Elgendy, and Mohammad K Mojadidi
TGF-β Signaling Pathways in the Development of Diabetic Retinopathy, Andrew Callan, Sonal Jha, Laura Valdez, Lois Baldado, and Andrew Tsin
TGF-β Signaling Pathways in the Development of Diabetic Retinopathy, Andrew Callan, Sonal Jha, Laura Valdez, Lois Baldado, and Andrew Tsin
The Art of Nursing, Janna L. Billetdeaux
The Association Between Adverse Cardiovascular Outcomes in Celiac Disease and the Role of Inflammation: Retrospective Analysis Using the National Inpatient Sample., Rabab Elsadek, Zeeshan Ismail, Raghav Bassi, Anuoluwa Oyetoran, Yaseen Perbtani, Tony Brar, and Suzanne Zentko
The Biting Colon: An Unfortunate Nightmare for a Healthy but Anxious Patient, Jackson N. Hoekstra, George Trad, Luke Johnson, Tarek Ammar, and John Ryan
The Brilliant Embodiment of Creativity, Afsah Ali Hussain
The Changing Landscape of Geriatric Care in Acute Myeloid Leukemia: A 5-year Analysis of Inpatient Mortality Predictors, Trends in Mortality, and chemotherapy use., Zubair Hassan Bodla, Mariam Hashmi, Fatima Niaz, Muhammad Jahanzeb Khalil, Farhan Khalid, Zahra Niaz, Mohammad Abdullah Hashmi, Umer Farooq, Rajashree Chaudhury, and Christopher L. Bray
The Discrepancy Between Hemoglobin A1c and Glucose Management Indicators in 26 Patients Treated With Continuous Glucose Monitoring in an Internal Medicine Residency Clinic, Andre E. Manov, Nathan Holt, Esar Dini, Ranier Rivera, Ashrita Donepudi, Rakahn Haddadin, Kyle Mefferd, and Inam Qadir
The Effectiveness of the Lifestyle Medicine Residency Curriculum on Primary Care Residents’ Lifestyle Medicine Leadership, Knowledge, Assessment, and Management Skills, Karina Doucet, Emmanuel Morakinyo, Nicholas D'Angelo, and Suzanne Perkins
The Effects of Bra Type on Scar Outcomes: Study Design, Recruitment, Methodology, and Preliminary Findings, Jessica Houpe, Vidya Medepalli, Sadie Baltz, Taylee Braegger, Giselle Almanzor, Madison Leonard, Morgan Barney, Anna Gaskin, Yanesezah Fenelon, Grace Thaxton, and Steve Richardson
The Effects of Cannabis Use on Adverse Cardiovascular Outcomes, Mortality, and Cost of Hospitalization: Retrospective Study Using National Inpatient Sample, Rabab Elsadek, Zeeshan Ismail, Isaac Loseke, Hashim Al-Ani, Mona Fikry, and Suzanne Zentko
The Effects of Cannabis Use on Major Adverse Cardiovascular Outcomes, Mortality, Cost of Hospitalization, and Cardiac Arrhythmias: A Retrospective Analysis Using the National Inpatient Sample., Rabab Elsadek, Zeeshan Ismail, Hashim Al-Ani, Isaac Loseke, Mona Fikry, Robyn Meadows, Suzanne Zentko, and Bryan Curry
The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Resident Education and Burnout, Timbre Backen, Oliwier Dziadkowiec, Jeffery S. Durbin, Gregory Guldner, and Glenda Quan
The Epidemiology of Maritime Patients Requiring Medical Evacuation: A Literature Review, Jonathan S Dillard, William Maynard, and Rahul Kashyap
The Ethical Concerns of Improper Semaglutide Administration After Acquisition From A Compounded Pharmacy, Syed Basit Haider, Renu Thomas, E’Joven Reed, Aneesha Shaju, Bushra Bangash, Jakob Schnell, and Edrianna Mae Ablola
The Feasibility and Impact of an Asynchronous Interprofessional Well-Being Course on Burnout in Health Care Professionals, Mari Ricker, Audrey J. Brooks, Mei-Kuang Chen, Joy Weydert, Amy Locke, E Kyle Meehan, Paula Cook, Patricia Lebensohn, and Victoria Maizes
The Future of Nurse-Led Research: The Road Ahead, Sammie Mosier
The Glucose Goddess Jumps Into the Supplement Industry, Katie Suleta
The Heart of Residency, Julia Fashner and Samantha Gionocchio
The Impact of a 4-Domain Wellness-Initiative Curriculum on Internal Medicine Resident Physicians, Esha Vallabhaneni, Luigi Cubeddu, Ryan Petit, Fernando Poli, Premal Patel, and Cynthia Rivera
The Impact of Demographic Factors and Language on Stroke Metrics within the HCA Healthcare System, Henry Yelkin, Glenn Goodwin, Jonghoon Chang, McHenry Mauger, and Erin Marra
The Impact of Non-trauma Factors on Trauma Patient Mortality and Hospital Resource Utilization: Population-Based Retrospective Review., Mariel A. Javier, Ilko Luque, Jaclyn T. Kliewer, Nicole Yordan Lopez, David Ritchie, Beatriz Cobo Dominguez, and Orlando Morejon
The Impact of Tamsulosin and Duration in Catheter-associated UTI (CAUTI) at Weatherford, Feeza Hasan, Diana Steedley, Maria Guerrero, and Muhammad Siddique
The Infinite Corridor, Houyar Moghaddas
The Left Atrial Appendage: An Enigmatic Friend or Foe and Implications of Closure, John-Michael Benson, Jacob Keesee, Lincoln Smith, Jayden Navarro, and Rami N Khouzam
The Location and Incidence of Neuromas as related to Metatarsal Juxtaposition on Radiographs: a Prospective Review of consecutively enrolled patients, Giacat Pham, Taylor Bergstrom, Liz Connolly, JiHae Kim, Spencer Stringham, Josh Joseph, Kaitlin Thompson, and Hisham Ashry
Theory of a Well Mind, Joan S. Hyland
The Patient-Provider Interaction and Patient Experience: A Substudy of Multi-Site Randomized Trial of a Novel Patient Expectations Communication Tool in the Emergency Department, Kelsey Leonard, Jennifer Chapman, and Martin Wegman
The Patient Who Presented with Acute Leg Pain and Swelling with an Inability to Weight Bear: An Atypical Presentation of a Common Pathology, Alizatu Koroma, Rachel Groening, and Saptarshi Biswas
The Pit Crew Card Game: A Novel Gamifications Exercise to Improve EMS Performance in Critical Care Scenarios, Danielle DiCesare, Bridget Scheveck, Jeffrey Adams, Maria Tassone, Vanessa I. Diaz-Cruz, Christine Van Dillen, Latha Ganti, Shayne Gue, and Ayanna Walker
The Placement of a Single-Incision Mini-Sling for the Treatment of Complete Intrinsic Sphincter Deficiency in an Adolescent Female: A Case Report, Norman Bebla and Dylan Gallegos
The Re-Emergence of an Ancient Disease: A Case Presentation of Spinal Tuberculosis, Danay Herrera, Nargisa Ergasheva, Paola Solari, Daniel Kaswan, and Bryan Greendield
The Rise of Artificial Intelligence-Driven Health Communication, Roei Golan, Rohit Reddy, and Ranjith Ramasamy
The Role of Confounders in Statistical Analysis., Oliwier Dziadkowiec
The Role of ERCP in Post Covid-19 Cholangiopathy: A Systemic Review of Published Case Reports, Olufemi Osikoya and Gregory Brennan
The Sexual and Gender Minority (LGBTQ+) Medical Trainee: The Journey Through Medical Education, Mauricio Danckers, Jake Nusynowitz, Lily Jamneshan, Richard Shalmiyev, Raiko Diaz, and Asa E Radix
The Sexual and Gender Minority (LGBTQ+) Medical Trainee: The Journey Through Medical Education, Mauricio Danckers, Jake Nusynowitz, Lily Jamneshan, Richard Shalmiyev, Raiko Diaz, and Asa E. Radix
The Treatment of Depression in Alzheimer's Disease Using Neuromodulation: A Literature Review, Aaron Marbn, Shane Ragland, Thalia Adrian, Clara Alvarez Villalba, and Samuel Neuhut
The Treatment of REM Sleep Disorder Using Neuromodulation: A Literature Review, Aaron Marbin, Shane Ragland, Orestes Hadjistamoulou, Clara Alvarez Villalba, and Samuel Neuhut
The Use of AngioVac in Large Sized Vegetations With Tricupsid Valve Infective Endocarditis, Haris Ahmed, Ly Tran, and Youssef Al Saghir
The Use of Methylene Blue in Conjunction With Hydroxocobalamin and Multiple Pressors to Treat Severe Vasoplegia in a Patient Due to Calcium Channel Blocker Toxicity: A Case Report, Aaron Hacker, Dylan S Irvine, Michael Gross, Imani Thornton, and Diego Marin
The Use of Ultrasound Simulators Combined with Educational Material and Hands-on Experience as a Tool to Improve Basic Psychomotor Skills in Ultrasound Image Acquisition: A Pilot Study on a Family Medicine Residency Program, Marilian Canals-Rivera, Travis Chen, Michael Sweda, and Paola Perez-Rodriguez
The Utility of Cologuard in a Real-World Community Setting, Abhinav K. Rao, Shivam Kalra, Danny Tran, Angeli Patel, Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Levi C. Diggins, Ian Whitaker, Shannon Kang, Kunaal Patel, Eyad Gharaibeh, Ali Khalifa, Don C. Rockey, and Brett Van Leer-Greensberg
The Utility of Multitarget Stool DNA Testing for Colorectal Cancer Screening After a Normal Colonoscopy, Abhinav K. Rao, Shivam Kalra, Brett Van Leer-Greenberg, and Don C Rockey
The Wallet Biopsy: Medical Crowdfunding for Heart Transplantation, Ersilia M Defilippis, Adhya Mehta, Fatimah A Alkhunaizi, Christy N Taylor, José Lopez, Laura McLaughlin, Vanessa Blumer, and Nasrien E Ibrahim
The Wave, Brittany Gavin
Thinking Outside the Operating Room: An Effective Strategy for Stoma Outlet Obstruction, Tyler Wilson, Tadevos Makaryan, Tamir E. Bresler, and Manabu Fujita
Third Trimester Influenza A -Mediated Thrombocytopenia…Another Grave(s) Reason for Influenza Vaccination During Pregnancy, Sara Hitt, Lilly McIncrow, Bethany Bowling, and Ashton Fincher
Thoracic Spine Lesion with Paralysis: A Rare Presentation of Plasmacytoma, Daniel Khashchuk and Natarajan Venkatayan
Thrower’s Fracture With Subsequent Compartment Syndrome Requiring Emergent 2 Compartment Upper Extremity Fasciotomy, Andrew Wise and Darwin Ang
Thymoma with Paraneoplastic Myasthenia Gravis, Dallin Beus, Sherwin Thomas, and Amnah Andrabi
Thyroid Hemiagenesis Associated with Oncocytic Type Follicular Adenoma with KRAS Mutation - A Case Report, Sam Joseph, Zhiwei Zhang, Donald Eagerton, and Rana Hoda
To Have and to Not Hold: Long-acting Insulin for NPO Patients with Diabetes, William Hicks, Cindy Iwuagwu, Suzan Khalil, Juan Pablo Meruvia Garron, Cynthia Schwartz, Carlos Botero Suarez, Ashwini Komarla, and Mustafa Kinaan
Tracheal Bleed with a Laryngectomy from an Innominate Artery Fistula, Cherry Liu, James West, Hunter Brooks, Jennifer Gilbert, Gabe Scally, Sara Hajizadeh Barfjani, and Siddharth Singh
Transabdominal Gun Shot Wound Traversing Zone 2 Injuring Bilateral Kidneys Managed Non-Operatively, Margaret Rose and Saptarshi Biswas
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Complicated by Aorto-Right Ventricular Fistula Repaired Via Valve-in-Valve Replacement., Omar Masarweh, Anusha Ghaffar, Stephanie Lopez-Orizondo, Olga Karasik, and Jooby John
Transcatheter Arterial Embolization for Atraumatic Splenic Rupture in TEE-negative Endocarditis: A Case Report., Daniel P. High, Jose M. Acosta, Danay Herrera, Mauricio Danckers, Daniel Heller, and Daniel Zapata
Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement in the Second Trimester of Pregnancy: A Case Report, Ashton Tanner Fincher, Andrew Royek, Reese M. Groover, Abigail Haythorn, and Anthony Royek
Transcranial Endovascular Embolization of Dural Arteriovenous Fistula: A Case Report and Literature Review, Ali Abu-Alya, Azaam Mamoor, Devraj Chavda, Erek Helseth, Venkatachalam Veerappan, John A Anson, and Mohamad Fayad
Treatment Analysis of Very Early and Early Onset Psychosis in the Youth Inpatient Setting, Acelyne Marie Summerson, Jordan Kalosieh, Sindhura Kompella, Clara Alvarez-Villaba, and Yukthi Kodali
Treatment of Hyperkinetic Gallbladder with Cholecystectomy: A Case Report and Literary Review, Rachel Wright, Duyen Quach, Kayla Nguyen, Gabriella Tavera, and Mike Liang
Tremor as a Rare Manifestation of Cefepime Neurotoxicity, Brittany Guidos, Kurt Lee, Elsa Tchouambou, and Nathan Zaher
Trends of Hypertensive Heart Disease Prevalence and Mortality in the United States Between the Period 1990-2019, Global Burden of Disease Database, Saeed Abughazaleh, Omar Obeidat, Mohammad Tarawneh, Ziad Qadadeh, and Saqr Alsakarneh
Tricyclic Antidepressant and Antipsychotic Toxicity: Clomipramine and Ziprasidone Overdose, Nikolas P. Foresteire, Cory Howard, and Kirk Szustkiewicz
Tubulointerstitial Nephritis and Uveitis Syndrome: A Case Report., Milliejoan Mongalo, Victoria Diaz, Andrew Kim, Jean Hou, and Khalil Bourji
Tumor Board Application & Planning Guide, HCA Healthcare
Turmoil, Derek Kent
Turmoil, Derek Kent
Two Cases of West Nile Virus Encephalitis in the ICU, Arthur J. Armijo, Carl Smearman, Bhavesh Shukla, and Ryan Spilman
Two-Fraction Postoperative Spine Radiosurgery for Metastatic Spine Cancer, Elizabeth E. Obi, A Sanchez-Feliciano, G A. Smith, and D J. Donnelly
Type II Diabetes and Keto Diet in Family Medicine Clinic: A Case Report, Dante Paredes, Karos Torres, and Joshua Moton
Type IV Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and a Fragile Uterus, Alyssa M. Moffitt, Cullen D. Smith, Alicia Farris, William Osborne, and Anthony Royek
Ulcerating Plaques of the Lower Extremities of a 23-Year-Old Female, Robyn O. Okereke, Christian J. Scheufele, Michael Carletti, Stephen E. Weis, and Carlos Bahrami
Ultrasound-Guided Needle Aspiration of a Peritonsillar Abscess in the Emergency Department, Elizabeth Piwowarski, Kenith D'Souza, and Taryn Hoffman
Un-Break My Heart: Improving the Cardiac Rehabilitation Referral Rate, Samer Khalil, Iman Squires, Abed Naser, Akash Patel, Eric Vargas, Manuel Carrazana, and Olga Karasik
Uncontrolled Primary Hypothyroidism Precipitating Non-cirrhotic Hyperammonemia: A Unique Interplay Between the Liver and Thyroid., Raghav Bassi, Sushil Rayamajhi, Kobina Essilfie-Quaye, Jasmay Randhawa, and Sripal Padam
Uncovering the Risks and Benefits of Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) Closure in Cryptogenic Stroke: A Case Study., Matt Bommarito, Great Ogujiofor, Neha Patel, Rami Akel, and Marek Krysztofiak
Understanding Hypomagnesemia in Patients with Short Bowel Syndrome, Aashka Patel, Sakina Haider, Thomas Hoang, and Rajeev Raghavan
Undetected metastatic melanoma in the colon., Sarah Pajek, Walter Cisneros Lopez, Juliet Ray, and Rennier A Martinez
Unraveling Abdominal Heterotaxy Syndrome: A Case Study of Intractable Nausea and Vomiting in an Adult Female, Allison Yang, Timbre Backen, Michaela Snow, Kyle Combe, and Julie Krenz
Unsuspected Large B-cell Lymphoma Diagnosed by Pleural Effusion Cytology after Chest Wall Trauma, Matthew Lee and Susana Ferra
Unusual Delayed Invasive Infection with Staphylococcus Capitis Following Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: A Case Report and Literature Review, Suhas Tatapudi, Daniel J. Avila Castillo, and Ibrahim Yazji
Unveiling Hidden Battles: Exploring the Link Between Breast Cancer Survival and Heart Failure Vulnerability, Omar Obeidat, Abedallah Obeidat, Saeed Abughazaleh, Ali Obeidat, Moh'd Daise, Mohamed F Ismail, Qusai Alqudah, Hashim Al-Ani, Mohammad Tarawneh, and Roja Pondicherry-Harish
Unveiling the Complexities: A Case Report on Anti-MDA5 Amyopathic Dermatomyositis and Its Clinical Implications and Therapeutic Challenges, Ines Ramirez-Cibes, Dylan Little, Anna Buck, and Lisa Gieseke
Unveiling the Complexity of Nocardia Septic Arthritis in an Immunocompromised Patient: A Case Report, Steven A. Kessler, Meghan R. Mansour, Ali Khreisat, and Mamon Tahhan
Unveiling the Enigma: A Case Report of Syndrome of the Trephined Manifesting as Profound Somnolence, Kyle Drinnon, Muhammad T. Mourad, and Muhammad Siddique
Unveiling the Uncommon: Angina as a Rare Symptom in Cardiac Myxomas Cardiac Myxoma and Angina, Abraheim Al-Nasseri, Amel Tabet Aoul, Usman Kazi, Sawrajpal Singh, and Alaa Boulad
Urinary Ascites in a Newborn Male, Amanda Stragnell, Querube Santana-Holcombe, and Annette Santiago
Use of an Antibiotic Spacer and Pedicled Groin Flap in the Treatment of Chronic Osteomyelitis of the Forearm: A Case Study, Nathan Elder, Christopher Morford, Alexander Selsky, and William Judson IV
Use of Angled-Tip Aspiration Catheters is Associated with a Lower Cost of Thrombectomy in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke Secondary to Large and Medium Vessel Occlusions, Mohamad Ezzeldin, Riichi Ota, Eric Riha, Adam Delora, Bader Alenzi, Victoria Gordon, Himanshu Gupta, Rime Ezzeldin, and Saif Bushnaq
Use of an Opt-Out vs Opt-In Strategy Increases Use of Residency Mental Health Services, Gregory Guldner, Jason T. Siegel, Chandler Broadbent, Napatkamon Ayutyanont, Deborah Streletz, Alina Popa, Joshua Fuller, and Timothy Sisemore
Use of Cervical Ripening Foley Balloon for Membrane Reduction at the Time of Physical Exam Indicated Cerclage, Alondra Sierra, Victoria Carpenter, Anika Galagoda, Dylan Gallegos, and Aaron Poole
Use of TC-325 Hemostatic Powder as a Rescue Monotherapy for Management of Rectal Variceal Bleed, Amel Tabet Aoul, Vamsee Mupparuju, Jonathan Cirillo, Sreekanth Chandrupatla, Jeffrey Jordan, Maria A. Castano, and Olugbenga Oyesanmi
Utility of Bedside Ultrasound in Identifying Undiagnosed Malpresentation Upon Admission to Labor and Delivery: A Quality Improvement Project, Kristen Daugherty, Gloria Wang, Samantha McLean, Jeffrey Johnson, and Kelly Mosher
Utility of Diagnostic Radiology Imaging Techniques in the Diagnosis and Characterization of Saccular Aneurysm Involving the Right Internal Jugular Vein: A Case Report and Brief Review of Literature, Javier Hernandez and Poyan Rafiei
Utilization of an Activity-Based Journal Club to Deliver Pediatric Education to Prehospital Providers, Lauren Bolton, Ratna Acharya, Jeffrey Katz, Linh Nguyen, Ariel Vera, and Ayanna Walker
Utilization of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Protocol in Gynecologic Surgery, Rachel Hartman, Sanela Andelija, Natalie P. Hurlock, James Baron, Stephen Zweibach, Bradley Sipe, Tiffany Tonismae, and Miriah Denbo
Vaginal Bleeding Due to Iatrogenic Uterine Perforation - A Case Report, John Costumbrado, Leah Snyder, Sassan Ghassemzadeh, and Daniel Ng
Vancomycin Anaphylaxis and Kounis Syndrome Case Report, Brandon W. Cunningham, Shreya Shah, and Saptarshi Biswas
Variation in Transcript Reports Among Residency Applicants: An Anesthesia Program’s Perspective, Alex M. Hendon and Imani Thornton
Veillonella Discitis: A Rare Presentation and Review of Literature, Akankcha Alok, Vidya Sagar Kollu, and Gautam Kalyatanda
Venous Air Embolism: A Systematic Review, Hamza Alzghoul, Omar Obeidat, Saeed Abughazaleh, Abdallah Al-Ani, Ahmad Al-Jabali, Mohammad Z. Khrais, Mohammad Tarawneh, Hashim Al-Ani, Mohamed Ismail, Ariel Ruiz de Villa, Asad Haider, Bashar Alzghoul, and Bilal F. Samhouri
Venous Thromboembolism During Pregnancy and Postpartum Period: An Updated Review, Sanaullah Mojaddedi, Javairia Jamil, Andrew Abraham, Dawood Jamil, Hend Mansoor, and Islam Y Elgendy
Visnagin: A Novel Cardioprotective Agent Against Anthracycline Toxicity (Review)., Omar Obeidat, Ali Obeidat, Abedallah Obeidat, and Mohamed F. Ismail
Vitamin D Deficiency Leading to Renal Tubular Acidosis, Christopher Jacob Reguyal and Jake Francisco
Viz LVO versus Rapid LVO in detection of large vessel occlusion on CT angiography for acute stroke., Adam Delora, Christopher Hadjialiakbari, Eryn Alexandra Percenti, Jordan Torres, Yazan J. Alderazi, Rime Ezzeldin, Ameer E Hassan, and Mohamad Ezzeldin
Viz LVO versus Rapid LVO in Detection of Large Vessel Occulusion on CT Angiography for Acute Stroke, Adam Delora, Ali Kerro, Christopher Hadjialiakbari, Eryn Percenti, Jordan Torres, Yazan J. Alderazi, Rime Ezzeldin, Ameer E. Hassan, and Mohamad Ezzeldin
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Well-Being and Leadership Within the Emergency Department, Jacob T. Berg, Thomas Matese, Dennis Anthony Cardriche, and David Hotwagner
Wellness Initiatives Interview, Gregory Guldner and Ashton L. Stahl
Wernicke Encephalopathy: Not Always Alcohol’s Fault, Joseph Hendrickson and Ryan Spilman
What Motivates You?, Mohamad S. Saad
Where’s ADAM? Successful Treatment of COVID-19 Vaccine-Related Refractory Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, Christopher Fontela, Alfredo Toll, Jose Fernandez, Gabriel Barciela-Perez, Jorge Diaz, Greisy Curbelo-Sesin, Ilde Manuel Lee, and Jose Gascon
Where You See Smoke, There is Probably Fire, Algimantas Simpson, Isait Alvarado, and Marvin Sineath Jr.
Wilson’s Disease: A Late-Onset Presentation of Polyneuropathy, He Wang, Austin Goff, Nathan Lowe, and Sanaz Siran
Woman with a Lump Under Her Tongue, Rachel Sealby, Steven Goodfriend, and Martin Wegman
Words Unspoken, Andreea Popa
Writing Learning Objectives, HCA Healthcare